PALMDALE – Forty-four nonprofit organizations will begin selling fireworks at various locations throughout Palmdale starting Friday, June 28, city officials announced today.
Fireworks will be sold during the following dates and times:
Friday, June 28 – Noon to 10 pm
Saturday, June 29 to Thursday, July 4 – 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Friday, July 5 – 10 a.m. to noon
The Palmdale City Council approved issuing permits for 44 nonprofit organizations to sell fireworks at its June 5, meeting. Only nonprofit organizations that have headquarters in Palmdale or have more than 50 percent of their membership residing in Palmdale and have a minimum of 20 members are eligible to apply for fireworks booths. Only one booth is allowed per organization.
Palmdale is the only municipality in the Antelope Valley in which “Safe and Sane” fireworks may be legally sold and discharged on private property. However, the housing community Anaverde, all areas south of the California Aqueduct, and locations in the Rancho Vista area are “no fireworks zones” and may not use any fireworks at all since they are in high risk fire areas.
The “no fireworks zone” is generally described as the area within the City of Palmdale which lies along the following lines: beginning at the intersection of Rancho Vista Boulevard and 30th Street West, areas south and west of Rancho Vista Boulevard, north to Avenue N-8; south and west of Avenue N-8 from Rancho Vista Boulevard to 55th Street West; west of 55th Street West; and south from 55th Street West to 60th Street West (Godde Hill Road). View the “No Fireworks Zone” maps here and here.
“We’ve developed an interactive map on our Web site, www.cityofpalmdale.org, that allows residents to enter their address so they can see if they live in a ‘no fireworks zone’ area where ‘Safe and Sane’ fireworks are NOT allowed,” said Palmdale’s Communications Manager John Mlynar. Access the interactive map here.
Residents may also contact Palmdale’s Community Preservation office at 267-5234 or the Public Safety Department at 661-267-5181 for assistance on no fireworks zones.
“Illegal fireworks are not allowed anywhere in Palmdale or in the Los Angeles County portion of the Antelope Valley,” said Director of Public Safety Anne Ambrose. “These are the type that explode or shoot up in the air, and they are dangerous and cause a real threat to life and property.
“If people are caught using illegal fireworks in Palmdale, they will be facing a $2,500 fine for a first offense, $5,000 for a second offense and $10,000 for a third offense,” Ambrose added.
Safe and sane fireworks may only be discharged from noon on Friday, June 28 through noon on Friday, July 5. Discharging fireworks before June 28 or after July 5 will subject the violators to fines.
Fireworks Safety Tips From the City of Palmdale
City officials are also urging residents to use the fireworks under safe conditions. They’re offering the following safety tips for residents who use “Safe and Sane” fireworks in legal areas of the City of Palmdale:
- Always read directions and use common sense.
- Have an adult present.
- Use outdoors only—away from buildings, vehicles, dry grass and other flammable objects.
- Light one at a time, then move quickly away.
- Keep others at a safe distance.
- Never point or throw fireworks at another person.
- Never alter or take apart fireworks.
- Do not give to young children under any circumstances.
- Have a bucket of water handy for emergencies and for dousing misfired and spent fireworks.
- Never attempt to relight or fix malfunctioning fireworks.
To protect your pet on the Fourth of July, take these precautions:
- Resist the urge to take your pet to fireworks displays.
- Keep your pets indoors at home in a sheltered, quiet area. Leave a television or radio playing at normal volume to keep him company.
- Consult with your veterinarian before July 4th for ways to help alleviate the fear and anxiety he or she may experience during fireworks displays.
- Never leave pets outside unattended. In their fear, pets who normally wouldn’t leave the yard may escape and become lost, or become entangled in their chain, risking injury or death.
- Make sure your pets are wearing identification tags so that if they do become lost, they can be returned promptly.
Educational flyers are being distributed with each purchase of fireworks. For more information, call 661-267-5181.
Nonprofit organization approved to sell fireworks include:
- Adorable Baby’s Jump Start – 1233 W Rancho Vista Boulevard
- American Indian Little League – 39626 10th Street West
- American Legion Post #348 – 39445 10th Street West
- Antelope Valley Desert Divers, Inc. – 730 W. Rancho Vista Boulevard (Dunn Edwards parking lot)
- Antelope Valley Soccer Club Ambush – 37716 55th Street East (Domenic Massari Park)
- Antelope Valley Youth Athletics, Inc. – 4644 E. Avenue S
- Arch Rafael and St. Mina Coptic Church – 5544 Pearblossom Hwy.
