PALMDALE – A 19-year-old Palmdale man was killed Monday night after he rode a bicycle into the path of a sport utility vehicle near a Palmdale intersection, authorities said.
The crash occurred around 9:13 p.m. on Palmdale Boulevard, just east of the intersection of 30th Street East, according to a Palmdale Station press report.
Raymond Amadea Jr. was crossing Palmdale Boulevard from a private parking lot when he was struck by a gold 2001 Subaru Forester that was traveling eastbound on Palmdale Boulevard, according to the report.
“There’s a B-1 Liquors over on the north side of the street…the bicyclist came from either out of that driveway or near that driveway, which is a few hundred feet from the intersection,” said Palmdale Station Detective Jeff Perkins. “He [Amadea] was essentially going from the north side of the street to the south side of the street and rode his bike in front of oncoming traffic.”
Amadea was thrown from his bicycle and pronounced dead at the scene by the Los Angeles County Fire Department.

The SUV driver, 21-year-old Julia Oatney of Littlerock, was not injured in the collision.
Palmdale Boulevard was closed to routine traffic between 30th and 35th Street East, until approximately 2 a.m., while the incident was being investigated.
Neither alcohol nor speeding was determined to be a factor in the collision, Perkins said.
The incident remains under investigation by the Palmdale Sheriff’s Station traffic detail.
Think says
My husband was recently hit by a teenager doing an Illegal U-Turn. He was on his motorcycle. Thank God he survived, however I do want to say this incident changed our lives forever; as well as the teenage girl who hit him. I am so sorry for the loss of RJ and the life changing incident for Julia. To read condolences from her family is amazing, we did not hear one thing from the teenage girl or her family, not even a sorry. Just stop and think – this was an accident. It is horrible someone lost their life and I can’t even imagine what the family is going through. I am so sorry to both parties.
Julia's Grandma says
Thank you for your kind words. Our entire family is in deep mourning over RJ’s death and we are doing our best to provide love and support to
Julia every day. We pray daily for both families and hope they are finding peace and love from those closest to them as we are from each other.
Tweeter says
Just 4 days before Rj past away, he tweeted, “At least I’ll die a lion.” & “I’ll sleep when I’m dead.” @_RjRice (posted Sept 28th Please don’t take this the wrong way, I just sort of found it touching to hear these words just 4 days before he past away, it gave me chills.
Esemon Wreh says
I have Political Science 101 with Raymond for this Fall 2012 semester. Ray was a very chilled and reserved dude. Though I’ve never interacted with him, it was a horrible moment for me when our teacher Mr. Vento informed the class of Ray’s passing. All I could of was the pain his mother was enduring. God, I wouldn’t wish that upon anyone. Mr. Vento commerated a chair in the front row of the class n rememberence of Ray. I think that was the most inspiring thing I’ve seen any teacher done in all my 15 years of school. R.I.P. Raymond, class will never be the same without you. My condolences go out the the Amadea family. Be strong and seek God in these dire times and He will bring you refuge. God Bless you all.
Tweeter says
Just 4 days before Rj past away, he tweeted, “At least I’ll die a lion.” & “I’ll sleep when I’m dead.” @_RjRice (posted Sept 28th Please don’t take this the wrong way, I just sort of found it touching to hear these words just 4 days before he past away, it gave me chills. Although I would like to say, I am deeply sorry for your loss, & my heart goes out to the driver, Julia Oatney for the devastation you are facing, I caan only imagine what she is feeling. Also for the family & friends of Rj. It is horrible that he had to lose his life at such a young age but everything happens for a reason, and God must have called him home because he needed him, only the good die young. R.I.P Robert Amadea.
Sad family memeber says
This is just disgusting. I mean really. Enough is enough already. Everyone here is hurting. This poor boys life was cut short. This young womans life is forever changed. There is a lot of hurt and anger and confusion. Understandable given the situation. But it is called an accident for a reason. Julia was not out playing frogger, looking to run someone over. It was a tragic accident. Horrible on all accounts. She is very sorry it happened. She is completely devastated, as I am more than sure his family is is. Please stop making this out to be a her fault, his fault thing. Everyone involved in this are forever changed and badly scarred.It is a tragic ACCIDENT!
