LOS ANGELES – A local man was killed early Thursday morning when a 3,000-pound steel beam fell on him as he was working on a construction project on the 405 Freeway, authorities said.
Adolfo Wbaldo Figueroa, 42, of Lancaster, was pronounced dead at the scene, according to the Los Angeles County Coroner’s Office.
The accident occurred around 2:30 a.m. Thursday on the Santa Monica Boulevard off-ramp from the southbound 405, where Figueroa had been working on the I-405 Sepulveda Pass Improvements Project, according to a statement from the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro).
Figueroa was one of several men unloading steel beams off a big rig when the accident occurred. He was working for Kiewit Infrastructure West, one of the contractors for the I-405 project.
“We were deeply saddened to learn that early this morning one of our employees, Adolfo Figueroa, died while performing work on the I-405 Improvements Project… Kiewit is conducting a thorough investigation into this matter and working closely with CalOSHA, the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro), and other state and local authorities, to determine the factors contributing to this tragic event,” reads a statement issued by Kiewit Thursday.
The accident is the first serious incident on the I-405 project in nearly three years of work, and further work on the entire project has been stopped to allow for a thorough safety review, according to Metro’s statement.
The incident is being investigated by the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal-OSHA.)
Figueroa leaves behind a wife and three children, according to published reports.
gloria rodriguez says
does anyone know family phone# my parents are trying to contact his family we are related but havent seen them in a while…Please send me private email…
adriana nunez Figueroa says
Grasias por su apoyo yo soy prima de Adolfo Figueroa que dios los bendiga y grasias por sus oraciones.
Lonnie says
As part of the Antelope Valley families, I would like to offer my sympathy to Adolfo’s family. My God bless you!
anotherdummy says
I hope the company he was working for steps up and compensates the family monetarily to offset the financial burden this caused.
Alicia Curiel says
Working on this project. He did not know this man personally but Kewit is like a family and he has felt very bad at the familys loss. He was at Lax at 5am yesterday to pick up family members at the airport and take them to Lancaster and then drove back and to Long Beach and went to work. He was happy to help in anyway he could. My deepest sympathys!
Alicia Curil says
I am very sorry for the loss Mr.Figueora’s family is going through. Believe me when I say that everyone at Kewit is deeply saddened. My son is an Engineer who is
anonymous says
Really sad to see that cost effect will over rule on the safety of a man……… adolfo was a smart man and hard worker…..rest in peace
jason says
How did cost effect overrule safety? Having worked for the company before they are one of the strictest companies in the with regards to safety.
Hector says
Now THIS is a tradgedy. Unlike the minor deputy-involved collision in the other story.
Susan says
So sorry for your loss. Is there any donation fund set up for the children ? If so please post.
Shari says
This is a terribly tragic accident. My heart and sympathies go out to Mr. Figueroa’s wife and children, family and friends. Rest in paradise, Adolfo.