LANCASTER – Two known gang members, one in a bullet-proof vest, were taken into custody Tuesday night after a car chase, foot chase, carjacking and hostage situation in Lancaster, authorities said.
The incident started around 9:15 p.m. when authorities spotted a Honda Civic, in the area of Avenue J and 3rd Street East, which was connected to a missing person’s report, according to Sgt. Steve Owen of the Lancaster Community Appreciation Project team (LANCAP).
“The deputies then conducted a traffic stop, and as they made their approach on the vehicle, they saw that the driver was wearing a bullet proof vest and armed with a handgun,” Owen said.

“They immediately retreated… the suspects fled the area, at which time the deputies initiated a pursuit,” Owen continued.
Deputies chased the vehicle through residential streets, Owen said.
The brief pursuit ended in a cul-de-sac on Cobb Road, about a block north of East Avenue I.
The vehicle’s front passenger was detained, but the driver jumped out the car and ran away.
He jumped over a wall and led deputies on a foot chase to Avenue I. Then the suspect stopped a vehicle at gunpoint and demanded to be driven away, officials said. But deputies closed in and surrounded the victim’s vehicle.

“We attempted to negotiate with the suspect as he held the victim at gunpoint. We were not achieving much success, at which time we used alternative methods of force,” Owen said. “The suspect was Tased, and we were able to retrieve the handgun and safely remove the victim from the vehicle.”
The victim was not hurt in the altercation.
Deputies recovered ammunition, a gun magazine, shotgun shells, masks and gloves from the suspects’ vehicle.
The driver was identified as 26-year-old Rodney Redondo. He faces charges of carjacking, being a felon in possession of a firearm, possessing body armor, evading police, and a host of other charges, officials said. The second suspect was identified as 32-year-old Joseph Silva.
UPDATED 11/27/13 @ 4 p.m.
The Lancaster Sheriff’s Station has just issued a press release with more details on the incident. Read it below:
During the late evening hours of November 23, 2013, Lancaster deputies stopped a vehicle with two occupants believed to be related to a missing person. As the deputies approached, the driver pointed a handgun at the deputies and sped away. Deputies initiated a pursuit which ended when the vehicle drove into a cul-de-sac. The driver ran from the car into a nearby apartment complex. The passenger was arrested at the vehicle without incident. A firearm, ammunition, and black masks were found in the vehicle. The vehicle was found to be an unreported stolen vehicle out of Palmdale. A containment of the area was established in an effort to locate the driver. The suspect/driver ultimately carjacked a passerby. The suspect ordered the victim, at gunpoint, to drive him out of the area. As deputies approached the vehicle, they saw the suspect pointing his gun at the carjacking victim. Deputies, fearing for the victim’s safety, deployed their Tasers, disabling the suspect long enough to allow a deputy to take the gun from him. Deputies removed the suspect from the vehicle and arrested him. Both suspects were booked on multiple felony charges. A ballistic vest, masks and firearms were recovered and held as evidence.

ALERT says
oh yeah .they didn’t book him til 245 3 am HMMMMMMM why was that .
Aviswack says
[removed] Antelope Valley and the racist individuals who occupy that small ass city! LoL… The people there talk about “their” desert like its the greatest land on earth. Its nothing exciting to do, hardly any jobs that are hiring , crooked cops that pull you over for no reason and blame it on your “tail light”. Who would want to inhabit such an awful area? I’ve been to tons of cities in Southern California and this city is nice looking but the atmosphere is horrible . I am so happy I moved!! As for this guy, I don’t know his story but he should have sought help if he was having issues. The way he went about dealing with his problems was not cool.
CB says
I am so happy you moved too! Buh-byeee….
Karma says
KARMA IS A B**** thats what you get when you run around town burning people! WHAA
Upstanding Intelligent Citizen says
Allow me to breakdown some of the more complicated facts about this article, to the mindless sheep that are so relieved to have another “bad guy”” off their safe and tidy streets. The Article that is given to us, has MAJOR glaring discrepancies contained in it. And that picture of “a crybaby gangster” is further evidence of police wrongdoing.