- AV Youth Maritime Association – SE Corner Rancho Vista Boulevard / Towncenter Drive
- Cornerstone Apostolic Church of Antelope Valley – 1803 E Palmdale Boulevard
- Crosswind Community Church – 41337 10th Street West
- Desert Opera Theatre, Inc. – S of SWC Rancho Vista Boulevard & Sierra Hwy.
- Desert Pride, Inc. – 37218 47th Street East
- East Palmdale Foursquare Church – 5038 W. Avenue N (in front of Albertson’s)
- Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church of Lancaster California – S of SWC Palmdale & Division
- Highland HS Instrumental Music — 2535 E. Avenue S
- Iglesia Emmanuel Antelope Valley – 440 E Palmdale Boulevard
- Kids Charities of the Antelope Valley – East side of 10th Street West, south of Birdies, approximately 1,865 feet north of Avenue N
- Kiwanis Club of Palmdale – 3027 Rancho Vista Boulevard
- Kiwanis Club of Palmdale West – 39940 10th Street West
- Littlerock HS Band Boosters – 38118 47th Street East (north of Avenue R)
- Marine Corps League – 3005 E. Palmdale Boulevard
- Nueva Vida En Cristo Antelope Valley – 2419 E Avenue S
- Oasis Christian Church of the AV – 856 W. Palmdale Boulevard
- Palmdale Band Boosters Club – 38060 20th Street East (Cactus School parking lot)
- Palmdale Bullets Track Club – 5510 E. Avenue T
- Palmdale Chamber of Commerce – 40130 10th Street West
- Palmdale Elks Lodge #2027 – 37959 47th Street East
- Palmdale High Football Boosters – 2137 E. Avenue R (H.S. parking lot on the west side of football stadium on 20th Street East)
- Palmdale High Swim Boosters – 1123 W. Rancho Vista Boulevard (Antelope Valley Mall parking lot near Carl’s Jr.)
- Palmdale Lions Club – 1215 E. Palmdale Boulevard
- Palmdale Little League – 38137 47th Street East
- Palmdale Pony League – 39300 30th Street West (Northwest corner of 25th Street West and Rancho Vista Boulevard overflow parking lot at Marie Kerr Park)
- Palmdale Repertory Theatre – 37140 47th Street East
- Palmdale Youth Football – 2534 E. Avenue S
- Quartz Hill High School Baseball Boosters – Southeast corner of Sierra Highway and Avenue S
- Raise Praise Ministries – 226 E. Palmdale Boulevard
- St. Mary’s Catholic Church – 2616 E. Palmdale Boulevard
- St. Stephen’s of the Valley Lutheran Church – 38727 Tierra Subidia Avenue
- Temple of Deliverance Ministries International – 2520 E. Palmdale Boulevard
- The Highlands Church – 39625 20th Street West
- Trinity Baptist Church – 2045 E. Palmdale Boulevard
- Victory Outreach – 2053 E. Palmdale Boulevard
- Word of Life Outreach Ministries – 5645 E. Avenue T
- Youth Have Vision, Inc. – 37950 47th Street East
[removed] says
I don’t see allowing fireworks in this dangerously high fire climate being the Safe and Sane choice. I doubt there could be enough profit from the sale of them to offset the cost of fighting a fire caused by them.
BGF says
Walmart in Lancaster is selling fireworks….They must have paid Rex to turn a blind eye.
Adam Chant says
I was in K-Mart Sunday morning and it too was selling “fireworks”. I would have taken a photo, but I was crazy busy and in a hurry to get the heck out of dodge.. The ceiling vents at K-Mart scare me .. they have since I was a child.. lol..
The “fireworks” are next to the exit and I saw them on the way out..
These “fireworks” are actually party poppers that are always legal.
Some shoot streamers from a small squib and others are the bang snaps that you throw (at each other).
Look Closer says
They sell “party poppers” not fireworks.
sammy P says
Its all pointless – might as well name them “Safe and Boring” – gone are the fireworks that are actually any fun like firecrackers and bottle rockets and M80s. And they are overpriced for what you get. Me and GF are just gonna go watch fireworks somewhere – although the City of Palmdale and Palmdale High School website does not list any fireworks shows yet…. I’m sure something will come up.