Anonymous says
I was there when it happened and he wasn’t crossing the street. We were all together eating at Don Juan’s celebrating a friends and we were outside still thinking what we should do. Rj got on one of our friends bike and started riding on it. He went around the block a few times and he was definitely not crossing the street. He was riding in the bike lane and he had lights on his bike. Me and a few of my friends were watching him when it happened. The car was going soo fast you couldn’t even see the color of it when it happened. When ran to see if he was okay and then we say something we would never wish to see. The cops came and didn’t even want to talk to us. They looked at us seeing us cry yet they ignored everyone of us and wouldn’t even ask questions or console us. So for the people saying we should have spoken up we tried but they wouldn’t even listen to us. Instead they were asking her questions and random strangers on the street that just came there to get their 15 seconds of fame. This is a tragedy and the truth is definitely not anywhere in this article. I hope Rj and his family are able to move on from this one day. Rip Rj.
Penny Verble says
My Heart goes out to both families and friends. This is the last thing expected by either person that evening. Both are loved and both were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Pray for them.
A Mom says
Please stop. Someone lost his life, and someone accidentally killed him. This is a tragedy and should not be used as a forum to argue over the facts when you weren’t there. My sons were. They were part of a group celebrating a friend’s birthday over dinner. RJ was in that group. One of my sons witnessed the accident as it happened. He called me right then and there, and I could hear the shock and panic in his voice. My other son turned around as soon as he heard the collision. He saw the driver drove off, so he walked until he found her. She had parked the car up the road and was crying hysterically. He held her and tried to console her while she called her mom. He told her it was an accident and not to blame herself. The group hung around the accident scene for over an hour after the accident. The police were there. In the end an investigation will be done, and perhaps the blame will be put on someone. For now, everyone is still in shock. As parents, we don’t want to lose our children, we don’t want them to be the cause of someone else’s loss, and we don’t want them to witness such tragic events. I think everyone involved is deeply saddened about this event. My heart goes out to everyone involved…even to those of you posting. Love and prayers to RJ’s family.
Forever Changed says
I would just like to set the facts straight with regards to this post stating that the driver drove away. The driver did NOT drive away, she drove her car into the parking lot at the scene of the accident.A police report was indeed taken, the driver voluntarily submitted to all sobriety tests. No texting or phone use was involved. As mentioned in the blog comments, the driver was simply driving home from work and did not see, nor did she expect to see a person on a bicycle in the street. The driver of the vehicle and her family are deeply devasted over this tragic accident. Two sets of families have been greatly affected by this and their lives as a whole and as they once knew them are now forever changed. Deepest and most sincere sympathies go out to all of those invloved.
Sad family memeber says
Thank you for setting that straight. I just have to say that the level of decency and humanity that have not been shown for all involved is terrible.
A Mom says
I didn’t mean to imply she left the scene of the accident, so I apologize. Because the driver didn’t stop right where it happened, some people initially thought she had drove off. As my son went to look for her, a lady informed him the driver had pulled over and pointed her out.
My family says
I couldn’t agree more. This is a tragedy to both families. My cousin was the driver and she is a great, kind and loving young girl. Her life is forever changed and so are the lives of RJ’s family. Sometimes when we are hurt we feel the need to place blame but sometimes things are just accidents with no ill will intended as was the case with this horrible accident. I beg you all to give both families respect and love as they try to heal.
Forever Changed says
To the mother who’s son held the girl, I bet your son will never understand what an impression he left with her that she will always remember through his kindness. I bet she was scared out of her mind and heart broken and him holding her might have been what she thought was an angel by her side. My deepest sympathy and sorrow goes out to the families of this tragic ACCIDENT!
john gomez says
I hurd that the lady didn’t have her head lights on
Rip RJ
Ashley says
R.I.P. Rj… you’ll be missed. Of all the years I’ve known you, you were a great friend.
light says
many things in the article is very innacurate. several of his friends had witnessed the inciddent unfortuantly. this article makes it seem like he was very careless when that wasn’t the case. hopefully they publish the truth. also who the [removed] tags this as suv vs bike as if it were some joke? everything about is so unjust. rest peacfully raymond <3 many miss you already.
