PALMDALE – The public is invited to a community meeting to help plan the future of transportation in the High Desert.
The High Desert Corridor (HDC) project is currently being proposed as an approximately 63-mile long, east-west multimodal and multipurpose transportation corridor that could include a freeway/expressway, toll lanes and/or High Speed Rail (HSR) feeder service, between State Route 14 in Los Angeles County and State Route 18 in San Bernardino County.
The project aims to improve mobility and access for people and goods in the Antelope, Victor, and Apple Valley areas of Los Angeles and San Bernardino counties.
The HDC project will also consider how a bike route and green energy production and transmission facilities can be incorporated into the corridor.
Since 2010, Metro and Caltrans have been working together to refine the alternatives and study the potential environmental impacts of the HDC. An Alternatives Analysis (AA) is currently underway to study the viability of incorporating a rail component into the project and to consider potential rail alignment options that would complement the proposed new highway facility.
Additionally, the AA will help to identify the rail-related technologies and supporting infrastructure required to deliver a high speed rail feeder service line with connections to the Palmdale Transportation Center station in Palmdale and an XpressWest station in Victorville.
Developers are hosting community meetings to provide a project update, share highlights of key findings from the Rail AA, review the refined Purpose and Need statement for the project, and discuss the next steps in the process.
They want to hear your thoughts and welcome your participation. Content provided at these meetings will be identical, so choose the meeting most convenient for you to attend.
- 6 to 8 p.m., Monday, July 15, at Lake Los Angeles Elementary School
16310 E Avenue Q, Palmdale
- 6 to 8 p.m., Monday, July 22, 2013 at Larry Chimbole Cultural Center, Joshua Room
38350 Sierra Highway, Palmdale. This meeting will be broadcasted live. To participate, please go to
For more information, call 888.252.7433 or visit
[Information via press release from the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro)]
Michael Rives says
I wish we could stop fiddling around and get the Palmdale Regional Airport running again. I don’t care if it is only commuter service to LAX. We need air service from the AV!
Palmdale_Steve says
Are the powers that be still trying to slip this in as a toll road? I’m not so sure about the concept of toll roads in general, but if making the High Desert Corridor a toll road gets it built sooner rather than later then I’m probably in favor.
nancy says
I agree that the 138 needs improvement. They should leave the space down the middle for a rail line, but otherwise, for now, it should just be a freeway to the 15. We have needed that for years.
10dog says
This State is broke, stop spending money we don’t have!
Palmdale_Steve says
Gasoline taxes were once the source for road projects, now it seems the Assembly uses money from this source for everything but roads.
William says
I wonder if they are also considering widening SR 138 from I-5 to SR 14 as a bypass for trucks and others wishing to avoid the congested Los Angeles region.
The interchange at the 5 looks like they were preparing for a divided 4 lane freeway but it ends after only a mile or two.
Johnny Trece says
This corridor would make it so convenient for NASCAR fans to get to the California Speedway in Fontana.
Johnny Trece says
We really need this Corridor. It will have a big economical impact in the A.V.
Samuel R Caldwell says
$$$$$ IT will have a economical impact on Mike Anton the Don’s Homers who have all the land out there with special zoning ect all set up for the new Mall,Low income apts.Costco and other moneymakers that you will see on the “new”bypass $$$$$
David A. N. says
Excellent insight! Years ago there was an LA county supervisor, I think Warren Dorn, who meticulously purchased certain desert parcels far out on our “west side”. Similar to this corridor plan, the California Aqueduct project subsequently required said parcels, and had to purchase them. Thanks for clarifying how history repeats itself. Hold onto any Joshua Trees, creosote, jackrabbits, night lizards, and anything else native to our valley, as their extinction is not far away from the actions of Mike A and his zoning cronies. David N.