PALMDALE –GRID Alternatives, a partner with the City of Palmdale in an innovative low-to-no cost affordable solar power housing program, received the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Pacific Southwest Region’s Environmental Award for its Solar Affordable Housing Program.
Grid Alternatives was honored for its efforts in working with the Hopland Band of Pomo Indians, working with qualifying Tribal members to install the latest solar technology on their homes.
“This organization is a role model for how business can promote solar energy while equipping Californians with the skills they need to sustain this industry,” said the EPA’s Regional Administrator Jared Blumenfeld.
The EPA Pacific Southwest Region’s Environmental Awards program acknowledges commitments and significant contributions to protecting the environment in California, Arizona, Nevada, Hawaii, Pacific Islands and tribal lands.

“The Hopland Band of Pomo Indians has been pleased to have Grid Alternatives Work with our qualifying Tribal members to install the latest solar technology on their homes,” said Shawn Padi, Chairman of the Hopland Band of Pomo Indians. “This green technology not only helps the environment but also makes our qualifying Tribal members’ monthly energy bills much more affordable.”
Through the program, GRID Alternatives trains and leads teams of community volunteers and job trainees to install solar electric systems for low-income homeowners, generating financial benefits for families, and job training opportunities for local workforces.
“Palmdale is proud to have partners like GRID Alternatives,” says Public Works Director, Mike Mischel. “To date, we have seven in the process of receiving assistance, allowing them to save money while also running their households on greener energy.”
To qualify for the low- to no-cost program, residents must own and live in their home, be Southern California Edison customers, and meet income eligibility/homeownership guidelines.
“If a resident believes their household meets the minimum requirements, we encourage them to go to one of two informational meetings at the South Valley Worksource Center, located at 38510 Sierra Highway on Wednesday, February 27 or Wednesday, March 6th from 6:30 to 7:30 pm,” said Administrative Analyst Ben Lucha. “To learn more information about the program and to see if you quality, visit www.gridalternatives.org or call 310-735-9770.”
(Information via press release from the city of Palmdale.)