1. Approaching the car, the suspect was seen wearing body armor and holding a weapon.
Since when do cops pull people over and approach from the front? because thats the only way that sentence would even make sense. If they had walked all the way up to either of the windows, the weapon was at the ready, and the suspect was armored, surely he would have fired first, to catch the cops off guard? And since when would someone hiding from the law, take no effort to conceal body armor? Just wear it like a neon sign to attract attention? Lucky thing they “saw it” in the nick of time.
And just a “routine traffic stop” for a missing person report? No sense in rushing right?
2. “The suspect was Tased, and we were able to retrieve the handgun and safely remove the victim from the vehicle”
If the suspect was holding a helpless victim hostage at gunpoint, (which i greatly doubt) the heroic officers chose to tase him (through glass?) Finger on the trigger, pointed at the “hostage” and they decide that making every single muscle fiber in his body contract all at once was the best idea? maybe it was a special taser that can skip the finger muscles? or he was super duper strong to have avoided pulling the trigger involuntarily. or maybe he was pointing it somewhere else? or it was in his lap? either way the cops would have been at fault if it had gone off. Lucky thing #2!
3. The incident started around 9:15 p.m. when authorities spotted a Honda Civic, in the area of Avenue J and 3rd Street East, which was connected to a missing person’s report.
Oh Wait… The vehicle was found to be an unreported stolen vehicle out of Palmdale
These Super Cops found just the right Honda Civic in all of antelope valley?? must have been a glitch when the plates were being run? Lucky Thing #3 & 4!!!
And did they ever find the missing person?
4. Suspect tasked and subdued, hostage saved, and peace restored to the fair haven of Lancaster again…
Then how fast did they stick him in the cruiser? pants down, and crooked? either that was a really crappy belt that can clearly be seen, or they move really really fast? so fast that the air hits the subject in the face above the eye and leaves a red mark? Lucky that the officers forgot about that when dishing up this silver platter load of bullshit to the paper.
Maybe ask Tony Cheval? Pretty good closeup shot, maybe he saw something?
I personally know this “lowlife gangbanger” and He is more of a decent person then half of you morons blindly cheering for crooked cops.
Im Going to fight for him in any way I can.
Because He has more honor and respect for others than most of the trash living in the AV.
Everyday life must be so much easier for stupid people…
-Hang in there Kiki. You’re not alone man
Shane Falco says
So let me see if I understand this. Kiki has a stolen vehicle, body armour, evades deputies, points a gun at another innocent person in a vehicle…and it’s the deputies that are the bad guys. I’m just curious how often a great member of the community is driving around I’m a stolen vehicle with body armor and and a gun?
What’s always made me laugh is how the gang cockroaches circle the wagons for their homies and portray these bottom feeders as good fathers, great friends, hard working salt of the earth types of guys who have been needlessly hassled and framed by deputies or police officers.
These same guys families are often on all types of government aid and the kids they have struggle because their father doesn’t have a job or is constantly in prison or jail. Their only source of income is terrorizing and robbing actual loving hard working people working hard every day to take care of their families.
Photographing this cockroach bawling with his pants down is the least of this Kiki’s real problems.
Whiner says
EXCELLENT comment Shane Falco!
CB says
You are some detective. Did you get that smart watching all those day time “Judge _____” shows or are you a product of the system yourself?
Lydia~ says
THAT’S HOW PURE evil looks like huh?
let him have it now!
[removed]what fools gotta say bout my boy Kiki he had heart and cared for others who needed help in any way yeah he did what he did but there’s a story behind it all u fools would probably do the same or worst if you only knew the truth..but you wanna stand there and run your big mouth about someone you don’t even know and top it off you idiots believe everything the cops say they got their own twisted ways as we’ll but you wanna go ahead and think the cops got your back lol they here for the $$$ and commission coming out all your pockets and mines aswell there’s no pride and respect in a cop nomore and neither in society this world is all [removed] up look around there’s no such thing as freedom anymore there’s a new law in every week soon were gonna be isolated in our homes cause no1 wants to fight these laws and even when there’s some1 willing to no1 seems to follow I guess your satisfied with what it is but others aren’t I’m a CPA gang member and does that make me a criminal? I do what’s right in my eyes and I can care less what ppl say free Kiki CPA gang
Travieso says
CB says
To CPA Street,
You claim to be a gang member, that’s sad. What you really are is a L-O-S-E-R.
