ANTELOPE VALLEY – The California Highway Patrol will conduct a sobriety checkpoint during the evening of Saturday, March 16, 2013 at an undisclosed location in the Antelope Valley area.
The sobriety checkpoint will be staffed by California Highway Patrol officers who are trained in the detection of alcohol and/or drug impaired drivers.
The officers will be equipped with state of the art hand-held breath screening devices which provide an accurate measure of blood alcohol concentration of suspected impaired drivers.
Lieutenant Lund stated, “The impaired and unlicensed drivers are one of the biggest threats to our motoring public. The sobriety checkpoint will allow our assigned officers to evaluate drivers who drive through the established checkpoint and ensure their sobriety.”
All drivers who are under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs can expect to be arrested and can count on spending the night in jail.
Unlicensed drivers could potentially have the vehicle they are driving impounded and will have enforcement action taken against them as well.
Suspended or revoked drivers are involved in four times more fatal collisions and six times more injury collisions than licensed drivers, according to CHP officials.
“Unlicensed drivers will also be a focus of the checkpoint,” Lund stated. “Our Department’s objective is to send a clear message to those considering mixing alcohol and/or drugs with driving– the California Highway Patrol will be keeping a watchful eye out for you.”
The checkpoint is funded by grant through the Office of Traffic Safety in Sacramento.
AVcares says
Go get them…lock them up and take away the key!!!