LANCASTER – A recently fired worker who confronted his former supervisor at a Lancaster residence Friday morning was safely taken into custody, thanks to the Law Enforcement Aerial Platform System, authorities said.
Dalton Costahaude, 21, was arrested around 10 a.m. for possession of a controlled substance and being under the influence of a controlled substance. Deputies also recovered a large hunting knife, but no weapons violations were pending against Costahaude.
The following is the press report from the Lancaster Station:
At approximately 8:30 a.m., Lancaster Sheriff’s Station received a call from an informant reporting a man with a knife near her home.
The Law Enforcement Aerial Platform System (LEAPS) aircraft camera instantly captured video footage of the incident and helped to monitor the suspect’s actions while assisting responding deputies. A safe and well coordinated response helped deputies accomplish a safe detention and ultimate arrest of Dalton Costahaud, MW/21.
It was later determined that Costahaude had his employment as a plumber recently terminated and was at the residence [43000 Block of Windrose Place] to discuss this termination with his supervisor. A verbal argument occurred and the suspect returned to his car.
The suspect was charged with possession of a controlled substance and being under the influence of a controlled Substance. A large hunting knife was located; however, no weapons violations were pending.
This recent deployment of the LEAPS aircraft confirmed recent improvements of a newly improved and stronger radio signal which nearly doubled its flight coverage capabilities. This program has been deployed since September 2012 and augments law enforcement efforts.
Related articles:
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clv says
my daughter been missing for 4 days where the hell is the damn eye in sky when needed ,,
TruelyYours says
wow i once dated this guy……. no further comment
William says
You don’t suppose they are ‘using’ zee plane to make arrests that would have been made just as easily by patrol cars arriving at a residence address that the caller must have given them, just to make it seem like LEAPS is really doing its job, do ya?
Sorta like Romney taking credit for rescuing General Motors. LOL
Nay, they wouldn’t do something fishy in Lancaster would they?
sammy P says
good point William.. but if the plane is pointless.. then what is the motive for the Sheriff to have it? do they really believe it will help combat crime in the AV or does the top brass use the plane to go fishing in Lake Tahoe on the weekends?
A helicopter is so much more maneuverable then a plane, copters can hover, a plane can’t, they have to “circle” to keep an eye on one point on the ground, I can’t see how this is as handy as a copter.
But.. I think a copter is WAY more expensive to keep in the air VS a plane, and a plane is cheaper to maintain as well, so I guess its all about cost effectiveness VS results….
well I will say this, If I was robbed on Palmdale Blvd by an armed suspect, I would feel better with a copter in the air then a plane.
Turd Ferguson says
The motive is money.The motive is money.Follow the money.Follow the money.This is not a sherriffs project.This is not a sherriffs project.This is a Paris and Visco project.This is a Paris and Visco project.No other sherriffs department has one.No other sherriffs department wants one.Follow the money.Follow the money.The results speak for themselves.The results speak for themselves.LEAPS is a waste of tax payer dollars.
... says
My name is Turd. My name is Turd. I can speak! I can speak! Watch me speak. Watch me speak. Watch me say everything twice. Watch me say everything twice.
Beervana says
Thanks for repeating yourself Turd. Lots of people on this site don’t get it the first time!
Turd Ferguson says
My name is Turd and I can speak.My name is Turd and I can speak.I can also do math.I can also do math.$90,000.00 a month for LEAPS is over $1,000,000.00 a year of wasted tax payer money.$ 90,000.00 a month for LEAPS is over $1,000,000.00 a year of wasted tax payer money.Stop wasting tax payer dollars.Stop wasting tax payer dollars.We already have aerial support if we need it from the sherriffs department.We already have aerial support if we need it from the sherriffs department.We have great sherriffs.We have great sherriffs.We need more sherriffs.We need more sherriffs.No to LEAPS.No to LEAPS.Yes to more sherriffs.Yes to more sherriffs.Spend $90,000.00 a month for more sherriffs. Spend $90,000.00 a month for more sherriffs.
fed up! says
What Parris needs to do is hang one of those big beach banners trail behind the plane advertising his law firm that way it would save the tax payers some money because he would be paying for his advertisment, plus it would help on who to call when I develop a neck injury looking up watching the plane fly over my house every five mintues!
frank rizzo says
Romney and GM has nothing to do with this. Would be like saying Hilary and Bengazi, has nothing to do with this article.