However, you can change that. Go to church, get a job, get on the right track. You can do it!
As for this poor SOB in the squad-car crying with his pants around his ankles, hopefully the court system will take care of him.
Court says
Soooooo glad my boyfriend isn’t a sheriff out there anymore!!!
concerned citizen says
My first comment was not posted, most likely because I may have used some harsh language I do apologize. However I do not apologize for what I was trying to say only for how I said it.
Those of you on here supporting this person should be ashamed of yourselves. You should take him and all your other homies and move out of town. Our kids and mothers would like to go out without the worrys of being jumped mugged robbed or shot. Get jobs buy your own stuff and stop being a drain on our society. It is way past time to grow up and do something with your life. Stop breeding more gang bangin kids for us to deal with.
It is disgusting how you treat this town and cities all over the US. Its time the citizens of these communities take back their neighborhoods from this scum that terrorizes the streets. GET OUT OF TOWN!!! You are not welcomed here!
yes says
Completely agree! Well said!!! We don’t need people like this here … they are just causing a heavy burden to hard-working citizens. These guys are locked up … good, but remember all the money needed to clothe, house and feed these guys while doing time…it’s not money raining from the sky!
AVHome says
So whole heartedly agree! Please leave the AV to us normal working class people!
Nikki says
Seeing support for this thug is sickening.
I’m sure had it been your friend he had held at gunpoint you’d be singing a different tune.
Among many other things.
Lucky Hostage says
yeah, because if i was, then i would be pretty mad at the cops for risking my life by tasering the guy holding the gun to my head.
Another smart person, with another smart comment. Wake Up
AVHome says
Who cares! Criminal was caught. Please catch another!
George Smith says
He should be thankful he got tagged with a taser and not popped with a cap. He deserves a cap.
sickofit says
Seriously, folks, having grown up in this valley, it is both unbelievable and unaccceptable that this nonsense is happening here. How about if we take control of the situation, revert back to the days and ways pre-1990s, before the politicians destroyed our valley…back when we could carry our shotguns in racks in our vehicles, and stop unwanted vermine from polluting our valley. I’m over it. Can’t wait to retire and leave this hole. No wonder so many of our old timers moved to Texas.
stephanie says
Man Kiki….
May God Bless you and forgive you!
CB says
God may forgive this crying criminal but he’s still going to JAIL!
Crybaby! says
Poor baby! Crying cuss he got caught! They ain’t nothing but COWARDS! Robbing innocent people at gun point! You ain’t nothing but a “LEVA”
keepingitreal says
What a hardass gang banger, all tattooed and crying like a baby, and his pants are on backwards……what a disgrace to his gang.
Rose says
What a great picture!!!
just me says
I know right…look where the top of his pants sit…above his knees…..can’t wait to show my son, just how stupid it looks…glad they got the guys…..
j says
He probably pooped his pants :-) what a lowlife…He deserves to be laughed at for being such a scumbag!
Yess says
Good job deputies!!!!!!!
AV Folk says
You people commenting shouldn’t be throwing stones. I bet you have a sweet tattoo on your head, wear body armor, steal a car, hold a hostage, and fight the police, so don’t judge since we all do that at some point. He’s crying because he feels bad about the harm he has caused. He’s such a good person and loves his 4 kids by 4 mothers, etc…
truth says
I love it! lol. poor baby. “There’s no crying in gangbanging.”
shelena carruth says
Thank you for getting them off the streets. I was amazed at how well prepared they were to commit a violent crime. I must say that lancaster has become more knoqn for ” bullying”. And kids viseo tape it…and post for all to see. Its gotten really bad out here. Keep us more posted on when chese bullies are caught too…thanks!
Araceli says
He only has two children with two different mothers and he is a loveable father to his daughter.
Fosho! says
Loving father? Yeah right! He don’t even looks like a responsible person but a COWARD!
Araceli says
I am the mother of his daughter and he is a great father you [removed] obviously that’s why i posted that he is.
DC says
Well I’m the other daughter and I say he is a worthless disgusting no-showing non-child-support paying dope smoking drug dealing bum.