William says
Are you a kid? Why are grown men commenting on this article like their toys are being taken away?
Is this arrested development?
William says
I wonder if firework injuries occur to the same demographic as most rattlesnake bites, men between 18 and 35 who have been drinking or something like that.
Scott Pelka says
You have greater odds of getting injured racing go-carts down Lancaster blvd. or getting hit by a foul ball at a jethawks baseball game than using Safe and Sane fireworks as directed. I am sure Rex can tell you how dangerous go-carts are. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_zQ_VJusqE
Letlow says
LOL!!!! That’s cold blooded Scott!
Raptormann says
That’s almost as funny as Drew Mercy being busted for Drunk Driving.
just me says
That is way to funny…..and so true
Raptormann says
It didn’t take long for the NANNIES to show up and want to take everything away. Sure fireworks are hazardous and only stupid people misuse them.
But they are FUN. You don’t want them, don’t buy them. But MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS and leave me and others who want fireworks alone.
mick says
Let’s talk when your house burns down because someone used “safe and sane” fireworks. Leave fireworks to professionals who know how to handle them and are prepared for an emergency, should one occur. Yes, they are fun. But they are also dangerous and can be unpredictable and people panic. This is the desert and a tinderbox since we’re in a drought. Not trying to be a nanny or get in anyones business, just trying to point out the OBVIOUS. The keyword in fireworks is FIRE!
William says
When is Rex gonna ban turkey deep fryers and Christmas lights and candles and………………????
You know how he is.
Raptormann says
You see, you are a NANNY. I live in a FREE country, not a Nanny Socialist state. Maybe that’s what you like.
I’ve enjoyed fireworks for over 55 years that when I was a kid. So YOU safely not use them and I will safely use them and you can go play tiddlywinks as far as I’m concerned.
If you want real danger, remember, illegal aliens do not have drivers licenses and many drive unsafe vehicles. So just try and cross Palmdale Blvd with these folks driving around.
mick says
Wow. Really? Bringing the whole illegal alien thing into the mix? I was nearly killed by a drunk driver who was white, legal and fully insured.
I get that fireworks can be safe and you’re probably one of the few people who does use them safely BUT MOST PEOPLE DON’T, even when they buy them legally.
My whole point here was not about FREEDOM but about SAFETY. I don’t want to lose my pets, house and cars due to a preventable accident.
Oh and by the way, I too have enjoyed fireworks for over 40 years, you’re not talking to a kid here, just someone with a little common sense.
Stinger says
“I get that fireworks can be safe and you’re probably one of the few people who does use them safely BUT MOST PEOPLE DON’T, even when they buy them legally.”
I would very much like to see the evidence to support that statement.
raptormann says
Then why bring my house into it?
By the way, I’m just dealing with real dangers rather than your immagined ones. I’ve had 2, count them 2 frinds killed by an illegal driving drunk another who was run down in a parking lot and they didn’t stop (witness say hispanic no plates) and one accident I witnessed where they ran a stop sign and hit another car and fled on foot. THAT IS a REAL danger.
Mommy says
I totally agree with you Mick. I guess this latest fire , and the fact we’re in a drought, has left liberal minds dry.
James Stamsek says
You do know that cigarettes are responsible for my fires and fire related deaths than fireworks right? Let’s ban cigarettes and then fireworks. Let me know how that works out. lol
avcares says
You are so right…2 thumbs up…
Fireworks in the high wind, dried up desert mixed with unsupervised and/or stupid people equals…wait…wait…
that’s right…FIRE.
Leave it to the pros…
avcares says
my reply was for Mick on June 19th…
mick says
No such thing as “safe and sane fireworks”. Facepalm.
Mommy says
James Stamsek says
No such thing as a safe car either. You will always have accidents. But we haven’t banned cars now have we? It is impossible to keep everyone 100% safe at every single moment. Life is risk. And I will not have my freedoms taken away for the sake of safety in everything.
Letthefiresbegin says
RE: “Safe and Sane” fireworks … not so…
The fools that go to Palmdale and buy the fireworks and bring them back to Lancaster and set them off are far from being “Safe and Sane”.
“Safe and Sane” fireworks can start a fire as easy as putting a match to dried grass…
Mayor Parris tried to warn you…hope you all have fire insurance!!!
Let the fires begin!!!