LANCASTER – A 21-year-old suspected drug dealer was arrested for animal cruelty last week after deputies raided the man’s east Lancaster home and found a bleeding pitbull in a bathroom shower stall with its hind legs bound together, authorities said.
Carlos Gonzalez was arrested on suspicion of possession of marijuana, methamphetamine, and hydrocodone for sales, cruelty to animal, and possession of counterfeit money, according to a press release from the Lancaster Sheriff Station. Read it below:
After a lengthy investigation, Sheriff’s deputies with the Lancaster TOP/CORE Teams served a search warrant [on Oct. 16] during the early morning at a residence on the 44000 block of 3rd Street East in the city of Lancaster.
In the residence they contacted the sole occupant of the home, suspect Carlos Gonzalez.
Deputies also discovered a significant amount of packaged marijuana, methamphetamine, and a substantial number of hydrocodone pills.
Deputies also located an adult Pit-bull breed dog in a bathroom shower stall with both of its hind legs bound together. The animal apparently had been left in the shower stall since the prior day and sustained several small abrasions and lacerations.
Los Angeles County Animal Control took custody of the animal to house it, pending treatment from a veterinarian.
Suspect Gonzalez was booked at Lancaster Station Jail for possession of marijuana, methamphetamine, and hydrocodone for sales, cruelty to animal, and possession of counterfeit money. Suspect Gonzalez was being held on $20,000 bail.
[removed] says
You Guys Shouldnt Just go based on what police men say if all you know they Might be lying about certain things .
It’s Called Common Sense.
Tiredoftheirways says
I’m sure that piece of trash will just get a slap on the wrist and be out soon (due to so called over crowding) getting another dog and back to his old ways. Remember, what goes around comes around, hopefully this SOB will end up the same way or dead, in a back alley and not be missed at all.
More upset about the dog, poor thing I hope the dog was sent to one of the more caring vet’s in the valley and not the shelter where they tend to put the animal down too quickly…Hopefully the dog will get a second chance in a loving home with lots of loving care.
Seriously? says
Bail of only $20K? What a joke!
fed up in Lancaster says
Errrrrr, this just makes me so angry. And people wonder why pit bulls attack. They have post tramatic stress. Seriuosly if this pit was not found it could have been the dog that attacks a kid next week. And because it was mistreated.
fed up in Lancaster says
Is it wierd that I’m more upset about the dog them the drugs?
JKE says
I hope this poor pup gets a nice forever home with owners who love and spoil him.
New to AV says
Please post a photo of this guy. I’m sure a few of us would like to know what he looks like just incase we happen to “bump” into him.
Michelle says
I seriously want to hit this guy in the face with shovel…repeatedly.
Take the AV Back! says
I’ll take over if your arms get tired! ;)
Michelle says
We can take turns.
Marie says
Oh……I want to help, too!!!!!
dumbandblind says
Great job LASD! Great job. We all appreciate your hard work and dedication. Be safe and more power to you all.
Disgusted says
I hope the sorry SOB gets the book thrown at him!!! And they say Pit Bulls are a problem!!!! Not at all the case! It’s disgusting parasites like this who inhabit this valley and do nothing but ruin a community that could have so much more if people like this would just be locked up and forgotten about! Bound him up, beat him, and leave him somewhere never to be seen! Poor dogs, I’d much rather pay for this dog’s care and safe keeping than that scum sucking off the government and disgracing our streets!
Karen says
I agree. This SOB needs to have his legs/feet bound from the shower stall. And starved just to know what it’s like. Pitbulls are the sweetest dogs ever.. it’s the type of owners that make the pitbulls the way they are portrayed.
Disturbed says
Makes me sick. I can’t believe this is going on in a neighborhood i live in. How could people be so cruel to animals. I am very upset. But of course this sick person wont serve alot of time in jail they will go easy on him and he will be out soon doing the same thing again. Get rid of all these loosers from the AV
JKE says
Hopefully he will get some time for the drug dealing part. Unfortunately, for animal cruelty he will probably do hardly any time, if any. I say get rid of these people all together not just in the AV.
Roxanne says
Yes, we need these scum bags out the neighborhood, what goes with drug selling is theft & whole bunch of other crimes that victimize our neighbors. A raunchy family moved in my neighborhood they was selling drugs too & my radio got stolen out my car. Fortunately his house got raided & he is in jail. The doggie needs to be fostered & adopted. He will do a good amount of time because he has multiple charges. Doubt he will get away with this, better yet pray he won’t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Take the AV Back! says
The AV doesn’t need nor want your kind!! What used to be a small, close-knit community that found pride in it’s aerospace and military background has become a haven for low life cast-offs! The ‘powers that be’ only saw $$ when they had a drizzle of a brain storm and started advertising in less desirable places! Sure…you thought more people = more revenue; but did you stop to think that bringing in what you did is now COSTING the community because now you have to hire more sheriffs, prison guards, etc.?
Give us a break – clean it up and get ’em out!!
pat says
How can you tell the difference between the ‘powers to be’ and the cast-offs?
Take the AV Back! says
Main difference? The “power” (at least in Lancaster) lives behind expensive security gates. The cast-offs get early release from behind security gates that come with barbed wire!
Bob says
It’s a shame but true. The AV is a dump! FACT: On the average there are approximately 2000 parolees living in the AV. Plus you have their dirt bag families living here also so they can visit their convict relatives on the weekend. Now, as of Dec 1st. they are opening up another state prison in California City. Which will mean a whole now influx of dirt bags to the north of us. The AV as well as the greater Mojave Desert area is DONE. For the most part this area is a haven for illegals, thugs and parolees. Their is nothing we can do but move,,,,, sad.
Marie says
And that’s exactly what my husband and I are going to do when he retires. We are so outta here!
Gladys says
I second that Marie! Sooner than later for me.
I know crime happens everywhere, but in such a small community, the criminals seem to out number the law abiding citizens.
James Sosa says
This is sad. Poor dog. Lock this guy up and never let him out !