AV Folk says
Lol I stand corrected.
Haaaahaaaa says
lol says
He sure is setting a great example to his daughter! Wonder where the second baby mama is to defend this scumbag. It never fails.lol
Araceli says
I’m not defending him I’m correcting the false statements you people say, that believe to know him. I’m the first mother of his child.
AVGIrl says
I wouldn’t let my child anywhere near such a lowlife, father or no father. I seriously hope that you never consider letting your child have much to do with him. Even if he never harms her, you can be sure she will not be safe around the company he keeps.
Haaaaahaaa says
What a good example he is huh!! Who gives a damn what kind of father her is??? He’s still a stupid cry baby criminal hope they show this picture to his kids and homies!!! Baboso
As says
I’ll give you Loveable since you must know him better. But an example of what a man should be? You need to find someone else to set a better example smh
Araceli says
@AS I’m not with him and I’ve found someone else, the only thing I’m defending is he is the father of my daughter and he has always been a one to her. Judge people you don’t know.
Ouch! says
Now he won’t be there fo her since he’s a coward an got caught! He’ll make a good girlfriend for someone else in jail! Lmao!
my opinion says
He may be a loving father, but with that being said, look what he got busted with, so lets just say, your loving baby Daddy, decides to do a home invasion, your daughter is at a sleepover, were loving Daddy is doing the home invasion, kills the people in the home….realizes to late his kids is at that house, now baby Daddy is, really sorry….cause he just screwed his kids head up for life…..but then again what about the innocent people he has already hurt..and there babies…such a good Daddy….. I hope they throw the book at loving baby Daddy……
Granny says
AV Folk…I hope you are being sarcastic by saying “so don’t judge since we all do that at some point. He’s crying because he feels bad about the harm he has caused. He’s such a good person and loves his 4 kids by 4 mothers, etc…” because it’s p.o.s. like this that caused the death of baby Madison in Lancaster and Lord knows how many other innocents. I’ll be a little sarcastic now and hope the taser/tasers got him in his reproductive organs so he can’t breeed!!
udidntask says
As I will pray the same will happen to you. You think you are better than anyone pleasewith such anger in your heart and spitting words of hate what kind of father are or were you? He did what he did and he will pay for it.! What about you you have every reason to be angry but remember this city has to take responsiblity too.How many parolees are released from lancaster prisonin the last few years not to mention the relocation of south centralfamilies?
Karen O'Reilly says
Great work and compliments to the Sheriff’s Department, yet again another success! Keep up the good work folks.
jessica says
I can’t say that I feel bad for this [removed] I once called my boyfriend. . I knew it was a matter of time befor he got caught up.. that’s what he deserves cause I went above and beyond for him to make sure that something like this wouldn’t happen to him.. but then again this smoked out [removed] broke into my room and stole everything I had. He took my flatscreen off the wall my laptop and pretty much just left my bed and four walls.. so rodney guilty or keke whatever u call yourself I just hope that you keeep your cheeks closed real tight and don’t drop the soap..
araceli says
You obviously once loved this man you speak bad about. You ain’t that innocent yourself he was using drugs with you, drugs do change people. Stop playing the innocent role.
stephanie says
Exactly sweetie obviously if you had him living with you,you where backing him up. You knew what he was up too. Dont act like such an angel.
Sorry Araceli
As says
Why were you with a loser? I’m sure you knew he was up to something.
LOC's 18 says
LMFAO you know your so pathetic Jessica talking all that stuff about Kiki when you have no room to talk because your smoked out the game tweeker.your just mad bcuz you worked with feelings dumb girl didn’t anyone tell you that the only feelings your suppose to have are in your teeth.why don’t you grow up and do what you do best and swallow that already and move on.its funny how you say he got what he deserved,lol well then I guess keep that in mind next time you feel like down talking on the homie Kiki.I don’t care what anybody says Rodney aka Kiki is a solid person and a true friend. I will support my friend Kiki 118% he has friends and family that will support and stand by his side till the end.
