LANCASTER – More than 150 deputies took a break at Lancaster Sheriff’s Station Thursday afternoon for a feast in remembrance of deputies killed in the line of the duty.
“This barbecue is held every year as a symbol of remembrance for our fallen brothers and sisters. It’s a way for people to remember and share in some camaraderie,” said Captain Pat Nelson of the Lancaster Sheriff’s Station.
“This is the day that we remember our fallen heroes,” added Sgt. Theresa Dawson.
The annual Fallen Heroes Barbecue is held in May to coincide with Peace Officers Memorial Month, Nelson said. The meal, which included barbecued meats, salad, fruits, and pastries, was provided by the Antelope Valley Sheriff’s Boosters.
“It costs thousands of dollars to feed 200 people, but we’re glad to do it,” said AV Sheriff’s Boosters President Marvin Crist.
The Fallen Heroes Barbecue was held in honor of the seven peace officers killed locally while in the line of duty: Herbert E. Glidden, Gregory L. Low, Charles Plumleigh, Rosemary I. May, Richard B. Hammack, Stephen D. Sorensen, and Pierre W. Bain.

In 1920, Constable Herbert E. Glidden was shot dead by bandits after he jumped onto the running board of their vehicle in an attempt to stop them from driving away. In 1978, Deputy Gregory Low was killed in a traffic accident while responding to a call with his partner, Reserve Deputy Charles Plumleigh. Low died at the scene. In 1978, Reserve Deputy Charles Plumleigh was killed in a traffic accident while responding to a call with his partner, Deputy Gregory Low. Plumleigh died two days after the accident. In 1989, Deputy Rosemary Iris May was killed in a traffic accident while responding to a call in the Lancaster area. May was a veteran with 21 years and 11 months of service.

In 1992, Deputy Richard B. Hammack was shot to death while serving a narcotics search warrant at a trailer park in Palmdale. In 2003, Deputy Stephen D. Sorensen was shot to death by a deranged gunman while conducting a follow-up investigation regarding a trespassing problem. In 2006, Motorcycle Traffic Deputy Pierre W. Bain was killed when his motorcycle collided with another vehicle as he was attempting to apprehend a speeder.
“It’s important that we remember the individuals that have given the ultimate sacrifice,” Crist said. “It’s also important for our current sheriff’s deputies and detectives to perform their jobs knowing that if something was to happen to them, we are going to remember them also.”
S says
WEll there are alot of good police and alot of police that are not. One is B. Torsney that puts words in conversations that never existed. I dealt with this guy over 10 years ago. If you ever deal with an inaccurate situation file a formal complaint. But I Thank the officers that are true and honest and put their lives in place but this is the job they desire. Always be Thankful but if not, and words are not as said file a FORMAL COMPLAINT with the watch commander. Thanks for the great service of many!!!
Mr. Mister says
“It costs thousands of dollars to feed 200 people, but we’re glad to do it”…
Are they being catered with 16 ounce steaks or what?
sikntired says
C ‘mon, even at five bucks a head that would be one thousand.When was the last time you had a decent meal for just five bucks.
Mr. Mister says
Last night, 1 lb. of chicken legs- $2, 1 lb. broccoli- $.79, 1 lb. of red potatoes- $1.39, 8 oz glass of Iced Tea – maybe $.35?
And the quote states thousands not thousand. I’m just saying. I just think money like that can be spent a little better. I appeciate law enforcement, but you have to admit out here they are vastly overstaffed. We don’t need four patrol units, with 2 cops a piece, to issue one citation for a moving violation or an infraction. I’ve witnessed sheriffs out here taser a frog, battle each other with who can make the best siren music, and getting over the intercom to insult skateboarders. Sure that behavior doesn’t define the entire LASD, but knowing that thousands went into supporting some of their meals, is quite unsettling.
sikntired says
Tasered a frog? Call PETA, they ‘ll be all over it.
Mr. Mister says
Yes, tasered a frog. They came patrolling around the neighborhood, saw a group of 18 year old boys just hanging out (not drinking, smoking, anything illegal or disturbing), and decided to jam them all up. Nothing became of it, they got upset I’m sure, saw the amphibian and let loose giggling like school girls. It’s very hard to respect anybody that thinks because they have a badge, they have no rules.
Mr. Mister says
As for our departed heroes, I commend their services and sacrifice in the line of duty. Bless their souls.
T-Bone says
The Boosters paid for it for Christ Sake! If you don’t agree, don’t support the Boosters! Easy as That!
sikntired says
Thank you
Concered says
So many people rip on cops! Without them we would have a lawless society, were the lowlifes run the world. Most people that hate the cops, do so because they have had negative interaction with them. Well can I ask you WTF you were doing to get a Cops attention anyway?
RIP – and thanks for your service deputies.
sikntired says
Amen to that.