Letlow says
You are hurting over the death of your loved one and lashing out. That I get. But you shouldn’t try to insinuate that it is somehow the SUV driver’s fault, when we all can see that is not the case.
If you read the comments you will see that the other driver is just as devastated. This was an unfortunate incident, yes, but let’s not misplace the blame and aggression here.
light says
i bet the driver is devasted i dont doubt that at all. but this article is wrong. thats all im leaving it as.
Unknown says
Were you there?
light says
i wouldnt have posted that if it were bs. really. several of my friends were there and saw it. ran to him to his aid. no he said she said. just the truth. very tragic accident. so no i wasnt there when he got hit but i know for a fact people were there and saw the whole thing take place sadly :l
Unknown says
then why didn’t they speak up? they didn’t even have a statement from her so as I said before its still he said she said stuff.
Then my next question is if they knew him or whatever the situation was why wouldn’t they speak up and say what they saw happen any little piece of information goes a long way.
Also I know that when people tell stories about something like this that happened thing get lost and changed on the way every person sees and understands things in a different way. so whose to say what you’re hearing really was the truth. when something as dramatic as this happens before you most people can’t tell you much of anything that happened because their mind and body is still in shock. Its just a natural thing that happens to us as humans. So like I said earlier unless we were there we really have no idea what happened the only people that know exactly what happened is that lady and RJ. So until we hear something from her specifically the rest is just he said she said and kind of invalid.
Unknown says
And If this is BS as you called it.. What makes your story you HEARD the right one? Were all hurting at the loss of our friend but you saying this is all wrong won’t change anything or bring him back. and if you know people who were there why aren’t you telling them to go to the police station to make a report. Right now I’m sure any information is valuable information.
And I’m not trying to pick on you or whatever. This was my friend but no one really knows what happened but if you do know something or your friends know something because they were there they need to speak up. His own family I’m sure only know what the police told them. So for their sake Speak up!
Unknown says
Like I said unless you were there you can’t say whose fault it was.
light says
police reports are being made tomorrow. like you said they were shock. i completely agree though. rest in peace rj.
Unknown says
Why didn’t they take any at the scene? It just doesn’t make sense to me.
Forever Changed says
Police reports were taken at the scene.
a friend says
Perhaps it’s nobody’s fault – sometimes an accident is just an accident and no one is to blame. My prayers are with both RJ and Julia. Let this just rest.
Unknown says
I understand that you are hurting. I know him and I know what kind of person he is, this does seem out of character, But I also know that no one really knows what happened. Unless they were there with him when he got hurt they don’t know the real story either all we hear is the he said she said stuff which you can’t really believe. And don’t you think that if there was people there with him this article would have had witness statements or something of that sort? His friends that were with him I’m sure would have spoke up. All I’m saying is we won’t ever know what really happened because we weren’t there we just hear the stories. So before anyone gets angry lets look at this in a different way. And lets just celebrate his life and the happy times everyone shared with him. His family could really use the support I’m sure and saying this kind of stuff like the article is wrong or whatever doesn’t do anything. Trust me I understand your hurt I do, but no one really knows the truth not even his best friend.
anotherdummy says
The tag “bicycle vs suv” comes from how these types of calls are dispatched, and how they are searched. It’s not in jest at all, rather it is use of lingo. Other similar uses of “VS” are “Vehicle vs Pole” “Auto vs Pedestrian” and “Motorcycle vs Car”.
Unknown says
Please keep all your rude and ignorant comments out of here. His family can be reading this. I have known RJ since elementary school and he was such a firecracker, he always had so much energy and enthusiasm. I am so sad to lose yet another friend at the age of 19. So your ignorant comments about someone saying the Pictures are Pushing the line are unnecessary!
Unknown says
Also I think that leaving his body in the street after the accident is something no one should have to see their friends body covered up in the street with a sheet!
