PALMDALE –The Board of Directors of the Palmdale Water District adopted the 2013 Budget at their regular Board meeting on Wednesday, January 9, 2013.
Board President, Gordon Dexter, stated, “The Board made a tough decision to add a rate increase to the 2013 budget, but it stabilizes finances and allows for access to funding for replacing old water mains.”
Although the Board approved an 8% water rate increase, the effect to most customers will be a 3% increase due to the recent settlement of lawsuits between the City of Palmdale and the District, according to a news release by the Palmdale Water District.
The settlement provisions provided a 10% larger water base allowance for both indoor and outdoor water usage starting January 1, 2013. This provision effectively decreased water rates by 5% for the average water bill. The average water bill is anticipated to increase approximately $1.40 per month; however, some customers may see a higher increase based on actual water usage.
Revenue created by the increase in water rates will go directly towards infrastructure projects and securing funds for infrastructure projects – specifically replacement of aging water mains built in the 1950s and well rehabilitation.
Also included in the 2013 budget is a freeze on staff merit raises, no cost of living adjustment (COLA), and elimination of an annual contract with Capital Dynamics.
On January 19, 2013, the District is having a workshop on the new “Cash for Grass” program. The District will also explain the water re-allocation and the water rate change.
Call (661) 456-1001 to sign up for the workshop. There will be at least two workshops per month; seating is limited so call early.
The Palmdale Water District has grown from an agency providing irrigation water for 60 customers, to an agency providing domestic water to the thriving community we know today. Founded as an irrigation district supplying water mainly to farms for agricultural use, the District’s boundaries have expanded with Palmdale’s rapid population growth and the District has shifted to providing predominantly municipal and industrial water. The Palmdale Water District is currently divided into five divisions covering areas in East and South Palmdale. The Palmdale Water District remains dedicated to providing clean, pure water; state of the art facilities to meet current and future needs; attentive staff committed to customer satisfaction; treatment and testing to ensure high quality water; education on water conservation and safety; and reliable supply and resourceful planning insuring customer satisfaction and continued reasonable rates. The Palmdale Water District can be reached by calling (661) 947-4111. The Palmdale Water District is located at 2029 East Avenue Q in Palmdale, California.
Palmdale Water District Board Members
- Division 1 Robert Alvarado
- Division 2 Gordon G. Dexter
- Division 3 Kathy Mac Laren
- Division 4 Gloria Dizmang
- Division 5 Steve R. Cordova
(Information via press release from Palmdale Water District.)
(Editor’s Note: We will update this article with a link to the Palmdale Water District’s 2013 Budget, as soon as the budget is made available.)
Josh says
Just call PWD about a problem my plumber said to call in, guess what I the 7th customer waiting and the prompt stated over an hour wait. Really, I wish I never bought a home in Palmdale. Services from sheriffs, public safety to city hall and utilities are the bottom in quality. Now I understand why businesses other than mom and pop don’t want to locate here. No, quality of life in living in Palmdale CA!
ed says
like living in one of the highest property tax areas in LA county is not bad enough, now this…
Raptormann says
Wasn’t those [removed] Dexter and Cordova elected with signs that said “We’ll cut your rates!”
What [removed] liars!
ed says
blah blah blah… bottom line everything is gong up, water, waste pick up, health insurance there goes my raise at work… so much for the american dream, what a joke…
William says
I know. People think that tax cuts will give them more disposable income to buy that 60″ flat screen and more steak.
But, nooooooooooooo. The energy companies, utilities and health care, among other things, will swoop right in and capture those dollars before they’ve cooled off in your checking account from the tax refund.
They could eliminate all your taxes and you won’t be any richer cause the price of basics will simply go up to take care of all that extra loose change in the economy.
When cons tell you that gas was a $1.84 when President Obama took office in January, 2009, they never mention that there was a world wide collapse of the economy which lowered demand significantly. As soon as the economy stabilized and jobs were being added instead of being lost, the price of gasoline returned to what it was in the summer of 2008. Were you richer back in January 2008 when gas was less than $2.00 a gallon?
You remember the summer of 2008, when gas shot up and Hillary suggested dropping the gas tax temporarily during the campaign? Oh, you didn’t?
I’m using the collective ‘you’ and not you personally, ed.
William says
Here’s the real bad news. In the future, after everyone has removed their lawns, has installed ‘low-flow’ everything, water companies can raise their rates as high as they want.
You won’t be able to cut back much more to save money cause you’ve done as much as possible. However, more homes will be built in the desert.
Same with gasoline. When everyone has high gas mileage cars, then gas prices can rise as high as they want cause you won’t be able to economize any more unless you limit your driving severely.
Meanwhile, most city and state government leaders want growth and more growth. Where will the water come from? Are we gonna have to do what the astronauts do to conserve water?
Forward says
Same thing happened in LA back in the 90’s – everyone cut back on their water usage, and they raised the rates anyway. Like gas prices, when usage goes down, the prices go up – it’s a loosing battle.
I guess their twisted logic for more growth is that with more units, more will pay taxes/utilities, etc that will artificially lower costs for everyone. Doesn’t work that way though. Just creates more blight when the economy goes south – which is a given in this boom-bust merry-go-round we’ve been on for years.
William says
Exactamundo. If more growth solved any problems, the City of Angels would be a crime-free paradise.
Mark Fisk says
funny how they push conserve, conserve, conserve but when we do, they say crap were losin money we need to raise the prices and fees.
dumbandblind says
The 8% should be covered by these people:
Division 1 Robert Alvarado
Division 2 Gordon G. Dexter
Division 3 Kathy Mac Laren
Division 4 Gloria Dizmang
Division 5 Steve R. Cordova
What do they do anyway?
Forward says
They’ve held many collective workshops analyzing costs/expenditures of the past, and found that due to years of neglect of the infrastructure and overpaid ‘consultants’ the rates had to go up. If users stay in their designated Tier allotment, rates will go up 2-3%. Go above that, and your rate goes up 8% +.
There is a genuine fear on this board that with these increases, Palmdale will end up looking like a wasteland. Many homeowners don’t have the $$ upfront to xeroscape their front yards, to in turn be reimbursed a fraction of that investment from the water dept.
Doc Rivers says
Save your hate to those that approved the rate hike they are Dexter,Dizmang and the absent director Cordova.
Forward says
Cordova spends most of his time in TJ – East side Palmdale needs a new rep.
karmapolice says
PWD is a joke… the salaries are rediculous!REVOLT!
dumbandblind says
Until the sheeple wake up the PWD will continue to suck them dry!
Armen Ians says
Instead of raising rates, maybe they should cut the salaries of some of the employees. by a mere 8%.
In 2008, water district manager approved a 15% increase in salary of 170+ K year. despite the economy tanking and still being in a rutt.
Makes you wonder. 170K for the ANtelope Valley is creme de la creme.
dumbandblind says
The increase is needed to make up for lost revenue:
Doc Rivers says
Why don’t we do what many other local government bodies have done like employee contributing to there own retirement [PMD] employees do not. Health care that would be the envy of any private sector employee, [PMD] employee should contribute something towards that. Retiree’s get this same health benefits for life. Dexter is supposed to be the Republican yet does not want to talk about any of this. It is probably because of his union where he works getting the same for his entire career that he thinks it is normal. These public unions live a lot better than the every day private sector person and I am fed up with it. let’s take them out in the November election and make [PMD] employees live like every one else.