PALMDALE – Three men and a woman were shot in east Palmdale early Sunday morning, authorities said.
One of the men, identified as 32-year-old Dean Klein of Palmdale, died of his injuries, according to the Los Angeles County Coroner’s office.
The gang-related shooting happened around 1:30 a.m. Sunday (Aug. 25) outside a home on Avenue Q-6 and Lilacview Avenue, according to Lt. David Dolson of the Sheriff’s Homicide Bureau.
“The victims were hanging out in a garage at the location, and the suspects approached on foot,” Dolson said. “After some gang-related stuff was exchanged, the suspects opened fire, killing the one guy.”

Two male victims, ages 21 and 30, and a 23-year-old female victim were transported to a local hospital with non-life-threatening injuries, Dolson said. All three were treated and released, he added.
A 27-year-old man inside the garage managed to escape gunfire, Dolson said.
Dolson said the suspects may have driven to the location, approached the garage on foot, and then escaped in a vehicle. Further information on the suspects and the getaway vehicle was not immediate available. No suspects were in custody for the shooting as of early Sunday afternoon.
Anyone with information about this incident is urged to contact the Los Angeles County Sheriff Department’s Homicide Bureau at 323-890-5500. To remain anonymous, call Crime Stoppers at 800-222-8477.
Editor’s note: We will have more information on this incident as it becomes available.
gina says
Any updates on Dean Klein’s murder
johnny doe says
Was it dean that use to live on 22nd back in the days? Does he have a facebook?
DaNk420 says
I knew Dean. He was a good dude! He will be missed. Jay’s already having a tough time without him at the shop! My deepest condolences.
Gina says
All I know that my man of 3 years was taken from this senseless mistake. My life has changed knowing my baby wont be coming through that front door anymore.we had a plan to be together forever runaway in marrige but now im here left alone.so please let him go in peace were he has left us all to go…i love you babe from your babe always Gina
Gina says
All I know is that the love of my life was taken from me and now im all alone. 3beautiful years with my baby Dean,and because stupid [removed] like this I wil spend nights crying for my other half .Dean was Dean . So if you didnt know him keep your freakin mouths shut…I love you babe you’ll forever be loved…
Dxo says
Iveseenitall says
Most of the comments are to wish the family well. My questions is, who were they targeting? If this was a home invasion robbery, I understand. This seemed like a targeted house or person in that garage. So who’s the gangmember they were trying to shoot?
Second, for that one lady, “You can’t even spank your kids”, you are so wrong. Discipline is soley up to the parent. Where it becomes criminal is when the child shows up with a black eye, broken nose, cast on their arm. You can spank your child all you want!!! You CAN NOT INJURE your child. Then again, if your causing these types of injuries, your not spanking, your beating and that’s where it becomes criminal.
Phyllis says
I knew Dean for many years. God bless him & his family.Your friend, Phyllis.
Ivan says
Paula says
Years ago I used to live on Q-6, just a ways down from where this senseless shooting took place.
What a shame that my ex-neighborhood has changed so much. It’s not a safe area anymore. I’m glad that I moved away almost 24 years ago.
Condolences to Dean’s family. Hopefully the attacking gangbangers responsible for this unprovoked rampage that caused death, serious injuries and devastation to the innocent family members- will soon be caught locked up for the rest of their miserable lives.
I agree, they are indeed cowards who have to run in packs.
Stephanie says
I grew up around this kind of life and when I was young I made some terrible choices. But I must say I am grateful for having moved on with my life and growing up. I knew Dean well at one time but its been many years since I last saw him. My heart is heavy with sadness for his family. The Dean I knew had a heart of gold. For those of you that speak hatred, you’re no better than the person who pulled the trigger. If your so disgusted with the gangs in your community then get up off your self righteous asses and do something about it! You can’t fight hate with hate, nobody wins! R.I.P Dean ♥
Charlie says
Glad to see you’re doing well. I hate living in fear up here because of the low life riff raff and gangs. How do you propose we do something about it? I live in a good area of Palmdale. We have neighborhood watch. We have nosy neighbors too which helps but these riff raff are patrolling our neighborhood watching for people to leave so they can go and break in. Had it happen to me!!!
