LANCASTER –The League of Women Voters Antelope Valley will present a Pro/Con Forum on the November 2012 Ballot issues.
The public is invited to this fact-driven, balanced discussion, which begins at 1:30 p.m., Tuesday at the Lancaster Senior Center, 777 W. Jackman Street in Lancaster.
Representatives will introduce each proposition, offer an impartial analysis of the effect the proposition will have if enacted, and then list the supporters and opponents of the measure and what they have to say.
Information to make an informed choice, as well as on-line voter registration information can be found at
The Easy Voter Guide provides nonpartisan information about how to vote and what’s on the ballot. Founded in 1994, the Easy Voter Guide project is a collaboration of the League of Women Voters of California Education Fund, the California State Library and the Common Knowledge Group.
Detailed voting information specific to each neighborhood and ballot can be found at
The Smart Voter Guide is a service of the California League of Women Voters, and provides trusted information about voting, the candidates, and the issues on the ballot.
A. Voter says
I want to know what’s in the food on the grocery shelves before I choose to buy it; I’m voting YES on 37. I don’t want to empower corporations to have even MORE say in elections than they do already; I’m voting NO on 32. I don’t think it’s ethical or decent to ask people living below the poverty level to pay more taxes for education, so NO on 38 but YES on 30, so that community colleges as well as K-12 get much-needed funding. People who vote yes on 33 have NO idea what insurance does or how it works. NO on 33.
Newman says
If I have to pay $0.01 out of my pocket on any one of them I will vote no.
really says
I am going simple. No on everything except the auto insurance one. Why on earth anyone would vote for higher taxes when we already have the highest taxes. If the State Government wants more of my money they need to prove to me that they are being good stewards of that money. Currently they blow through our money like crazy with little positive outcome.