Twitter for small business is now often seen as cliché with thousands of articles repeatedly written about how Twitter can be the key to online marketing success. But how can you actually maximize Twitter for your start-up business? How can you go head to head with big brands online with nothing but a 140 character tweet? The answers are actually more common sense than rocket science.
Keep it short and simple
Twitter started out small with the idea of its platform designed for simplistic communication and connection. So Twitter for small business should follow this basic philosophy. Keep your tweets short and concise but make sure it carries the necessary punch to speak volumes to your audience. The limited words you can cram for each tweet is both a limitation and a blessing. It is a limitation because you simply cannot be wordy. It is a blessing because it makes messaging very simple and direct to the point. The tweet must embody everything you want to say to your audience.
Engage people
Twitter allows you as a business enterprise to engage your customers in intimate ways. If you are on Twitter just to send out routine, one way messages then you are doing it wrong. Your tweets must enable you to build relationships with your followers and allow them to learn more about you and interact with you in more meaningful ways. This is the reason why Twitter is one of the leading social networking sites today. It practically smells and feels “social”. So make sure you are using your tweets to connect to people who matter to you online.
It is not all about you
Using Twitter for small business is not about you. The previous point that was discussed talked about building relationships with your audience. And you cannot do that just by talking all about yourself. Who would want to connect with someone who talks about themselves all day? To better harness Twitter you need to share related resources to your audience. Lead them to links you find interesting or you can help your followers with answers to some of their most burning questions. Syndicating other online content that is quite useful for everybody can help you build your online identity. In this highly “social” time of online connectivity, identity is all you have to forward the interest of your business. A business that does not only sell its products but also provide timely information and content is a business worth trusting and patronizing. That will be the rally point of your online business success.
There you have it! Using Twitter for small business is not that hard. There are two keywords you should never forget. Social and trust. These two are basic principles in Twitter marketing. Connect with people, engage them in a person to person level, and gain their trust overtime. This will give you a cohesive set of followers that can help you send out your message loud and clear all over the World Wide Web.
About the Author
Palmdale resident Kate Redwine, MPA. BBA. is a Client Attraction coach that teaches small business owners how to get more customers and make more money while making a difference. Kate is a #1 best-selling author of Law of Attraction Marketing: How to Attract All the Clients You Want. Kate was recently dubbed, “One of the Top 100 Mompreneur Bloggers to follow in 2013 by award winning author Matthew Toren of To hear Kate’s FREE 30 minute client attraction MP3, go to or call our FREE 24 hour recorded message line at (661) 724-6480.