PALMDALE – The City of Palmdale obtained a preliminary injunction in LA County Superior Court Thursday to close down and board up a reputed Palmdale drug house for one year.
The home, located at 1647 East Avenue Q-6, had been the location of at least 36 drug related arrests, one arrest for an assault with a deadly weapon, and one arrest of a convicted felon possessing ammunition at the property since January 2011.
The City cited Health and Safety code 11570, which requires “every building or place used for the purpose of unlawfully selling, serving storing, keeping, manufacturing, or given away any control substance…or place wherein or upon which those acts take place, is a nuisance which shall be enjoined, abated, and prevented and for which damages may be recovered, whether it is a public or private nuisance.”
“This property had been a nuisance to the surrounding neighborhood for too long,” said Palmdale Assistant Attorney Noel Doran. “I’m pleased that the court ordered the closure of the property for a year. The removal of this problem from the community will allow an otherwise vibrant neighborhood to thrive. The City Council has made neighborhood improvement a focus for 2014 and city staff has really embraced that mandate. While staff will continue to work hard on neighborhood issues, we really need the citizens to step forward and help us identify the areas that need improvement. I’d ask any citizen that is aware of a problem in their neighborhood to contact our Neighborhood Preservation Department.”
“We’re going into 2014 with a renewed focus on improving our neighborhood through our code enforcement,” said Palmdale Mayor Jim Ledford. “We pride ourselves on being a place to call home, and to make Palmdale even safe for schoolchildren, families and seniors, we need to eradicate illegal drug houses that do nothing but destroy communities. There is no room here in Palmdale for this.”
(Information via press release from the city of Palmdale.)
Elise661 says
The owner has a right after a year to try and remove the lien on the house but he has to pay thousands of dollars in fines and I know him from years back and he does not have that kind of money so probably not.
pall says
Dank why u dry snitching that’s why the cops keep on that block cuz ur mouth what happens there u don’t need to publish it all just tell them ur name too might as well Devin fosnagh that is ur name stop talking ur that stupid
HeartBroken Mother says
“We’re going into 2014 with a renewed focus on improving our neighborhood through our code enforcement,” said Palmdale Mayor Jim Ledford. “We pride ourselves on being a place to call home, and to make Palmdale even safe for schoolchildren, families and seniors, we need to eradicate illegal drug houses that do nothing but destroy communities. There is no room here in Palmdale for this.”
I wholeheartedly agree. Drugs. They destroy communities and families…sad, sad, sad especially for any children involved or born into this lifestyle :(((
Anyone involved in taking..making or selling drugs…you can get out from it!!! Yes you can!! You are worth it!!
But of course first you just have to want to do it and get the help. Please do it!! Especially if you have children! Its not fair to them!
And think about the pain you are causing to other members of your family. They want you in their lives but cannot have you in their lives if you are involved it this lifestyle. It brings danger to all those who truly love you.
Please get help!!
DaNk says
Thank you! I hope people take heed to your advice. That was very nice! And you are right, you can get out of it. I did!
Heartbroken Mother says
I hope so too. Good for u Dank, if you have been able to get away from this n turn your life around. I’m sure those who love you are so happy that you have left this behind you.
The only way to successfully do this is to stay away from those who can pull you back into it…cut ties with them completely. Your family are the only people who really love you and will always be there for you…to help you because they actually care about you. The ones that you need to leave in your past did not care about you….they only care about what they can get from you… what you can do for them.
I continue to pray for my family member who is mixed up in this kind of stuff. Praying one day she sees just how destructive this lifestyle is. She is a beautiful person inside and out and has just become so messed up with making the wrong choices and being around the wrong people. I know it’s the drugs that have made her choose this lifestyle over her family. I wish she could just see and understand how much we love her and how much these people do not… no matter what they keep telling her. It is truly sad how some people have to hit the very rock bottom before they realize this.
AVGirl says
No mention of what might happen to the owner of the home. Whoever does own it should be held accountable. It would be ironic if the city owned it.
BrendaB says
Why should the owner of the home be held accountable? What if the house is rented out? I myself rent and my landlord only comes over to fix things, and is rarely to never in our personal business. Something to think about…
AVGirl says
Because a landlord is responsible for the home if it becomes a nuisance. It can even be seized in some cases.
I am in property management and own 4 of my own rentals. If I find out that a tenant is dealing drugs, I have the legal obligation to have them evicted or I could face losing my house.
Proving the owner was aware of the activities is the trick, but if it can be proven and the landlord disregarded it, they can be held accountable.
As for the city condemning the property, the owner will be sent a bill for the board up.
BrendaB says
Oh okay, I did not know that. I learned something new today. I think the owner knew according to the comments..lol..Thanks for the info anyways!
Nancy P says
If you need a business license to rent a house out to someone, the address should show up as a rental and the homeowner should be notified. What happened to the nuisance laws? I thought something was “suppose” to be done at a property if there were 4 or more calls for service at a certain address. My guess is this house is owed by city or someone affiliated with the city renting it through some type of low rent program. Poor neighbors having to put up with this for so long!
DaNk says
Don’t worry! The owner of the home was one of the druggies that was arrested there on multiple occasions. He is in jail. He got 270 days, but will probably be out in a month!!! He is not allowed on the property for a year and if they fix all of the substandard problems then he will be allowed to return. And they did not board it up. They just put signs. The front door is wide open.
Elise661 says
I know that house very well since I at one point 6 years ago lived there too. It has just been turned into a dump and that is too bad. I feel bad for the owners mom since last I knew was the only one living there who worked her ass off and was rarely ever there. Unfortunately, I don’t think the owner deserves to get the house back but yes he can get it back after a year but has to pay back all the charges on it first which from what I heard is so far estimated anywhere from 5,000.00-7,000.00. Anyone know who the 5 people were who were arrested? Just curious since my sons dad, who we haven’t heard from in who knows how long, lived there (I think since it was his last address that I know of) when all this went down.
DaNk says
Ha Ha! No more flop house! And D***y is in jail. [removed] owes me $20!! They still go there to shoot up heroin.
mr overdose says
there is no heroin around to shot up…that block is empty.
DaNk says
Yeah right! There is 2 houses on that block still! Don’t act like you know!
Peter says
There is no other house like danny’s on that block
AV Folk says
Now that it’s boarded up and vacant we can all rest easy. Druggies hate boarded up vacant properties.
audrey says
Good point. My very sarcastic thought exactly.