LANCASTER – Authorities are working to identify the human remains found in Lancaster this past weekend.
“We have a skull and some other bones,” said Los Angeles County Assistant Chief Coroner Ed Winter.
A passerby made the discovery around 5:40 p.m. Saturday (Dec. 14) near Challenger Way and Avenue G-8 in Lancaster, Winter said.
“Evidently somebody was walking his dog and discovered them and notified law enforcement,” Winter said.
Los Angeles County Coroner’s officials collected the remains and are attempting to determine the cause of death. The gender, age or race of the victim is not known at this point, Winter said.
The human skull and bones found Saturday were discovered about a mile away from where a partial skeleton was found in March. (Read more here.)
“They might be related, we’re not sure. We’re going to have to compare them,” Winter said.
Around 6:19 p.m. on March 7, a passerby discovered a partial skeleton in the middle of a desert field near Division Street and East Avenue H in Lancaster, officials said at the time.
Those remains have yet to be identified, Winter said Monday.
No further information on either case is available at this time.
Anyone with information is urged to contact the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department’s Homicide Bureau at 323-890-5500.

Previous related story: Passerby finds human remains in Lancaster
Cathy says
Oh geese! Not sure what to think anymore about what used to be a friendly little town, the homeless are everywhere asking for money and food, if I so happen to run into a fast food place, they come in and take the food out of the trash cans and use the public bathrooms, the metro link is bringing up trouble from L.A and it’s never going to stop. I gave money one day only to notice a drug deal a few moments later and probably with my money. The home invasion robberies are really bad and it’s not going to get any better either, how scary is that? Maybe your house is next! Or mine… It’s time to lock and load! Our neighbors are patrolling now, we are taking our security of our homes very personally now, are you? It’s time to wake up and really start watching everyone, have friends come and visit during the day while your at work, mix up your schedule!
homless=killer? says
What does the homeless population have to do with an unidentified skeleton? Are you saying that homeless people are murderers, or that the remains are a homeless person? Instead of giving homeless people money, have you ever considered giving them a warm meal, jacket, or blanket? If they are truly in need they will gladly accept the food you offer them. They are human beings, who are looked down upon as less than us, when in reality they are JUST like us, except they had a series of unfortunate events and now don’t have a home or family to help them out. Not all homeless people are drug addicts. A lot of them are verterans, and good people just down on their luck. A little compassion can go a long way. As far as the remains go, hopefully they will be able to identify them and bring peace to whoever is missing them.
KOUI says
No, a lot of them are not veterans, they are “pretend” veterans. I don’t like the term homeless either. I prefer panhandlers because they always ask for money.
s says
So..the homeless coming in a fast food place to eat from the trash and use the restroom is an issue? I’m thinking its better they’re able to do that rather than having to use the restroom outside or rob houses for food? I’m really not understanding your logic with the homeless aspect. I have lived homeless and thank God I could use a bathroom in certain public establishments..I was able to clean up for school, etc. Not all who are homeless choose that life. And even if they drink, dope whatever ..I totally understand. They live a miserable too cold or too hot life. Provided they’re not burglarizing houses ..leave them alone.
s says
Let me add.. these horrible panhandlers..I would have to do so sometimes and honestly it was exciting when someone would buy me food. I was enthralled over an instant wanton soup that was like 10 cents more than regular top ramen. Once a sheriff bought me some peanut butter and saltine crackers. I made those last all month. It’s the small things that a person can do for somebody that can sincerely mean the most.
K says
Maybe its part of that hand that dog found this year
s says
A lady that committed suicide? How in the world? That just sounds weird. I can’t remember there being an update on it either. And in regard to the remains found on division, I believe they released whether it was male or female ..but I can’t recall. All I know is two “remains” within a mile perimeter makes me extremely uncomfortable. Prayers to whomever the soul belongs to and the family.
vanessa durazo says
o my god this is so crazy lancaster is geting so bad
Jason says
they used to find bodies all the time. A majority of them were dumped here from elsewhere
Nancy P says
Did anyone ever identify the skeleton found in Lancaster, on the Valley Central side of the old Walmart. It was found intact with NO personal belongings, inside the fenced area near the loading dock of the abandoned Walmart building.
joe says
Nancy. This person was identified and was a homeless man froze to death and decomposed in the summer. Don’t remember his name but that’s what I know.
K says
We’re did you hear this?
Nancy P says
Thanks Joe. I always wondered who he was and how the zombies that used to hang out inside that fence, couldn’t have know he was there.
Jen says
Could you please update when you do find out? I never heard anything else about the skull discovered near Ave N since earlier in the year..
neighbor says
I believe the one near Avenue N was a lady who committed suicide.
Dez says
Wow scary