By Quartz Hill resident Ed Galindo (submitted 10/10/13)
In July 25, 2013 Judge Mooney ruled, after a trial, that Palmdale had Violated the California Voting Rights Act (CVRA) The Judge ordered that in order to address the violation Palmdale must propose changes in its voting process.
Palmdale appealed. As of this date no results have come down from the Appellate Courts.
Palmdale, without submitting changes, ignores Judge Mooney’s order, and also not waiting for a decision from the Appellate Court, proceeds with the election, with the same process that was ruled in violation of CVRA. The judge grants an injunction to stop the election. Palmdale and a candidate file another Appeal to this Injunction ruling by Judge Mooney. Still no ruling by the Appellate Court on either of these two issues.
What do you think?
Should Palmdale ignore Judge Mooney’s ruling of July 23, 2013: Not wait for the appellate Courts decision on the CVRA; Ignore the judges ruling on the injunction and again not wait for the Appellate Courts decision on the Injunction and forget about the law and proceed with the election?
And why?
Mr. Loa, what is your opinion, and why?
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect the views of The AV Times.
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Previous related story: Candidate files motion to reinstate Palmdale city elections
justsayno says
So…let’s follow the bread crumbs. Two current candidates for Palmdale council are getting funding from a certain public official in Lancaster. Most people know that a certain public official would love to get his fingers into Palmdale’s pie. But what they don’t know is that it extends well beyond the city council. About ten months ago a certain democrat union official representing teachers in Palmdale, met with a “prominent” member of the AV Republican Assembly. That conversation centered around “removing” the current school board, and replacing them with people friendly to Lancaster’s cause. A strategy was decided upon and funding was promised, of course through back channels, and the meeting concluded. Now ask ourselves, why would a certain Lancaster public official have a prominent AV republican work as the middle man to broker a deal with a non-partisan Palmdale teacher’s union? Why is that same group of people financing two of the candidates for city? What does Lancaster have as their agenda?
Oldman7 says
Seems like when a union conspires with public officials, in order to influence and sway an election, that it would be a violation of the voting rights act. Sneeky tactics, back door deals, hidden campaign funding…that all sounds like organized crime. Maybe someone should investigate that union official and his relationship to those AV republicans and that city official. If they are really doing these things to gain power over an entire school district, city and its people, they deserve to be prosecuted.
intheknow says
All true Mr. Oldman. Word on the street is that the Palmdale teacher’s union official was approached by the lancaster official and promised matching funds up to $50k to run a slate of challengers to take over the school district. They even had help from that same prominent local republican to build a strategy to make the current school board look bad. The reason? A clean sweep of all of the power brokers in Palmdale, so that a Lancaster official, a democrat Palmdale union official, and a few prominent republicans can control the entire valley. And the Palmdale teachers think its all being done for them…that’s funny.
But that’s not all, no that’s not all…just to hedge the bet, that same public official made a backroom deal to endorse one other challenger for school board outside of the union’s choices.
Four challengers in all, all running for school board with money generated in Lancaster and filtered in three cases through our local republican assembly. At least one of the challengers knows the money trail because she has been there done that before. Her roots run deep into the Lancaster side of the valley and a bunch of questionable money.
So, two challengers for city positions, and as many as four for school board, all receiving $$$$ from our not so much friends to the north.
No Incumbents says
I think you are confusing this with the meeting held at Sandy’s house by “Palmdale First” and set their plan to intimdate any opposition. Including lies like this. Tagger “Sick” was there too.
sjgranai says
“I think lancaster people, its mayor and its commission people, need to stay out of palmdale’s business. Don’t you have skateboarders attacking citizens, homophobic, jew hating commissioners, and pregnant chinese women to deal with.”
Omg…best reply…ever!
yabbadabba says
@ Marissa: It’s apparent that you’re not in the know of all things, especially punctuation, capitalizing, etc.
I suggest you take a class not on on the above, but the fact that Quartz Hill is not a city…hello…
I think that all this back and forth b.s. is not positive and a poor show of sportsmanship/obeying the law. Apparently someone is will to do the crime and maybe just maybe do the time.
I’m not concerned in petty issues that involve politician’s assassinating the name of another politician.
The A.V. is not all that the cronies of the local government pretend it to be…
Grow-up and work together instead of against one another…we share the same air, etc.
So be it that Palmdale ignore the law; I have no investment nor live there (thank God). All the apartments complexes in Palmdale are looking like Projects…and they’re in Lancaster as well. Some mobile home parks are Projects as well in both cities.
sikntired says
Where did she call Q H a city? …and just maybe the King or some of his cronies will do the time.
By the way, QH is not without da mobile home parks and sec 8 apartments.
sikntired says
This is the mindset of Mr and Mrs Galindo and the others pushing this lawsuit.
The Anti-REX says
Its NOT the people of Lancaster its our I___T Mayor.
Marissa says
Why does a Quartz Hill resident, and someone clearly bought off by the city of Lancaster, care so much about what goes on in Palmdale?
Palmdale is not ignoring the judge. It was the county of LA that printed the ballots and mailed them to my home, not the city of palmdale. Should the people of palmdale just stay home and not vote? That may be good for the mayor of lancaster, but not for my home town.
Does it matter to you, Mr. Gallindo, that the mayor of lancaster found 3 guys, 2 of which has never voted in Palmdale before, one of them didn’t even know he was signing up for a lawsuit, and got them to sue palmdale. one he put on a commission, another he has bought off in many ways, and the third is still completely confused about how the petition he signed turned him into someone who sued the city he lives in.
It bothers me that mr. paris, instead of dealing with his own city, is sending troublemakers into my city to cause it problems. it bothers me that he puts people like you on commissions, you don’t live in either city, just to slam the mayor and the city of palmdale. feel good about yourself yet?
I think lancaster people, its mayor and its commission people, need to stay out of palmdale’s business. Don’t you have skateboarders attacking citizens, homophobic, jew hating commissioners, and pregnant chinese women to deal with.
Letlow says
LOL!!! Tell ’em why you mad!
pissedoffnative says
Violated California voting laws. Why is this a topic for palmdale? Come on guys, as a Lancaster resident, I feel gypped that another city is stealing or thunder for corruption. Before I go on, not to sound childish, but I want everyone to acknowledge that king Paris IS the most corrupt of them all!! King Paris and Marvin “Christ” are the worst of the scum. These people direct certain demographics to certain parts of the city clearly visible as you drive down 10th from palmdale to ave A. Mayor Paris is a crooked lawyer that runs a crooked firm and pays his employees crooked wages and walls a crooked line. He has got to be the biggest a$$ hole since David Schwarzenegger and Brown got cut-sies in front of the handicap kids at Disneyland! Anyone who lives in Lancaster either LOVE PARIS, because they are blind and ignorant, put they HATE him because we are not stupid, and when no one likes a man and he wins with 3/4 of the final tally, well have you ever watched the movie black sheep with Chris Farley? FRAUD!
Jay says
may you shoulf find a minoriy plaintiff and sue lancaster and base it the Palmdale suit
William says
Try again. Your comment makes no sense.
Jay says
maybe you should find a minoriy plaintiff and sue lancaster and base it on the Palmdale suit