PALMDALE – With Thanksgiving less than a week away, 175 needy families in Palmdale received a helping hand Monday.
Each family was given a free turkey and all the items needed for a full Thanksgiving feast with all the trimmings, courtesy of South Antelope Valley Emergency Services (SAVES).
“It’s a tradition in the nonprofit world to give out baskets for Thanksgiving, but I think it’s become even more important over the last few years as the economy has turned,” said SAVES Coordinator Patricia Morales. “We really worked hard to increase the baskets that we provided this year because we know more and more people are having to make tough choices between rent and food.”
Morales said the families had to meet income guidelines and have minor children in their homes in order to qualify for the Thanksgiving basket.

Each baskets includes items such as a 12 lb. turkey, stuffing, canned vegetables, cranberry sauce, instant mashed potatoes, canned sweet potatoes, boxed macaroni and cheese, corn muffin mix, canned pumpkin mix, gravy, broth, rolls, oatmeal, juice, fruit, pie crust mix and margarine or butter.
For single mother, Karline Tacderan, the food couldn’t have come at a better time.
“This is my first time doing this,” Tacderan said, adding that she could not have afforded the meal on her income alone. “This will help me to make dinner for my daughter and my other kids that don’t live with me. I will have a great Thanksgiving feast!”
Vincent Daily said he was looking forward to making dinner for his family of five using the items from his Thanksgiving basket.
“This helps us out a lot because we’re not very fortunate to have these things,” Daily said.
Morales said the food symbolizes hope for the needy families.
“Hope that things will get better,” Morales said. “It also gives people a feeling that they’re not alone in the community, that there are people out there that do care.”
The SAVES program was started in 1983 to offer assistance to individuals and families in Palmdale who are experiencing a temporary emergency situation.
Supplies and monetary donations may be brought to SAVES, located at 1002 E. Ave. Q-12 in Palmdale. For more information about SAVES, call 661-267-5191.
sikntired says
Just wondering how carefully people are screened regarding their need for free food. I sure would bate to see the same folks camped outside Best Buy for Black Friday.
Britt says
Don’t “low income” people get food stamps, free medical, welfare checks’ free lunches at kids school, and all kinds of other benefits…not to mention getting to sleep in everyday and go to the store in their jammies?
I’d put money on a high percentage of those people getting the free food were texting or surfing the web on their iphone or tablet while they waited in line. I wonder if they have an App for free handouts. hmmm
sikntired says
Huh? Do you mean they have smart phones? How can the afford phone service? Oh, maybe because of all the free stuff, yeah, that’s it.
Forward says
I tried to call SAVES @ 661-267-5191 to ask if they were accepting warm clothing or any other items needed for the winter, and their message was garbled and barely working. So, yes, if they had a cell phone # available, it might be easier to contact them.
Those who feel they are superior to others who are down on their luck are soon to be there themselves. Karma always weeds ’em out.
sikntired says
It’s not about feeling superior to others but rather being sick and tired of seeing people abuse charity as well as the welfare system.
sikntired says
*Comment on the cell phones was in reference to the recipients, not SAVES.
Nancy P says
I am one of the first people to step up and help someone who is down on their luck.
I am sooooo sick of people pretending to be down on their luck and driving their new cars to every charity they can make it to, to pick up free stuff. It’s like a full time job for them driving from place to place for some benefit. Talking on their iphones and their kids talking on their own iphones from the back seat.
I do believe in Karma and try to live my life in a way that will keep me healthy and happy for years to come as well as in my afterlife.
Otto says
Agree. I’m all for helping people who are less fortunate through no fault of their own. But it eems like more and more of the down-and-out are that way because it’s so easy to live on the dole. And in today’s wacked out society there’s no more shame in taking free stuff.
John Mlynar says
Forward, I contacted SAVES and let them know about the phone situation. Thanks for bringing that to our attention. If you’d like to call them, they’re in the office until 6 pm tonight. SAVES is closed Thursday and Friday for the Thanksgiving holiday. You may also email them at SAVES@cityofpalmdale.org or pmorales@cityofpalmdale.org
John Mlynar says
Hi Sikntired:
There is a screening process for both the Thanksgiving baskets and assistance in general from SAVES. Recipients must register in advance for rhe holiday baskets if they meet all the program requirements and provide the appropriate forms of identification and income verification.”
Program requirements include:
o Minor dependents living in your household. Students enrolled in High school that are 18 years old need to provide school ID in order to qualify.
o Current proof of income (within the past 30 days) for each member in household (work check stubs)
o Notice of Action or Verification of Benefits
o Last two unemployment payment stubs or current readout of benefits
o Social Security/Disability annual statement of benefit letter (must show benefits effective January of the current year)
o Previous year’s tax return
o Income certification from SAVES
o Proof of address, with one of the following:
Current gas or electric bill in name of an adult living in household
Rental/lease agreement
o Valid identification for ALL adults in household: Valid photo ID & Social Security card OR valid passport
o ONE of the following needed for ALL minor children in household :Birth certificate
Picture school ID
Medi-Cal card
Valid passport
Every effort is made to ensure that the baskets are distributed on a need basis.
sikntired says
Thanks John for clarifying that.I am glad to see there is some screening so that those who are truly in need are served.
John Mlynar says
Major props to all who donated…businesses and individuals…as well as all the volunteers who worked so hard to help bring joy to many for Thanksgiving! Thank you all!
Ali says
That’s awesome. I love to see programs like this in our own community. Nice to know there are still some caring people in this world.
Vladimir Gomez says
Great Job SAVES !!!