LANCASTER – Deputies seized several gallons of Methylamine and a loaded, unregistered handgun from the impounded pick-up truck of a man arrested for driving with a suspended license last week, authorities said.
Michael Berkheimer, a 42-year-old convicted felon with connections to OMG gang members, was arrested around 4 p.m. on Feb. 21, according to Sgt. Mark Marbach.
Lancaster “TOP Team” deputies observed Berkheimer’s pick-up truck on West Avenue K traveling with an expired registration, according to Marbach.
Deputies conducted a traffic stop and found that Berkheimer was also driving with a suspended license. Berkheimer was detained and his pick-up truck was impounded.
During a search of the vehicle, deputies recovered a loaded, unregistered, 9mm pistol and eight gallons of Methylamine, according to Marbach.
Methylamine is a precursor for Methamphetamine production, and eight gallons is capable of producing approximately 64 pounds of methamphetamine.
Berkheimer was booked at the Lancaster Station without bail.
Lancaster Operation Safe Streets detectives are handling the investigation.
Lynn says
Really? It’s getting to the point that I can hardly stomach reading AV news. Or living here anymore.
Sjgranai says
FYI.. the term OMG gang member is redundant.. it is like saying ATM Machine.
ryneshia jackson says
lol he is from OMG GIRLS lololololololololol
M says
As we can all see, gun control does not work when the criminals have arms whether the law allows it or not.
By disarming law abiding citizens the chance to defend themselves, you are allowing predators (criminals) a larger group of prey (law abiding citizens) which in turn will allow predators to prosper and procreate, or migrate to the area.
To disarm a citizen is to take the shell off a turtle, to take the teeth out of a sheep dog.
Gladys says
or the peanut out of peanut butter, the sun out of sunshine. grrr. As long as criminals have guns, so should law abiding citizens.
karmapolice says
OMG not the OMG’s!
SJGranai says
Bike clubs are NOT meth dealers. Geezus christ…it says OMG “CONNECTIONS” …doesn’t say he is a member! It is more hype and really has NO relation to the story. What if he was a moose lodge member? AAA member? Boy scouts as a child?
Sick of people watching SOA and swearing all bikers are drug dealing pimps & all clubs are gangs.
Gladys says
So you are comparing omg (bikers) to aaa, boy scouts and moose?
Sjgranai says
No I wouldn’t dare compare OMGs to an organization ran by a sexual predator like the Moose Lodge…and the Moose Lodge isn’t doing a damn thing about it.
anon says
The Moose take care of people in Retirement and orphans, Bikers tend to stop people from making it to Retirement and creating orphans….. Hopefully that clears it up for SJGranai…..
Sjgranai says
The CEO of the Moose is busy molesting those orphans. Go figure!
Gladys says
charges, proof or accusations that can’t be proven. Anyone else rumored to be a sex offender is found guilty and quickly arrested.
Hmmmm says
OMG stands for OUTLAW Motorcyle Gang as far as I am aware….. The operative word being outlaw. There is no statement that says all motorcycle clubs deal drugs, but OUTLAWs probably do.
Sjgranai says
I was looking for relevance but there is none. Who he is “connected” to doesn’t mean anything. He isn’t a MEMBER of an OMG..
Gladys says
Who was it that recently said, on this blog, that NOBODY makes meth here in the AV? I believe it was Adam? He said it ALL comes from Mexico. I wonder if this guy was on his way to Mexico to make meth….hmmm? What do you say now Adam? Nevermind, I don’t even want to know. rhetoric
Adam Chant says
1. He was getting ready for this year’s racing season and was going to use the Methylamine as an octane booster for his Turbo STR-4.
2. He is a member of the breaking bad production crew and was moving it from their lot in Burbank to Hi Vista for the next episode filming..
3. He’s a Stupid MF.. and thought since I called out meth makers in the A.V. that he would prove me wrong.. Gladys you are really tied up on proving me wrong are you involved in this conspiracy to discredit me.
J/k -Don’t get mad and read into my sarcasm here –
Good call… on this one.. But I think multiple people pointed out that I was making a statement that still holds true in that the vast majority of meth production now happens over the border due to the way laws are written in the USA. The A.V. is not the meth lab epicenter you want it make it out to be. Pot .. probably though..
In fact just being in possession of this much Methylamine (16oz or more if I remember correctly) is a felony. Not only was he in possession of a precursor to meth, but was transporting it in the wrong type of container and vehicle, improper signage and a ton of other EPA and DOT violations.
And for all of those anti-LASD types.. even if this was gasoline it would be against the law to transport it without the proper permits, vehicle and container.. Heck it could have been 8 tires and it would be against the law to transport…
Quigley says
#2 is the correct answer….
Gladys says
I like all your explanations. I wonder which one he will use in court. smh
I know alot of drugs come from outside the country, but with all the biker gangs like this guy belongs to, and the people I see tweeking around all the time, I figured something was going on closer to home.
Good work LASD. If we could just find a way to keep these guys out of production.
Seems like the bike clubs are meth dealers. The bloods and crips sell dope and prostitutes. High school kids and a nasty mix of the afore mentioned groups are, robbing houses.
Letlow says
Damn outlaw bikers are bringing down the quality of life in the AV!! Lock him up and throw away the key!