LANCASTER – Valley families are invited to attend the 2014 Livestock Symposium at the Antelope Valley Fairgrounds this Saturday, Jan. 25, from 8:30 a.m. to Noon.
The annual symposium is a 4-H exposition designed for youth (ages 5 to 19), which provides information about raising and caring for a variety of animals, including dogs, rabbits, poultry, pygmy goats and large livestock.
This year’s Livestock Symposium will bring together prominent speakers to discuss the challenges of the livestock industry in California while also demonstrating better agricultural practices and pet care through presentations and exhibitions.
Participants can choose from several workshops, including:
- Beef nutrition and selection;
- The feeding and showing of sheep, swine, rabbits and pygmy goats; and
- Poultry basics, to name a few.
There will even be a horse massage therapy and showmanship clinic. In addition to the program, attendees will enjoy opportunities to win door prizes.
“This will be quite the livestock event in Southern California. Due to the many wonderful supporters and participants, we will be able to bring a high-quality program to the local livestock community,” says Charlene Moore, UC Cooperative Extension’s 4-H program coordinator.
As part of the University of California Cooperative Extension, 4-H has been active for more than 100 years. 4-H has a rich history of teaching rural children to raise animals; and in recent years, 4-H has had a more urban twist, offering more than 80 projects that range from marine biology to photography.
Registration for the symposium is $2 per attendee ($4 for non-residents). Parents may attend along with their children. To register online, visit www.cityoflancasterca.org/recreation. If you have not registered online with the City before, simply request a user name and PIN code as prompted.
Phone, fax and walk-in registrations are also welcome. Call the City’s Parks, Recreation and Arts Department at 661-723-6077 for more information.
(Information via press release from the City of Lancaster.)