PALMDALE – The Palmdale Recycled Water Authority (PRWA) board Wednesday night approved a resolution to support the Palmdale Hybrid Power Plant project, city officials announced today.
The resolution passed with four yes votes, with Director Kathy Mac Laren being absent. Director Mac Laren’s support statement was read into the record by Authority Counsel Matthew Ditzhazy.
Among the reasons the Board’s resolution cited for its support of the project included the intense study and scrutiny the project underwent, the approval of both the California Energy Commission and United States Environmental Protection Agency, the 1:3 to 1 emission reduction credits the project will produce, the 800 construction jobs and 35 permanent jobs, and the millions of dollars in tax and sales revenue.
“As a past Palmdale Planning Commissioner, I was well educated on all aspects of this project and feel certain that it would be beneficial for our City and region and is a very safe project,” said PRWA Board member Kathy Mac Laren. “We need this project to move forward especially now with the uncertainty to the grid caused by the closure of San Onofre.”
In a Board Memorandum, PRWA’s Assistant Executive Director Mike Mischel wrote, “In addition to the multiple benefits this project will bring to the Antelope Valley, the project will pay for the construction of a large portion of the Antelope Valley Recycled Water Project backbone at a cost of approximately $20 million which will benefit the entire region. The PHPP will construct approximately 1,800 feet of 36-inch water line at the Palmdale Water Reclamation Plant that will supply the pump station that will feed the PHPP and the PRWA’s future pump station for its entire service area. The PHPP will also provide the grading and site preparation for the PRWA’s pump station. The recycled water backbone that the PHPP will install will also provide redundancy between the Lancaster Water Reclamation Plant and the Palmdale Water Reclamation Plant, hence providing the PRWA with additional redundancy.”
“This is a $20 million dollar benefit that is paid for by the plant owner—not the taxpayer,” said Palmdale Mayor Jim Ledford. “It connects the two cities and brings reclaimed water to the west valley without the ratepayers footing the bill.”
Mischel’s report continued by stating, “The PHPP has been thoroughly vetted, having undergone one of the most extensive environmental review processes in the nation. Both the CEC and EPA have concluded there are no environmental concerns. The PHPP is in full compliance with all State and Federal health and air quality regulations.
The PRWA is the latest group to endorse the Palmdale Power Plant. Other notable supporters include the Los Angeles Economic Development Corporation (LAECD), State Senator Steve Knight, Assemblymember Steve Fox, Board of Equalization Member George Runner, Palmdale Chamber of Commerce, A.V. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, A.V. African American Chamber of Commerce, and the Los Angeles/Orange Counties Building and Construction Trades Council.
Read the PWRA resolution supporting the Palmdale Hybrid Power Plant project here.
(Information via press release from the city of Palmdale.)
Previous related stories:
LA Economic Development Corp. supports Palmdale Power Plant
VIDEO: Lancaster opposition continues Palmdale Power Plant
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Palmdale responds to hybrid power plant controversy, again
Palmdale responds to hybrid power plant controversy
jason zink says
They allowed sixty acres on the San Andreas Fault Line for a future Collge for Palmdale at 25th St East and Barrel Springs Rd. There’s a pattern of bad decision making with tax payer money.
jason zink says
I wonder who sits on this PRWA board ??? O~ya same people different hats same rumber stamp?
I have heard a little from Plant 42 giving it a go but not from the union representing the aerospace workers concerns. Or how dammaging this could be in promoting soccer tournaments PR if people belive air is bad for kids to play in and if a bad perception would destroy tournaments and tourism in Lancaster and Palmdale which is a big job creator here.
Why not build it next to the Palmdale Landfill if its so clean! transmission lines are right there and you could use the methane gas coming out of the landfill to turn the turbine. Use grey water from City & RITTER Ranch for solar trough.
Sun Is The Answer says
To maximize the output of the solar the wide open sky is needed. Putting an array between ridges is a bad idea. Not to mention the fault line.
Perception was a good word to use. There are a lot of false perceptions being tossed around by folks about how this plant would operate and the type of emissions from it.
G. Marrion says
East of 50th and North of Palmdale Blvd would be ideal and closer to the water. Also prevailing winds would carry any discharge out to the desert and not over residential areas. The solar aspect of this plant is minimal, and only used to sell the project to the public. The steam plume will shade and nearly neutralize what little solar is available. Google “Power Plant Steam Plume”, and click on Images, to see what the big blue skies of the entire AV will be doomed to.
William says
Did you make this suggestion 5 years ago before they did all the permits and studies?
Too late now.
G. Marrion says
With 3 relocation’s, and a sale to another company, old studies and permits no longer apply. Summit is already researching the unprecedented proximity to residential housing.
Sun Is The Answer says
There are water lines everywhere in this valley. I do agree the recycled water from the waste treatment plant is right there though, good use for it.
The wind down M shoves me east bound most days. Not north east. Dead east. To the buttes. And eventually Lake Los Angeles. At 50th and Palmdale and that region the wind does push north east. Right to…. you guessed it Lake Los Angeles.
The steam plume will not be that all that great. The pictures via that search are often on the occasional day (as mentioned in other articles) where atmospheric conditions are ripe for cloud formation. Another place that generates steam is the uniform laundry on Ave I. Early morning for two hours a few days a month during winter is when you can see it. I expect more from a greater generator like the power plant but it will still not be an all day visible event that blots out the sun.
“what little solar is available.” HA! Knee slapper.