LANCASTER/PALMDALE –Several GPS-monitored sex offenders, who tested positive for drugs last week, were rounded up and arrested Tuesday morning, authorities said.
“We arrested six in Lancaster and one in Palmdale,” said Larry Dorsey, Supervisor at the Antelope Valley Parole Office. “We subsequently booked them into the Lancaster Station for violation of parole.”
Dorsey said the seven sex offenders arrested Tuesday are part of more than two dozen parolees who failed random drug testing last week.
The drug tests were administered when parole agents called the area’s 186 GPS-monitored sex offenders into the Antelope Valley Parole Office for a “profile meeting,” Dorsey said.
“We took new photos and put them into the computer, we checked their GPS ankle bracelet to ensure that the equipment was working properly, and we tested them [for drugs],” Dorsey said. “As a result of that test, we had approximately 27 test positive for either methamphetamine, cocaine or marijuana.”
Around 9 a.m. Tuesday, parole agents, assisted by Lancaster Station’s Target Oriented Policing (TOP) team, tracked parole violators by their ankle bracelets, rounded them into a sheriff’s van, and booked them at the Lancaster Station, Dorsey said.
Dorsey said the arrests will continue until about half of the 27, who tested positive for drugs, are in custody. The others may be ordered to attend the AV Parole Office’s 20-day drug rehabilitation program, Dorsey said.
“We basically do this to keep these guys on their toes…” Dorsey said. “We just like to let them know that we’re out there.”
ccooper says
@michelle egberts, i saw u today in court and would like to talk to you about a case your working on, im a witness in this case which got rescheduled for may 21 2013…… my email address is cashcomets@gmail.com
narina says
hi sass,i agree with you ,you know old saying my grandma always will say,(cant teach pigto fly,pig always be pig),my point is alcoholic or drag user person got illness,they stop when they decideits time to stop otherwise nobody else cant do it for them, but them.
confused says
Exactly why is this news? Parolees violating parole by testing positive? There must be thousands every day in the good state of California. Oh yeah, any headline with the word ‘sex offender’ in the headline is a good headline…
JB says
You are right to name yourself confused, because you are very much confused. Parolees are paroled because they have followed the rules in prison, and they are deemed fit to return back to society.
So no, it is not reasonable to believe that “thousands” of parolees must be violating their parole in California every day. Why don’t you try doing some research instead of making far reaching assumptions based on your ignorance alone! If you stopped to think about it instead of making snap judgements, maybe you wouldn’t be so confused!
confused says
Yes, Mr. JB Knowitall, I was using exaggeration as a rhetorical device, but that clearly went right over your head. But while we are at it, since you are so vehemently disputing my claim, why don’t you provide the correct figures – instead of talking down to people, and then you wouldn’t come across as such a [blank] based on your condescending tone alone…
Back to the article. Someone please enlighten me why this – parole violations due to a positive drug test – is news. Would it be if the word “sex offender” were not splashed across the headline?
Michelle Egberts says
I commend CDCR Antelope Valley Parole Complex Unit Supervisor Dorsey in the choice he made to choose the STAR(Substance Abuse Treatment and Recovery) Program over incarceration for the majority of these individuals who tested positive for drugs.
The STAR Program is a 20-day education-based program designed to provide substance abuse and relapse prevention instruction to parolees in need of substance abuse education and much more. STAR classes meet five days a week, six hours per day, which is more cost-effective than the cost of incarceration with no drug treatment.
Keep up the good work CDCR- AV Parole Complex Agents!!!
really says
Way to cherry pick one sentence that falls in line with your “poor parolee” mantra. Incarcerate them all!!! They are sex offenders and drug addicts. A multi-faceted turd if you will. Heaven forbid they be held to the terms they agreed to… You nauseate me with your constant defense of predators and dirt bags. You make it seem like law abiding citizens are the wicked ones. There are evil people in this world and they dont need protectors like you, they can do bad all by themselves. Your arguments are wrong to begin with, read the penal code and youll find our judicial system is based on punitive sanctions not rehabilitation. If rehabilitation was the goal of the penal system, the penal code would have been written in a completely different manner. Drug diversion and early release have all been programs implemented due to more liberal views of crime in society. If you truly wanted what you speak of you would be advocating a complete overhaul of the penal system. I agree with the current penal model that says if your a child, diversion and rehabilitation are main objectives. With adults the system is based on punitive sanctions
Michelle Egberts says
@ Really… Let me enlighten you with a brief “Penalology 101” crash course as set forth in newly(2011) enacted Penal Code section 17.5, and the LEGISLATIVE intent:
(a)(1) The LEGISLATURE reaffirms its committment to reducing recidivism.
(2) Despite the dramatic increase in corrections spending over the past two decades… reincarceration rates have worsened.
(3) Building more prisons is NOT sustainable, and will NOT result in improved public safety.
(5) Realigning low-level offenders who (are non-non-nons), to locally run community-based corrections programs,… through community-based punishment, evidence-based practices, improved supervision strategies, and enhanced secured capacity, WILL IMPROVE PUBLIC SAFETY… AND FACILITATE (OFFENDER’S) REINTEGRATION INTO SOCIETY.
Furthermore Really, RETURN TO PRISON IS PROHIBITED FOR MOST PAROLEES per Penal Code section 3056/3000.08 subds. (c) to (h):
(d) upon… a finding… that the parolee has (violated)… parole… the parole authority may impose additional conditions…, including
Really, no advocating has to be done before the Legislature as they have “stepped up”. The advocating needs to be focused on the 58 Counties Board of Supervisors and Mayor’s who need to do the same for their communities regarding “reentry”…
Furthermore, you may want to indulge yourself in reading the following legislative enactments of Realignment with substantive content. I made it easy for you, I specified chapters as these bills are massive.
