LANCASTER – Gang detectives seized several loaded weapons, cocaine and drug paraphernalia while serving a search warrant at the home of an alleged gang member, authorities said.
The bust happened on Feb. 21 at a home on Raysack Avenue near East Avenue J-13 in Lancaster, and gang detectives arrested 37-year-old John Lawrence Robinson in connection with the bust, according to Sgt. Mark Marbach.
The incident was triggered when Lancaster Operation Safe Streets (OSS, gang unit) detectives developed information on a gang member who was selling cocaine and in possession of weapons, Marbach stated.
A search warrant was obtained and served by Lancaster and Palmdale OSS detectives, along with the assistance of the Lancaster and Palmdale narcotics teams.
During the search, detectives located:
- Approximately four pounds of cocaine;
- A loaded AK-47 semi-automatic rifle in the suspect’s room next to the cocaine;
- A loaded 9mm pistol; and
- A loaded .38 caliber revolver in the family room couch cushions.
Additionally, a large sum of money was recovered, along with scales, packaging and other narcotics paraphernalia.
Robinson was located a short time later, returning to his residence, and he was arrested on narcotics-related charges.
An additional large sum of money was seized from Robinson’s vehicle.
Robinson’s 10-month-old son was at the residence at the time of the warrant service, according to Marbach. The Department of Children and Family Services “MART” team was contacted and they removed the child from the home.
Robinson remains jailed on $415,000 bail.
narina says
our system is joke,gang member got cut,did time and comeout,do same [removed] again ,nice work ,and then you wonder whats wrong with this country
Lynn says
I think every drug dealer/gang banging punk should have a bounty so every law abiding citizen in this valley had an advantage over these loser wastes of skin polluting this valley. The police have not been successful at keeping out the cancer that the city councils continue to invite to move here by making ‘affordable’ housing available to these scumbags. It’s long past time to organize our own militia and root them out.
M says
As we can all see, gun control does not work when the criminals have arms whether the law allows it or not.
By disarming law abiding citizens the chance to defend themselves, you are allowing predators (criminals) a larger group of prey (law abiding citizens) which in turn will allow predators to prosper and procreate, or migrate to the area.
To disarm a citizen is to take the shell off a turtle, to take the teeth out of a sheep dog.
frank rizzo says
Its funny how if something is illegal people will still find a way to get it. Just leaglize all drugs and call it good and do away with the current gun laws california has in place.
M says
Someone regularly vote down my comments without commenting. If you have a reason to dislike my comment, have the courage to explain why.
M says
I see they lack courage, must be the family of the criminal or criminals themselves who want people to be soft targets so crime is easier.
SpareThePropaganda says
Trolls being trolls, and your acknowledgement gives them validation.
M says
Worst… trolls… ever. Not even a “all guns should be taken away” attempt, nothing. Our education system is failing the next generation.
Gladys says
M, I do agree with your comments. I think the schools and lots of parents have failed this generation. Parents for not making their kids go to school and schools for passing kids through that can’t even read or process any type of problem.
Quigley says
Hey M… the reason AV Times launched the thumbs up & down was for posters to do exactly that…agree or disagree without a written explanation. Stop ur whining! Please don’t take my response personal…might have to give you a thumbs down!
M says
That’s it, that’s all? Trolls these days don’t even try, probably because, as I said before, our education system has barely given them any critical thinking skills. One of the reasons why businesses go over sees. Same quality, less pay.
Raptorman says
The Semiauto AKM has not been available for sale in Kalifornia since 1999. See how well that Assault Weapons law worked?!
Laws cannot and will not protect you.
Michelle Egberts says
Lancaster is rid of one less drug dealer for a long long time. Atleast California has MANDATORY drug sentencing laws in place especially with the amount of cocaine found (4 lbs), sentencing enhancements because firearms were involved which can significantly increase the length of punishment, not to mention money/scales/packaging showing “intent to sell”. The “plea bargain” offered should not be less than 10 years at 80% if not more with priors, and not including sentencing enhancements for each firearm. Maybe our city will have less crime associated with drug abuse now that a major “connect” (drug dealer) is OUT OF BUSINESS!!! The estimated cost to society of drug abuse is $181 billion– $107 billion of it is associated with drug related crime. Congrats LASD OSS Unit… keep up the good work!
Sig Sauer says
He will probably plea bargain and get a reduced sentence or probation. California doesn’t really punish criminals, that whole overcrowding thing, we have no money to punish criminals. He will eventually be back on the streets doing it again. And gee I’m sure he will have more guns that will be illegal (30 round clip in picture). All of this states laws will not prevent it.
Palmdale_Diego says
Alleged gang member? Cracks me up; what else could he be?
ed says
He could be an independent contractor. Good Police Work.
dontworrybehappy says
He was an unlicensed pharmacist
Raptorman says
Maybe the Kawanis?
I always love that; “Alleged!”
Lucas says
Wow. A job well done Officers. Congratulations.