Stephanie says
I believe it needs to start with the children in the community. The ones that are most at risk. I don’t have a solid answer as to how or what can be done but I do know there needs to be some outreach attempted there are too many kids growing up in that area without parental guidance and yes that becomes everyone’s problem. I worked for Penny Lane before I moved and I can’t even tell you how disheartening it is to work with these kids. Most of them want nothing more than to be loved and cared for but in every direction all they receive is anger and hate. These are the kids that grow up to destroy communities, they don’t care because no one has taken the time to care for them. I believe it needs to be a group effort everyone needs to be involved, churches, businesses, families everyone! The entire community needs to come together to fix things. Best wishes for everyone.. I hope some good will be born from tragedy!
jackie says
i knew Dean for years and was also an ex boyfriend of mine and yes he was a very good person who worked everyday and who probably alot of you have delt with him at his place of business….. we just lost a good friend just a few weeks ago and another 2 months ago…. so those of us that ARE Deans family or friends are really going thru alot right now…. this murder was almost 5 people and children that were inside the house… i love how people have soooo much hate in them but do nothing about it … practice what you preach ,…or keep your mouth shut…. and this home is NOT a section 8 home it is owned my the inlaws that are related to one of the victims… so its not your business whos cars are in the drive way… and you people are soooo hated about what happen why didnt any of you call and report the car that parked and then they ran back to after they killed innocent people for no reason?
yabbadabba says
The worst cowards are gang bangers that murder then run away…Why not duking it out like in the past? I see a lot folks sitting in their garage with door wide open hanging out with friends, but this will probably scare folks from doing this from now on.
It doesn’t matter what time it was, it was cold blooded murder. The rising crime of people brandishing guns and shooting to murder is real and needs to be handled. We as citizens should not have to live in fear or just die while on your own property.
I don’t know the victim, so cannot judge him…just wish the family sincere condolences…
Charlie says
These cowards don’t have registered guns. They buy them illegally. Areas where they have legalized concealed carry have less crime. The AV needs more police patrolling our streets and curfew needs to be enforced. A lot of these punks should be home at the hours these crimes are committed.
Notagain says
All I have to say is if you belong to a gang, expect things like this to happened!! It’s sad to be saying this but it’s true!
Charlie says
You’re a little mixed up. Gang bangers don’t read this and if they do, they’re confused.
So many in these gangs are young kids. Their parents have lost control of them.
jackie says
first of all since you want to say that …. do you see the ages of these victimis? they are over and done with that stage and have families and own homes and businesses and have lives… and im a single parent and none of my kids are in gangs… the laws changed and thats what happen … you are no longer aloud to spank your kids and now they just run the streets and some parents are afraid to say or do anything… and if you dont know the details of what happen.. and believe everything you read well then you’ll never know really what happen.
jonnydodge says
as far as I no he wasn’t in a gang so shut your lame ass mouth
C says
I am Dean’s cousin. It’s really rude and disrespectful to say that anyone would deserve to be shot to death regardless of whether they were in a gang or not. Lack of compassion is the root of all of the problems society has.. Do you really think you’re any different?
Mark Franco says
Dean you’ll be missed my friend I pray peace for your mother, and the rest of us who are suffering from the loss, I only that you people that speak of peace and the ones who don’t quit internet banging like a bunch of xx@ssdd.
Love you Dean
jonnydodge says
unless your relaterd through blood shut your mouth eye for an eye
Cold ham sandwich says
I didn’t choose the thug life, the thug life chose me. You can take the man out the hood, but you can’t take the hood out the man, yo.
sikntired says
Victim mentality,man up.
mr av says
Another crime in the antelope valley.
Jona says
Wow that must have been a small caliber or something cause i was awake til 3 and i didnt hear anything and i live right down the street from that house
FUNNY says
Good old California wont keep them in jail to long ,he will get to see his dad and brothers on the inside and in a few months he will be back in palmdale got to love this place,and i just bet there all from L A
NRA member says
Palmcaster is the war zone..
jonnydodge says
arm everyone
Charlie says
To all involved in this horrible event, I pray that they find these trash and deal with them any dang way they want to. Glad to hear that 3 made it.
As for Dean’s family, may God give you strength to get through this horrible time. Dean is sleeping with the angels. God bless you all.
Dodgers #1!! says
Scum of the Antelope Valley!!
sick of this gang bangin ish says
All u thugs that think ur so cool to take someones life need to grow the hell up! I hope its worth it to spend eternity in hell. Who the hell do u think u are to take a life?? Ur not god! I hope u spend the rest of ur low life in jail! I dont even know these people but I pray for the family of the man killed. Im so sorry for ur loss.
Allan says
Talking about growing up, but you still use the term “god”.
Atleast the cops diddnt kill anyone. Just let these ignorant gang membera kill themselfs
Charlie says
Allan – If you choose to be an atheist, then so be it. Believers have a lot more peace in their lives. God is watching you and listening to you. You will never be free of Him.
jackie says
dean is and will always be in our hearts… he was a good man… but as of the cops taking someones life … no not this time i know first hand and watched the cops gun down my boyfriend 10 months ago in front of me and my children sayin he had a gun and didnt… now its oh well… if the cops would stop showing bad examples maybe the kids would stop doing it too…and just so you know allen you called gang members ignorant but ignorant means not smart … hmmmm maybe you should go back to school and learn to spell …
justbeingreal says
Im with you !! Im sick of this gang trash.
Tak says
Gangbangers are nothing but coward’s who have to get a bunch of other coward’s with guns to fight their battles.