William says
What is yer problem,Rizzo? It was an analogy made for emphasis. I feel like I’m talkin’ to children here sometimes.
sammy P says
“LEAPS helps deputies catch armed suspect” Who writes these things? If I get pulled over for speeding and I have a pocketknife am I an ARMED SUSPECT? the knife had nothing to do with what he was arrested for so why mention it?
“911 whats your emergency” — “um hi, my neighbor is arguing with a man on his patio and it looks like its getting very heated, can you send someone out” – “yes mam, we will send out a patrol car, can you give me a description? – Well, hes white and has a black jacket and blue jeans and it looks like a pocketknife on his belt” – “what?? you mean he has a KNIFE??? hold on mam, we will send out 10 patrol cars and an airplane” (sigh)
If I ever have to call the cops on my neighbor for playing music too loud I will mention there might be a knife in their kitchen drawer, that way I will get tons of cops plus the airplane flying overhead.
There is a daycare center and a middle school right around the corner from the address, I am surprised the Sheriffs press release didn’t say “LEAPS SAVES HUNDREDS OF CHILDREN FROM ARMED SUSPECT”
If not for the fact that the suspect happened to possess a controlled substance (under the influence was probably added to trump up the charges, probably be dismissed in plea deal) then this guy would have done nothing wrong and the press release would have said “LEAPS DEPLOYED IN POINTLESS WASTE OF TAXPAYER MONEY” makes me wonder how often LEAPS gets used that we don’t hear about. Panhandlers beware!!! LEAPS is gonna get ya! :)
JK says
The guy being under the influence is likely since he possessed illegal narotics. Im just glad it didnt turn violent for the sake of his former boss. Im glad he was captured no matrer how they accomplished it.
sikntired says
Yeah, I’m sure he didn’t have the hunting knife to clean his toenails.
Gladys says
Great comment Sammy. So true on all accounts. The “what ifs” only count when the police or city employees are talking.
bumbandblind says
Absolutely despicable catch to cost ratio.
Turd Ferguson says
Thank goodness for LEAPS!Thankgoodness for LEAPS!We are now safe from ex plumbers who have controlled substances and hunting knives.We are now safe from ex plumbers who have controlled substances and knives.All this for $90,000.00 a month.All this for $90,000.00 a month.We saved wear and tear on the sherriffs heliocopter that we already pay for.We saved wear and tear on the sherriffs heliocopter that we already pay for.We pay $90,000.00 a month for LEAPS and we free up the heliocopter for everyone else to use.We pay $90,000.00 a month for LEAPS and we free up the heliocopter for everyone else to use.How nice of us tax payers!How nice of us taxpayers. It is obvious this person could not have been caught without LEAPS.It is obvious this person could not have been caught without LEAPS.It is worth $90,000.00 a month to capture an ex plumber with a controlled substance and a hunting knife.It is worth $90,000.00 a month to capture an ex plumber with a controlled substance and a hunting knife. Let us spend another $90,000.00 a month on another LEAPS so we can catch all the other bad guys who have controlled substances and pointed objects in their pockets.Let us spend another $90,000.00 a month on another LEAPS so we can catch all the other bad guys who have controlled substances and pointed objects in their pockets.What a joke!What a joke!$90,000.00 a month and this is what we get?$90,000.00 a month and this is what we get? No wonder no one else wants to buy LEAPS.No wonder no one else wants to boy LEAPS! LEAPS is a waste of tax payer money.LEAPS is a waste of tax payer money. No to LEAPS. No to LEAPS!
The Anti-REX says
Sheriffs helicopter that we already pay for?
I think a one of his cronies wallets is getting fatter every month.
T-Bone says
Sounds to me like they could have accomplished the same “Safe Detention” the Old School way without LEAPs. And how much did this “Newly Improved and Stonger Radio Signal” cost the taxpayers?
Lisa says
Shouldn’t Arial be Aerial?
sikntired says
Ha ha, think so.Wasn’t Arial the little mermaid?
ryneshia jackson says
so you are spending more money for a private plane instead of using a sheriff helicopter that can do the same thing hmmmmmmmmmmmm paris do you need a drink while flying around trying to catch bad guys ohh no wait your to busy in ur office while lancompton is being run downed great job