PALMDALE – There was a large turnout for the Day of Resistance rally on Saturday, Feb. 23. Dozens of protesters showed up to show their support of the 2nd Amendment, waving American flags and signs. State Senator Steve Knight was the guest speaker, showing his support to the cause as well.
“This is a different way America’s going about things,” said Knight. “We are actually looking at the law-abiding citizens and saying ‘You are our target’, instead of the people who are using guns irresponsibly.”
On 10th Street West near Rancho Vista Blvd, the rally was in a prime spot to gain attention by passing residents.
There was a chorus of honks and shout outs throughout the entire rally, causing cheers from the local patriots.
Some passed with opposing views and signs, as well.
“I am supporting this cause because I want to see a better America for my family and children,” explained Kenneth L. of Lancaster. “If we don’t stand up for our constitutional rights, then we have no say in the country’s future. I want a say in my future.”
The rally was held by the Littlerock Tea Party, a local group that organizes rallies around the Antelope Valley and holds meetings on a regular basis.
“Everybody has a voice,” stated Dee Reilman, the event organizer. “We need to tell Congress that they cannot take away our 2nd Amendment rights!”
The rally was in conjunction with the national Day of Resistance movement. The movement focused on opposing the gun control bills coming into Congress. Similar rallies took place nationwide.
According to Knight, around 13 anti-gun bills are in the pipeline for California.
“Please don’t write me a letter. I’m pretty good with guns,” laughed Knight. “You can come to my house and see my guns, you can see me take my boys out shooting. We’ve grown up with guns, we know what they are, and I was a cop for 18 years so I’ve been around them for a little while.”
View many more pictures from the rally below!
From “Day of Resistance – 2nd Amendment” – Rally – 02/23/13, posted by James Stamsek Photography on 2/23/2013 (20 items)
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Forewarned says
I wonder how many pro gun owners didn’t vote in the last election? I bet they wish they did now, 2014 is gonna be interesting!
Deborah says
It’s about time that we the people are standing up for our Constitution
rights, We have let the government stomp all over us, and because we the people let them, but I believe it has come to a end. We are tired of there lies. And we will continue to fight for our rights.
Lynn says
Large turnout? Looks to me like maybe 25 or 30 people max. Waste of time.
frank rizzo says
Yea, waste of time, time would be better spend going to a pro union communist rally.
Joez says
Had a great time at the event. Important to stand up and stop the mindless lawmakers who lack any common sence.
M says
If the Anti-Gun group was truly worried about safety, they would be going after drugs, prescription drug abuse, DUIs, and bad drivers, but hey, guns are scary!
More people died from being kicked/hit/punched than from assault rifles.
In 2010, more than 10,228 people died because of a DUI involved traffic collision, that is near close to the number of firearms related homicides by in the US, which is 11,101 for 2010.
What does that mean? You are just as likely to die on the road today, as you are to die by a firearm anywhere in the US.
If you look at firearms accidents and other traffic collisions, they are comparable still.
2009: 31,347 firearms related deaths (including police shootings, SUICIDES, and self defense.)
In 2009, motor vehicle crashes killed about 35,000 people and 22% of those killed were between 15 and 24 years old.
In 2008, more than 36,000 people died from drug overdoses, and most of these deaths were caused by prescription drugs.
Where is the outrage?
Here are my sources, using the same information twisted around in the news and by politicians:
Les says
This was a 2nd Amendment rights rally. I’m sure those in attendance care about drug abuse but that was not the issue they were there to bring attention to. You are free to organize your own anti-drug rally. That’s what the 1st Amendment is all about.
M says
I support 2nd amendment rights, my comment was regarding the anti-gun groups and politicians and how silent they are on other subjects such as drunk driving and prescription drug abuse which kill more people than firearms do.
As pointed out in my comment, more people die from being hit and kicked than from being shot with assault rifles.
Les says
My sincerest apologies “M”. I read your comment incorrectly and jumped to the conclusion you were anti-gun and implying we should put our efforts towards helping drug addicts.
I do believe many of these drugs prescribed for mental illness, depression etc are more dangerous than guns. How many of these mass shooters were on pr had been on prescribed medication.
My apologies again “M”.