Jason says
Thats policy. LE has to wait until the coroner arrives on scene to pick the person up.
teshi says
Such a sad story, for everyone. This young man’s family,dealing with his loss; he probably ment to go to the store real quick But never made it home! And this young lady on her way somewhere, was involved in accidentally taking a young man’s life. It is sad how life and everything can change in seconds! Paths crossing and lives destroyed! I hope they all find some peace, it seems like just an accident, and one that has changes many lives! Very sad!
HM says
so tragic…so sorry for the family..
Anonymous says
He was such a wonderful childhood friend of mine :/ Always smiling and making people laugh <3 You will be missed RJ
Strech66 says
My heart goes out to the Amadea Family. RJ was a very close friend of my nephew for many years and I know that this is a great loss for him and for all of RJ’s friends. Prayers go out to RJ’s family and friends. He was such a great kid. Very saddening.
Sad family memeber says
This was a very tragic accident. What needs to be known is the drivier of this accident is deeply devastated and saddend by this. There is nothing that can change it now. Just know that she is also grieving the loss of life as well. I am sure she is so sorry for this tragic accident.
Anonymous says
All I know is if that she was texting, drinking, or any other stupid activity while driving, she should be put behind bars. Careful drivers look where they’re going.
teshi says
True, very true, it is also up to everyone on the Road to Look where they are going, and followed the traffic laws, used the cross walks at the marked intersections. By taking those extra steps, their lives could have been saved. Most accident caused could be avoided if Everyone did this, The driver, Pedestrians, Bicyclists. With this it seems that he was not wearing a helmet and did not use proper crossing, which resulted in his loss of life, a sad story, an unnecessary loss, and tragic outcome. If she did violate any laws, texting, speeding…She will be charged.
Leslie Alameida says
No, she wasn’t texting, drinking, speeding — just coming home from work. She honestly didn’t see him — he came across a busy street without a crosswalk. She is devastated — and beyond saddened by this whole accident.is
Leslie Alameida says
No, she wasn’t texting, drinking, speeding — just coming home from work. She honestly didn’t see him — he came across a busy street without a crosswalk. She is devastated — and beyond saddened by this whole accident.
jabonie says
Pablo says
go[removed] yourself
SJGranai says
I would like to comment that the photos being posted these days are just really pushing the line of common decency and good taste.
Javier says
You should protect your delicate sensibilities and not read the news, if the picture of a bicycle rim bothers you so.
Understanding Heart says
So the pictures are posted for people who “actually care and want to know and see what’s going on in the Antelope Valley”… Right?
What kind of freakin insensitive idiot are you? SJGranai didn’t say the pitures should be taken down, just that they pushed the lines of decency. Did you catch it THAT time? PUSHED not crossed… Why don’t you see the broken windshield of the vehicle that killed a son, a young man, a friend… Whether or not it was his fault it’s still a tragedy!! Show some respect for the dead!
Show some respect for the girl who killed him & now has to live with it the rest of her life!
The post by the AV Times was ment to keep people informed about what’s happening in our town, and a family friend felt that the pictures pushed it. But that’s SJGranai’s feelings. You’re basically saying “don’t look then” is disgusting & insensitive.
I pray that you never have to lose someJone so tragically… And when you see the report… Never see something that tugs at your heart… Because you can never imagine the pain until its SO close to home.. And your words AREN’T conducive to healing.
Empathetic says
Good lord if you’re going attack someone… Please have better spelling & grammar… You’re words that are ment to be hurtful, make you look like an ignorant a-hole that has nothing better to do than attack people they don’t know online because they’re too chicken to go into the real world. You should be sterilized.
jabonie says
nice run-on sentence foo ment= meant
em(pathetic)ignant feech grammerologist
SJGranai says
My oldest daughter and the boy’s sister were best friends in school. Last time I remember seeing him, he was mowing the lawn with his dad and was all of maybe 12? My daughter received a call this morning from his sister who is stationed in GA. The family is devastated by this.
Wonderful family…good kids.
My heart goes out to all of them.
SM says
So very sorry for all of the families involved in this terrible accident.