AV Folk says
We support the homie till the end. Kiki be the homie. The end be sometime in the future. So now we support the homie. At the end Kiki no he got support rrom homies. Free HAT!!!!
sikntired says
“Dumb girl didn’t anyone tell you that the only feelings your suppose to have are in your teeth”- wow, a philosopher in banger clothing.
nope says
“Kiki” is a solid person … who goes out carjacks innocent motorists at gun point. You should be grateful deputies didn’t shoot him. They had every reason to. Bunch of gangster, cholo trash. Get out of our valley!!!
For "Nope" says
and you are a solid person who believes every load of BS that is spoon fed to you by the media. Smiles!
As says
One of them was just on the av most wanted last week. I’m glad the law caught up to him.
Lynette says
crybaby, crybaby….isn’t it 3 strikes your out???
Disgusted says
I am disgusted by the crime AND I am also disgusted that this paper chose to print the picture with the guy’s pants off after being tased. I am all for prosecuting criminal acts but it would be a shame if the case had to be transferred bc of photos like this causing a change in venue. I think you have the right to post this photo but it could actually give his lawyer an argument that now he can not get a fair trial here bc jurors may have “bias” due to one stupid picture. You should not hobble the prosecutors with an unnecessary picture that could help the defense attorney get a change in venue. And god forbid if you do this in the future and the arrested person is proven to be innocent.
George Smith says
Hey disgusted, are you for real? No sympathy for this bastard, hope they lock him away for good. Oh yeah, Happy Thanksgiving.
Lancaster guy says
You didn’t understand his comment apparently. You are SIMPLE.
Dani says
I didn’t know it was illegal to carry body armor.
Jeff says
In CA, felons can’t possess armor, but that law didn’t stop these [removed] from doing it. It’s just another add on charge for being a piece of [removed]. Another example of how laws do not change behavior.
Amanda says
Wow. We live on Cobb. Scary
NRA member says
Look at him, now he is crying, ha ha ha
Red Ondo says
Was the guy in the pic a perpetrator or the victim?
sikntired says
Looks to be handcuffed.
Darius White says
It also looks like his pants are on… backward? I thought that was a “Kris Kross” thing from the late 80’s.
sikntired says
Poor baby just got tazed. Wonder why his pants are on backwards down around his knees.Must have fallen off when he was fighting with the deputies.Doesn’t look so big and bad now, does he?
Good work, deputies, another knucklehead off the streets.
ConcernedCitizen says
We need to keep these people out of the Antelope Valley. No city is without criminals, but we need to stop them from coming to the AV. We need our elected officials to stop all this petty arguing and we need them to work together. The AV will never prosper if we continue to allow all this criminals to flee to the AV or if we allow judges in other counties dump serial rapists in our neighborhoods.
Germ says
Yea because politics WILL ALWAYS SOLVE OUR PROBLEMS so awesome man i applaued your retardedness.
Gabby says
This guy is a little [removed]. Looks like the d[removed] that stole our in dash tv and the cops did nothing about it!
Alleykatkitten says
I live near 5th and I and heard them above my home and saw the flood lights and quickly retreated inside and locking the door cause I knew that seeing the lights beam down in my backyard that something was not right. Thank goodness for the LASD
Good Guy says
Keep it up! Job well done! Clean up this valley! U are not welcome here u wanna be gangsters!
bella says
michele says
hey jessica you tweeking [removed]! You want to inform how “horrible” Kiki is then why dont you let it all out there and talk about yourself ! you aint nothing but a [removed] and youre all talk ! dont speak bad about people if you did the exact same thing they did , contradicting yourself little girl, grow up & move on because obviously you still hung up on him… so stfu you [removed]. cant let go of him the “lowlife” you call youre still hooked on him and for the rest of these folks making remarks, comment when you know the entire story because there is more to this then what is actually being told. the bad guys are bad cops that “claim” to be decent, which is why the lapd n others are under investigation. cant even trust the police.
AVHome says
When it comes to criminals/gangbangers/child molestors/murderers, I don’t care how the cops do their jobs to catch them. Be a normal citizen and stop acting like you want to be in jail/prison!
Fedupp says
The crooked sherriffs r just as bad if not worse than the criminals, they lie, manipulate the system, n do all kinds of illegal things they treat humans like anumals they think they above the law n are untouchable but God sees everything good and bad every dog has there day,, oh yeah n they are racists,, n suppose to uphold the law Now thats scum..