PALMDALE – The City of Palmdale is inviting residents of all ages to help celebrate Global Youth Day, on Saturday, April 27, through a series of events designed to have a positive impact on the community.
Established internationally in 1988, Global Youth Service Day is an annual campaign that celebrates and mobilizes the millions of children and youth who improve their communities each day of the year through service and service-learning.
“Global Youth Day presents us with the opportunity to not only engage residents in projects to improve our town but also the chance for people of all ages to work side by side with one another and learn about each other’s commitment to our community,” said Palmdale’s Community Programs Supervisor Trish Jones.
Registration is required and a waiver must be signed. Registration will be available prior to the start of each event.
Service events include:
Graffiti Clean-up Day
Hosted by: City of Palmdale Public Safety & Community Relations Department
Registration: 8:30 – 9 am Poncitlán Square Gazebo. Volunteers must be age 10 and older.
Facility Rehabilitation
Hosted by the City of Palmdale, AV Youth Build and Kiwanis Club of Palmdale West.
Registration: 8 – 12 noon – South Antelope Valley Emergency Services (SAVES) – 1002 E. Ave. Q-12
Tree Planting
Hosted by City of Palmdale, Hollywood Beautification Team and a grant by CalFire.
Registration 8:30 – 9 am Planting, 9 – 11 am Marie Kerr Park.
SAVES Food Drive/Cards for Our Troops Project
Hosted by the City of Palmdale and SAVES.
Drop in: 8 am – 12 noon – Larry Chimbole Cultural Center
For more information on these service events, call 661-267-5181.
AVfubar says
I thought every day was global youth day. They seem to do whatever they want whenever they want these days.
dumbandblind says
Nice to see good news for a change.