LANCASTER – A 24-year-old man convicted of driving drunk and causing a single-vehicle crash that killed the mother of his children has been sentenced to 10 years in state prison.
Andres (Andrew) Rubidoux was sentenced in an Antelope Valley courtroom Wednesday, and he received credit for 48 days in custody, according to court records.
The sentencing came about three weeks after Rubidoux pleaded no contest to gross vehicular manslaughter while intoxicated and felony DUI causing injury in connection with the Feb. 25 crash that killed Destiny Marie Tennison.
Rubidoux, the father of Tennison’s two young children, had been giving Tennison a late-night ride to Walmart when the collision occurred, according to Tennison’s relatives.
The couple was traveling eastbound on Avenue I, approaching 15th street east, when Rubidoux traveled off the roadway and then overcorrected and lost control of the car, sheriff’s officials said.
The vehicle skidded through the intersection and crashed into a traffic signal pole. Tennison was pronounced dead at the scene, and Rubidoux was transported to the hospital, where toxicology reports put his blood alcohol level well above the legal limit, sheriff’s officials said.

Rubidoux was previously charged with murder, gross vehicular manslaughter while intoxicated, DUI causing injury, driving with .08% blood alcohol and causing injury, and being an unlicensed driver, according to court records.
As part of a plea agreement reached with prosecutors, Rubidoux pleaded no contest on March 26 to gross vehicular manslaughter while intoxicated and felony DUI causing injury, according to court records.
Rubidoux was sentenced to 10 years in state prison for the manslaughter conviction and six years in state prison for the felony DUI conviction. Both sentences are to run concurrently, according to court records.
A restitution hearing on the case is set for June 6, 2013.
Previous related stories:
Destiny Tennison memorial scholarship fundraiser
Drivers pleads no contest in fatal DUI crash
Officers, activists join mourning family in message against drunk driving
Driver charged in DUI crash that killed passenger
Passenger killed in suspected DUI crash
CrazyWorldUnjust says
Wow poor family they n she had to deal with this it seems to me someone its trying top hard to cover up his tracks if he had domestic violence he probably was forcing her to stay in the car poor girl I will not sleep in peace tonight knowing such disgust is on this earth God Will Judge as long as yoy repent im sure in those 10yrs he will get another girlfriend have more kids on welfare cause u kno he wont get a job probably get on ssi for his injuries what a joke so many ppl told them to stay but yet no one toke the keys sickning
Tam says
When you commit a crime you no longer have rights. It don’t matter if she was drinking or not. She made a misstake and got in the car and she paid the price for that she died is he died no he get to spend some time in prison and more then likely be out in 8 in half years his home for now with three meals a day a roof over his head. He can still see his family he can still talk with his family but what does her family get to see. A box with her ashes. That where she lives now. Does she get to see her family No Does she get to see her kids grow No. Do they get to feel her love? No they don’t.so go head and keep dissrepecting her family. It show what kind of person you are. I will leave it at that.
nice says
When you commit a crim you no long have rights. 10 years not enough time. It don’t matter if she was drinking or not she was not the one behind the wheel of a car. Her only misstake was getting in a car with a drunk in the first place. She paid the price of her misstake with her life. The onlything he gets is 10 [removed] years and will be out in 8 in half. So go head be mad go head and keep dissrecepting her family. There is a higher power and justiced will be done unto him.
Francisco Gomez says
[removed] you do the crime you do the time if he would of never got caught he would of kept on doing it [removed]
javier says
I will feel safer driving knowing this careless individual is of the streets.
james sosa says
He should of got more time. This is not justice.
goldenhour says
haha good one!
uknown person says
I heard he got 8 1/2 manditaury and he has two strikes one more hes out for life
Michelle Egberts says
@uknown person… The “Three Strikes Law” (Prop 36 ballot measure) was changed after the November 2012 election when 69.3% (8.5m voters) voted for it to be modified. One impact of the approval of Proposition 36 was that the approximately 3,000 convicted felons who were as of November 2012 serving life terms under the Three Strikes law, whose third strike conviction was for a nonviolent crime, became eligible to petition the court for a new, reduced, sentence.[2] Some estimates were that reducing the sentences of these current prisoners could result in saving the state somewhere between $150 to $200 million a year.[3] Source: http://ballotpedia.org/wiki/index.php/California_Proposition_36,_Changes_in_the_%22Three_Strikes%22_Law_(2012)
Lastly, you are right, he will be doing 8yrs 4mos 19days from the day he was sentenced with 48 days credit for time served which makes it September 2021 until he’s released. 10 years is the maximum sentenced allowed for Gross Vehicular Manslaughter (GVMI) @ 85%.
uknown person says
Doesnt matter as a person who knows him for over 10 years he will be there for a while cause the third strike law he wont be good or stay out of trouble for that long so nice know u andrew
uknown person says
Idc about your information i was there i know what the judge said
NotAgain says
Gladys says
well said!
Francisco Gomez says
Really?! Only ten years?! Once again the system fails us again. My prayers go out to her family and kids I hope that motherf#*ker rots in there he doesn’t deserve to see the light of day again sad part is he probably will only serve half his sentence. Hopefully the convicts do what the system should of done. Piece of trash, the dirt below my shoes has more of a purpose then this piece of trash…
Sig Sauer says
I agree 10 years is definetly not long enough, considering he will probably only serve half that. The justice system in this state sucks.
Palmdale_Steve says
Given CA’s revolving door prison system, he’ll be out of prison in something like 4 or 5 years.
dumbandblind says
That should be good enough time for him to learn that drinking and driving isn’t worth getting [removed]
lame says
really? 4-5 years enough for this pos, I don’t think so. He deserves life without possibility of parole. He Killed someone. He willingly got behind a steering wheel to drive and left his children without a mother.
Don't Trip says
Have you lost your mind. This piece of crap should have gotten a life sentence…no if ands or buts. If he was stupid enough to get behind the wheel after drinking, and killing someone he should pay the price. Let him for in prison.
Don't Trip says
Rot in prison
Michelle Egberts says
@Palmdale_Steve… Despite the new sentencing law changes due to AB-109 “Realignment”, Serious/Violent offenders (PC 1192.7/PC2933.1)are ineligible for any sentence reduction (good time/work time credits) while in prison. They will do 85% of their sentence imposed by the courts. In Mr. Rubidoux case, his earliest possible release date (EPRD) will be in September 2021, and will receive 3-years parole with “special conditions” attached (no alcohol).
Amber's Mom says
Michelle Egberts .. I hope you never deal with the system because you had a loved one killed, our your child. My daughter was killed by drunk driver with no valid DL an d had drugs in his system along with other infraction s of the law. Pled not guilty up to the last minute. Was sentenced to 6 years. We were told he would do at least 85 percent of the time.. YET.. the judge gave him almost a year credit after 5 months of which most was spent in a hospital getting free surgeries and being all doped up on meds. an d after reading the final paperwork it states he will do 50 percent t of his time in prison. The consequences here in California for killing someone while under the influence is a JOKE . What good is a Watson Murder Advisement .. if a plea deal can then be taken? The fin e for killing m y child was SEVENTY dollars .. you think my daughter or my family got justice? I think you need to do some research and talk to people who have actually lived through this. You think 11 days in jail is justice if an unlicensed driver kills your child and then you have to fight to have said driver deported??? Our system needs a major overhaul but our society needs to wake up .. there is a huge difference between an accident and a choice resulting in h a death.