PALMDALE – Thursday morning, teams from the Antelope Valley Crime Fighting Initiatives (AVCFI) conducted searches of probationers at 18 locations throughout the city of Palmdale.
Five arrests were made, including two individuals for possession of marijuana for sales, one for possession of a firearm and another for a felony warrant.
A gun recovered during one search was found to be the property of 26-year- old Anthony Beshears, who is currently on probation. During Beshears’ search, deputies also found marijuana that appeared packaged and ready for transportation through a shipping company.
“Five arrests out of 18 locations served is a pretty typical arrest rate,” said Lieutenant Larry Gregg of the AVCFI task force. “The important thing to remember is that well more than half of those approached were not arrested.”
Gregg said it was important for individuals on probation or parole to be aware that there are resources available to assist them in assimilating back into society.
“Recidivism by these individuals continues to be a problem,” he said. “For those re-entering society, they need to remember that programs are available to help them get into school, find jobs and keep them from returning to jail or prison.”
“All they need do is to reach out for help,” Gregg added.
More than 70 arrests and 55 searches have been conducted in these operations.
Thursday’s operation was planned by Palmdale Station’s Partners Against Crime (PAC) team, with assisting teams from both local sheriff stations, Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) and the Probation Department.
The operation was the sixth one conducted by the AVCFI task force since the first of the year, and more are planned.
The public is encouraged to provide information regarding these or any crimes directly to the Palmdale Sheriff’s Station by calling 661-272-2400. To remain anonymous, call Crime Stoppers at 800-222-8477.
(Information via press release from the Palmdale Sheriff’s Station.)
Palmdale_Steve says
Good job Deputies, keep up the great work!