LANCASTER – Authorities are investigating an early morning shooting at a Lancaster nightclub that left four people wounded.
The shooting happened around 2 a.m. Saturday outside the Industry Theater, a concert venue and nightclub in the 43000 block of Business Center Parkway in Lancaster.

“There was some type of disturbance at the location, which led to an altercation in the parking lot, which turned into a shooting,” said Lancaster Station Watch Commander Lt. Carter.
During the melee, three people from Lancaster (ages 26, 29 and 37) and a 22-year-old person from Victorville were shot, Carter said.
Security at the nightclub was also involved in the shooting, Carter said.
“Security did return fire at the potential suspects,” Carter said. “We’re still trying to determine what happened.”

The victims were all treated at local hospitals and their conditions are unknown at this time.
Investigators are still working to determine how many suspects were involved.
“There was a large fight inside the location and we don’t how many shooters there were at this time,” Carter said.
No further details were available as of late Saturday afternoon.
Anyone with information on this incident is asked to contact the Lancaster Sheriff’s Station at 661-948-8466. If you would like to remain anonymous, call Crime Stoppers at 800-222-8477.
otis says
Again, guns…stop the insanity!
SJGranai says
I remember when Schooners used to be on 15th Street and it was a well known “cop shop” (when LEOs went to eat and hang out). Regardless of that… there was a shooting that resulted in the death of the manager (RIP).
Many venues have a history of shootings that occur. Do not blame the venue owner for the action of the patrons OUTSIDE. There is only so much one can do.
I highly doubt Parris wants to close down Industry Theater… heaven forbid the “desirables” end up at BEX and shoot someone…
SJGranai says
excuse me.. I mean “undesirables” end up at BEX
John Howard says
Don’t pass judgment on the business just based on this incident. It happens all over in today’s society. I know of a Lancaster business that only NERDS hang out at that had a shooting. I guess in that case the pokemon gang didn’t like the AD&D gang stepping in on their territory and ‘Feces Established Reality!’ (That’s ‘Sh!t got real!’ in nerd speak.)
How it is handled is more important than anything else. Bex had a time when there were incidents once in a while, but they changed the demographics of their club and the problems went away. Maybe it’s time that Industry Theater thought twice about the kind of venue they are and whether it’s worth the hassle of hosting hip-hop groups if this is going to be the result.
NRA member says
And our “chief” wants us to give up our guns! f this, Im going to buy more..
edgar says
Once again…. This “scum” you speak off originated in our backyard. The idea that this problem comes from down below is a very poor excuse and we should do something about it instead of scrambling for excuses. We need more community oriented policing on our streets. We need a mayor that would actually pay more attention to the low icome family needs then a stupid lancaster blvd that did nothing but raise taxes on residents in the area.
Beervana says
Where was she when the White Power groups popped up here in the AV. Oh that’s right, she probably didn’t notice because they were just “kids being kids” :/
lorraine Gollub says
You have a great place, Tully. Tell your friends not to give up. This is a good place to congregate and most people are decent and supportive. You do not even know who caused the problem. It could have been someone trying to get you out of business because of competition. Thank God, it wasn’t worse and thank God that most of the supporters are decent. It is a great place except for the idiot jerk who caused this problem. LG
bill says
lancaster has a nightclub????
Nick says
You can find scum anywhere. [removed] people can also find transportation to go mess [removed] up in “nice” places as well
beentherebefore says
I agree that metal detectors should be installed, but when something is taken to the parking lot, it isn’t much effort to get something out of your car. They could probably benefit from surveillance cameras too.
sikntired says
I remember touring the new Lancaster sheriff station when it opened and having a volunteer tell me AV would never have a gang problem like LA.
Gladys says
It’s called denial. That’s why things have gotten so out of control. Everyone sat by passively and watched the young taggers turn into full on gang members, saying they would grow out of it. Yeah, they recruited little kids to take their places as they moved up the chain. Schools here are recruitment centers for gangs. If you don’t think so, park by a school and see who comes to pick up kids and hang around the school.
sikntired says
Thanks Edgar for my Edification, I thought they were all L.A. offshoots except for the Palmdale Peckerwoods.
Valerie, nice try at intimidation.Your post should be removed.
No safety here! says
“If youur looking for safety you’ve come to the wrong place.” – Rex
sandie says
He did say that! But seems like in the last 2 weeks therehas been alot of shootins. Seems to be getting worse.
sikntired says
There have been nightclub shootings here for many years,Schooners ,the now defunct Buffalo club ,and a few on the east side of Palmdale,nothing new.
Aaron says
Won’t be long when Rex closes the place down. Hard to believe the city gave them a license / permit in the first place.
Lynn says
The Lancaster City Council continues to follow the folly of their predecessors, in doing whatever it takes to make a quick buck, damn the rest of us. Then they retire and move away from the ghetto they have created.
John Howard says
Are you that ignorant that you think that the city can just choose who they can and can’t issue a business license to? Unless it’s specifically against the law any business has the right to conduct business where and how they see fit. Contrary to the bullying rumors the city can’t control this unless there are specific ordinances in place stating so. Some types of businesses are restricted to certain zones for obvious reasons, but unless there is probable cause for concern there is no reason a business would be denied the ability to conduct business in Lancaster.
sikntired says
Which black and Latino gangs originated here Edgar?
edgar says
The biggest black gang that lasd looks for is BOP. Other black hoods include Bmm, 11 th st bloods, and there are others that always come up. Now latino gangs you got Palmas Lancas Crazy Kings Familia Santos Desmadrosos Lcv3 DAF…. There are many more out there that claim Antelope Valley 661 prodly. And the whites well you got the nazi low riders and multiple white supremacy groups. So yeah they all originate in the area. Not to mention all the bike gangs with av chapters
L & 20th W. says
crips, bloods, nlr,mm,ck,ab,vagos,mongols,bf,the core on and on all have members here all need to get a life and go away asap
Valerie says
Edgar it’s not bop that’s not the biggest but they r from wattz and for you to put gang information out there it’s not right if u recall the murder that happen on 11st east last year just becareful what you speak
Mark says
No Valerie, you be careful what YOU speak. Did you seriously threaten someone on a public forum? Did you use your personal email? So stupid.
Matt K. says
Thanks! Was going to say the same thing!