PALMDALE – The Palmdale Sheriff Station has designated October as Child Safety month, authorities announced Tuesday.
For the next 31 days, the Palmdale Sheriff Station will release information to the community about important topics to help ensure children’s safety.
Safety tips for walking to school
Now that the summer is over and children are back in school, it is important to teach your children safety tips, especially if they walk to school. There are many things you can do to help protect your children as they are walk to and from school.
Discuss a plan. Determine the safest route for your child to use on the walk. Look at things like traffic volume, speed limits, the availability of sidewalks, lighting and available crossing guards.
Once you determine a route, walk the route with your child and discuss any hazards as you walk. Teach your child how traffic signals work and the proper time to cross at an intersection, which is designated by signals.
Explain to your child the importance of looking both ways and listening to your surroundings before crossing the street. Remind your child to continue to watch for cars even when crossing the street.
Educate your child on the importance of using a crosswalk (preferably with crossing guards) and the dangers of crossing mid-block.
Encourage or insist your child walk with a group of other children. Set up a group of parents who can alternate walking with the children. Warn them about the dangers of accepting rides from people they do not know.
Tell your child to avoid taking “shortcuts” and stay on the route you have chosen for them.
Designate a family member or a trusted friend your child can go to in the event of an emergency.
If you have any questions or concerns, call the Palmdale Sheriff Station at 661-272-2400 or email Deputy Jodi Wolfe at jewolfe@lasd.org.
(Information via press release from the Palmdale Sheriff’s Station.)