Lynn says
I think the issue is more about keeping the guns out of the wrong hands. Why don’t you all start working on that? Just about every day here in the AV there are shootings. It’s out of control. I own guns but that doesn’t make me feel any safer living in the AV, especially when I am in town. That’s the problem your group and your politicians need to address.
M says
Sadly most of the weapons used by the criminals here in the AV are illegally obtained (theft, smuggling, etc.)
So what you are saying is that we need harsher penalties for criminals who possess and illegally sell firearms? I don’t think most people will argue that.
Here in California barely even 0.09% of the population can legally carry a sidearm on them, if you add on law enforcement (local and federal) you have 0.35% of the population in California who can legally carry.
So that means that pretty much anyone you see carrying a handgun on them is probably doing so illegally in California.
Criminals know that they will face very little resistance on the street from the average person, which makes the average person a bigger target for armed criminals than say business owners who can legally carry a gun on them on their own property.
In other words, you encourage predators to procreate or migrate by having more prey available in certain locations. California just happens to be a great location to move to for predators.
won't be fooled again says
Round up gangs & criminals if you want to make things safer.
Dee says
I want to tell some of those that are Anti-Gun… If you think that the Government gives you ”Security”, you’re giving up your FREEDOM.. You will have neither if our ”Rights” are gone… and you’ll never get them back..Our 2nd Amendment was written for ”We The People” to protect us from our own Government.. Do you wonder why people are buying guns & ammo now? The ”Government” is getting BIGGER .. that’s why… Support the Constitution first, Government second!
Michael Rives says
Freedom is an intangible idea that is translated into concrete by establishing laws (fules) and a government to administer those laws. If the government is doing something wrong in administering those laws, we have an elections to change the representatives who represent us in the government. While we want guns for sporting purposes or self-protection in our homes or business, we shouldn’t have to possess guns to protect us from our government.
Michael Rives says
fules is rules, sorry.
frank rizzo says
You do need guns to protect yourself from the government. If you disarm the people the government and dictator will take over and you will have a situation like WWII Germany.
Deborah says
WOW isn’t that the truth. People wake up.
bill says
remember it is NOT just the 2nd amendment but also the 4th amendment that is under attack bt the gun grabbers in washington state. they have introduced bills requiring mandatory police inspections of registered gunowners on a yearly basis. NO WARRANT IS REQUIRED.!!!!!!
itwon’t be long till the senile old lady from marin county will try that here in the peoples republik of kalifornia.
[removed] says
oh great. a bunch of extremist tea partiers who love their guns. i thought we were going to stop allowing the insane to posess them?
Palmdale_Diego says
Opinions are like rectums, everybody has one.
Michael Rives says
One thing about State Senator Steve Knight is that he comes to events and stays to meet the people and doesn’t rush off. He did that today and it was appreciated. Even though I don’t agree with the Tea Party, completely, on gun laws ( I favor the abolition of handguns), it was great seeing people exercising their lst amendment right to support the 2nd amendment.
RallyParticipant says
Thank You for the balanced article and not slamming those of us who were there like so many other media outlets usually do. We had a good turnout of people from a mix of political backgrounds (Republicans, Independents, Libertarians and even quite a few Democrats).
It was refreshing to see a balanced and well rounded article. Again, thanks!
Palmdale_Steve says
Did Mr. Fox attend?
Dee says
No, Mr. Fox did not attend…He could have and I’m sure he would have been received graciously…There are many ” gun bills” in the State Assembly that I’m sure he supports with his fellow Democrat Assemblymen, some of which may limit California gun owners even more..
Observer says
Steve Fox should have been there! I voted for him because I believed him when he stated that he was “really a Republican who had to run as a Democrat to win”! I am a Republican who believes in the Second Amendment. I will be calling Mr. Fox’s office to voice my dissatisfaction over his choice not to attend when he has attended other local events.
Mark says
thats what ya get when you believe a politician.they are liars and cheats. both parties not one side or the other.
Palmdale_Steve says
Don’t feel bad, Deputy Dog Smith wasn’t there ether…TRex probably didn’t give Deputy Dog permission to go South of the Cactus Curtain, ether that or he’s still in Whitless protection.