AB 109 (Stats. 2011, Ch. 15)
AB 117 (Stats. 2011, Ch. 39)
AB 118 (Stats. 2011, Ch. 40)
AB 116 (Stats. 2001, Ch. 136)
(ABX1) 17 (Stats.2011-2012, Ch. 12)
With over 2.3 MILLION individuals incarcerated, and over 13 MILLION individuals with prior felony convictions, the challenge of integrating this large and growing population back into society has become an URGENT PRIORITY!
Lastly, you obviously are not aware of the October 11, 2012 3-Judge Court panel’s ruling against the State of California and the perfect storm that’s on the horizon.
Uncle Tom says
I’m torn. On one hand there are programs, and people, that when put together can help guide that person onto a path that will create a beneficial member of society. On the other hand there are people that can not be helped, no matter what we ‘legally’ do to convince them. Being a criminal is too easy, its like breathing to them, and it just comes naturally to take advantage of society because in general we let them. Criminals know how to take advantage of good people, we give handouts, we trust too easily, we have patterns that they can easily figure out and then rob us when our guards down.
While you (Eggbert) seems to have done some homework, its only natural that you would want civilized people to take it easy on known criminals, provide rehabilitation programs instead of incarceration, and other such things based upon your own criminal history. Its commendable that you seem to be taking the time to do some research. But unfortunately your criminal history taints your words. To the majority, your actions have spoken louder than anything you can say or type. For us to take you serious, we need to see action. You need to make up for the trouble you have caused, and then some. Not just taking a rehab class and living the sober life, but providing some sort of benefit to society. And its not enough for YOU to think you are doing enough, it needs to be seen as enough in the eyes of the rest of us. Until then your words have less substance than most politicians.
Sass says
A drug/alcoholic will not stop until/if he/she wants to stop. I don’t care how good a program is.
Michelle Egberts says
@John Howard… It seems like partisan bickering and “fault finding” on this site every time I post and making it a personal issue with me and my criminal past.
John Howard, I have done more than research, I lived the criminal element/victimization, experienced incarceration, as well as reentry and the dearth of service providers here in the Antelope Valley that specifically deal with our reentry population.
It’s ironic you speak of “programs” as over the past 35 years, there has been a steady decline in government services supporting prisoner reentry. Given our economic woes, it is highly unlikely we can count on a revival of public services to buffer the reintegration of offenders.
To overcome this problem, there has to be rapid growth in the non-profit and social enterprise sector facilitating opportunities among returning offenders. There are several such organizations in existance within the State of California, but their numbers must increase dramatically if we hope to truly reduce recidivisim, especially in the Antelope Valley/East Kern County.
Like the Republicans and Democrats, both parties have found common ground and agree that they can pursue smart policies that drastically reduce the likelihood of repeat offenses, The Second Chance Act.
Just like my partnership with a retired 25-year California Department of Corrections & Rehabilitation Parole Agent, Lieutenant & Investigative Services Unit Officer and an ex-offender can unite for the common good of our community, thus the creation of AV-East Kern Second Chance. Our purpose is to make our community safer and reduce costs for our criminal justice system, saving money for taxpayers. Assisting/empowering our clients into law-abiding, tax-paying citizens through the crucial initial transition period where their probability of reoffending is no different from the general public is amazing.
On a personal note aside from founding a reentry program, I am an example of an ex-offender who utilized her criminal past/incarceration by becoming a deputized voter registrar, and an Elections Precinct Officer for the General Election. Looking forward to meeting all of our voters at the polls!
[removed] Paleez says
Right on the money @really!! Several time convicted felon Egberts, go away. I know Dorsey, and trust me, if it was up to him, he would have them sent back to prison where they belong, not going to an “education based” blah blah blah lame-o,worthless program!
Michelle Egberts says
@ Knee Yourself Pleeze… I’m not going anywhere, I’ve just begun!!!
Tyrus says
John Howard says
Don’t engage her in debate it’s the same thing as debating with Google. You give and opinion and she replies with a couple of paragraphs from a Google search. The difference is that your opinion may be original, but the majority of her replies are plagiarized from online sources. It’s almost like the bar scene from Good Will Hinting with her.. Would you like to quote Vickers or Wood, Mrs Egberts? How about something simpler like the lines from your favorite movie? “How do you like them apples?” – Will Hunting, Good Will Hinting.
The only real work that has been done by Egberts is trying to propose rehab programs for cons that already exist in one form or another within the system.
The bottom line is that certain thresholds in life should never be crossed and when they are there is no barrier to crossing them again. Those people need to be watched for the rest of their lives because they have proven they are not qualified to make intelligent and socially responsible decisions.
james stouvenel says
The title says sex offenders does it not? And this is the first time I’ve ever made a comment about drugs and sex offenders. Just cause I’ve made a comment doesn’t mean I’m preoccupied by anything. It merely is stating an opinion, yo mama, why is it everytime someone post here about a subject, your comments are “you seem preoccupied with that” can’t someone post an opinion?
James Stouvenel says
just another reason to keeps these goons away from kids, not only do they molest innocent kids, these felons also molest their OWN bodies with illegal narcotics, sick people! glad they are off the streets.
Letlow says
I agree! But why not throw the whole lot back in the slammer? Why the drug rehab for some? These people already had their chance and they blew it!
sikntired says
Thank you!