PALMDALE – Detectives are investigating a slew of home break-ins that occurred in Palmdale last week. There were 10 home burglaries and four attempted home burglaries between Sunday, July 21 and Saturday, July 27, authorities said.
Anyone with information regarding these burglaries is asked to contact Palmdale Sheriff’s Station detectives at 661-272-2400.
The following is a breakdown of last week’s rash of home break-ins.
July 22, 2013. One burglary and two attempted burglaries were reported:
One residence was burglarized on the 1500 block of Siberian Court. It is not known what time of day or night this burglary occurred. Entry was made via a rear window. (Ref -10320)
Two attempted burglaries occurred at residences on the 6100 block of Sandwood Way. They both occurred during the daytime and entry was attempted via rear windows. (Ref -10283 and -10308)
July 23, 2013. Five burglaries were reported:
One residence was burglarized on the 38300 block of 30th Street East. The time of the burglary is unknown. The suspect(s) gained entry by smashing the rear sliding glass door. (Ref -10326)
One residence was burglarized on the 4300 block of East Avenue R. This burglary occurred during the daytime and entry was made through a rear window, which was smashed by the suspect(s). (Ref -10363)
One residence was burglarized on the 2100 block of East Avenue R-12. The burglary occurred at approximately 5 p.m. Entry was made via the rear sliding glass door. (Ref -10365)
One residence was burglarized on the 6300 Block of Explorer Way. The burglary occurred during the morning hours. It is unknown how the suspect(s) entered the house, although a gate to the rear yard was found open. (Ref -10367)
One residence was burglarized on the 36100 block of Valley Springs Road. The burglary occurred during the daytime hours. Entry to the house was made via the unlocked front door. A tack room was also burglarized at the location. Entry to the tack room was made via a previously broken window of the door. (Ref -10368)
July 26, 2013. One burglary and one attempted burglary were reported:
One residence was burglarized on the 5100 block of East Avenue R-11. The burglary occurred between 2 and 11 p.m. Entry was made to the garage through the unlocked garage door. The suspect(s) then pried open the door leading to the house. (Ref -10558)
One attempted burglary occurred at a residence on the 38700 block of Larkin Avenue. The attempt occurred at approximately 2 a.m. The suspects were seen prying a screen security door to the garage and were scared off by the resident. (Ref -10488)
July 27, 2013. Three burglaries and one attempted burglary were reported:
One residence was burglarized on the 5700 block of Finchley Road. This burglary occurred at approximately 3 a.m. Entry was made by the suspect(s) removing a living room screen and window. The residents were home at the time and scared away the suspect before anything was stolen. (Ref -10542)
One residence was burglarized on the 37100 block of Liverpool Way. This burglary occurred at approximately 4:30 a.m. Entry was made via the unlocked exterior garage door. The suspect(s) then entered the house through the unlocked interior garage door. The resident was home, sleeping, at the time. He heard noises and saw the suspect in his house. The suspect ran from the house without stealing anything. (Ref -10544)
One residence was burglarized on the 37600 block of Park Forest Court. This burglary occurred during the night. Entry was made via the unlocked kitchen window. (Ref -10571)
One attempted burglary occurred at a residence on the 38600 block of 11th Street East. The burglary time of occurrence is unknown. The suspect(s) attempted to force open a rear window and the rear sliding glass door. The attempted failed due to poles which the resident had previously placed into the interior bottom rails. The poles prevented the window and door from sliding open. (Ref -10594)
Burglary locations
The Palmdale Sheriff’s Station has provided the following Burglary Prevention Tips:
Never leave doors or windows unlocked when leaving home, including second floor windows.
- Secure all obvious points of entry to your home. Pretend you are the burglary and plan how you would break into your own house. Install secondary locking devices (such as anti-lift devices, through-the-door pins, or track screws).
- Create the illusion that you are home using timers on lights, radios, and televisions.
- Use a timer or photocell to automatically turn on lights at dusk. Leave porch lights on throughout the night, even when you are home.
- Keep shrubbery near doors and windows trimmed. Don’t provide the burglars with a hiding place or climbing platform.
- Avoid displaying valuable items such as TVs and computers near windows with open drapes or shades.
- Use highly visible alarms signs, “Beware of Dog” signs, or Neighborhood Watch decals.
- Don’t leave your garage door transmitter in your vehicle, or at least keep it out of view (the visor is not a good place). Also keep the door locked leading from the garage into the house. If the burglar gets into your car you don’t want to give him/her easy access to your garage and then your house.
- Keep extra keys out of sight and in a safe place. Never hide a key outside, most hiding places are obvious to burglars.
- Organize a Neighborhood Watch group to protect your neighborhood. Contact the City of Palmdale’s Public Safety Office at (661)267-5170 or at
- If you see any suspicious people or vehicles in your neighborhood, contact the Palmdale Sheriff’s Station at 661-272-2400.
undecided says
They target the weak, thats why I let these hoodlums know u come in my house or car… I have all rights to protect myself and whoop ya a$$! They call mrs. Blade on11th! Dont take a dump where u live. I say we start a “hood” neighborhood watch (with knives, bats, and chainz) give em a dose of their reality!
CA Resident says
Petition the sherrif for your concealed carry permit
whogoesthere? says
Maybe the police should talk to some of those little scum bags they arrested on Raysack in Lancaster last month for those resent burglaries around there !!! Scum knows scum and they all know where to take the stuff to get money/drugs…Since they are too lazy/stupid to get a job, so they just steal what the rest of us works/saves for. Hope they catch them all, and soon!!
Letlow says
Or perhaps they should talk to the little piss-ants who were seen on video prowling a Lancaster neighborhood breaking into cars. Perhaps these little piss-ants have elevated their hustle and have moved from burglarizing cars in Lancaster to burglarizing homes in Palmdale. These loafers are too lazy/stupid to get a job, so they just steal what the rest of us works/saves for. Hope they catch them all, and soon. See them in action at:
jarred av says
watch out lancaster is getting worse and worse palmdale not far behind
Chris says
Are you kidding, Palmdale has been worse for quite some time!
trina lavell says
good ol safe lancaster
aa says
What did the suspects look like I’m curious. I lived in Palmdale but just recently moved to west Lancaster and the first day of being home alone, just me and my kids, three people attempted to break in during the daytime. I got a good look at 2 of the 3. My son saw the third looking through his window. Not a good feeling that someone is looking at your kids. I hope they catch these losers.
justice4all says
I live on between 11th and 12th east, and saw someone running hopping the fence into my apartment complex, which is gated, and he was running like he had no where to go and seem to have what looked like a gun in his pocket. As he was jumping, he was trying to put it back in his pants. he then ran away, but I think he looked right at me…. It was on JUly 27th. around 11 am
sikntired says
Yeah,too bad they’re not clairvoyant.
Grant says
This is where those 8 undercover cops should be. Let Walmart deal with their own issues and keep the public safe.
sars says
Yeah agreed cops should help the people not walmart besides dont they pay their LP to catch thevies at walmart maybe they should hire smater people than take up the cops time