LOS ANGELES – District Attorney Jackie Lacey has announced that her office will ask the California Supreme Court to order a new hearing on the conditional release of serial rapist Christopher Hubbart to Los Angeles County later this year.
“I am asking the California Supreme Court to grant us an opportunity to oppose the release of a sexually violent predator into any community – not just ours,” District Attorney Lacey said. “It’s my job to safeguard our communities. This man has sexually assaulted nearly 40 women and, in my opinion, continues to pose a significant threat to public safety.”
“This is an important issue that must be addressed,” Lacey continued. “The people of California deserve to have an advocate dedicated to protecting them all.”
In addition, District Attorney Lacey is asking the Supreme Court to determine that Hubbart’s domicile is Santa Clara County – not Los Angeles County.
In its court filings, the District Attorney’s Office contends that Santa Clara County Superior Court Judge Gilbert Brown made a legal error when he declared Hubbart’s domicile as Los Angeles County. Though Hubbart was born and raised in Los Angeles County, he has not lived in Los Angeles County since 1972 – with the exception of two months in 1993, when he was paroled to San Bernardino County but lived in Claremont. He lived in Santa Clara County in the years leading to his last arrest and no longer has family living in Los Angeles County.
California law (Welfare and Institutions Code section 6608.5) requires that a sexually violent predator be conditionally released to the county of his or her domicile “prior to the person’s incarceration.”
Hubbart lived in Santa Clara County from November 1979 to November 1981 and was paroled there for two months in 1990 when his parole was revoked and he was returned to state prison. Santa Clara County last prosecuted Hubbart and initiated the proceedings that deemed him a sexually violent predator in 1996. He has been in state custody since then.
The writ petition also seeks to stop any release of Hubbart until the legal issues are resolved.
Earlier this month, the 6th District Court of Appeal in San Jose summarily denied the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s challenge to Hubbart’s release to Los Angeles County.
Hubbart admitted to raping and sexually assaulting 38 women throughout California between 1971 and 1982, including 26 women in Los Angeles County.
(Information via press release from the Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office.)
Concerned Citizen says
Let your voice be heard!
THE PUBLIC HAS UNTIL NOV. 29 to submit written public comments to Judge Brown by emailing the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office at HubbartLASafetyTaskForce@da.lacounty.gov, or by writing to:
Hubbart L.A. Safety Task Force
c/o District Attorney’s Office Sex Crimes Division
320 West Temple Street, Room 777
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Prosecutors will deliver all written comments to the Santa Clara County Court prior to the Dec. 4 public hearing. Detailed timeline of Christopher Hubbart’s criminal, social, and legal history: http://antonovich.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Summary-of-Christopher-Hubbart’s-Criminal-Social-and-Legal-History.pdf
evervigilant says
What the hell, Jerry Brown? I’m very curious why you have not been impeached.
ConcernedMomOf3 says
This is sickening. To release a man that has a self proclaimed history of raping women repeatedly, back on our streets, to prey on women and possibly children, is beyond my comprehension. What are the possibilities that this man will graduate to killing his victims, so they are silenced and never report him, has anyone thought of that??
Solution: Hang him before he attacks and ruins more lives
sammy p says
As part of his release, the 62-year-old must wear an ankle bracelet, attend counseling and allow police to search his home, so I think they will be watching him very closely.
I do agree he should have gotten more time but we have to abide by the sentencing laws of those days.
sikntired says
Yup,we see how well those ankle bracelets work.
AVGirl says
Home checks don’t always work, look at the Dugard case.
DrinkYourKoolAid says
This creep’s release should not be the burden of Los Angeles County to monitor, police, and enforce. Santa Clara County Superior Court is releasing him, Santa Clara County should have the burden of custody.
Heartbroken says
Okay, so he has been in prison for so long with nothing but men…… What do u think is the FIRST THING HE WILL WANT TO DO WHEN HE GETS RELEASED????? I’m guessing he will look for WOMAN #41. Duh!! It’s a no brainer!!! But, yeah, let’s throw him back into society. Because that makes sense!! R u effing kidding me???? Come on!!!!!
Notagain says
Let me guess!! If he’s released in Los Angeles, GUESS WERE THERE SENDING HIM TOO!! THE AV!!
Nini says
Lol! More than likely.
erikkaa says
Why hasnt anyone in prison killed him yet?! I hope he doesnt get out!!! He deserves what he gets!
Jodice says
Why even let this scumbag out at all? Sorry, I just do not understand how anybody could even think about letting somebody who raped 40 women loose to do it again? He deserves the death penalty, not freedom!