ANTELOPE VALLEY – Four people were killed Sunday evening when the vehicle they were riding in collided with a big rig, authorities said.
The fatal collision occurred around 5:20 p.m. on Avenue A at 90th Street West, according to a California Highway Patrol report.
A 56-year-old North Hills man was driving a 2000 Cadillac Deville westbound on Avenue A, when he failed to stop at a posted stop sign at the intersection of 90th Street West, the CHP report states.
The Cadillac was broadsided by a big rig tanker that was traveling northbound on 90th Street West.
The Cadillac’s driver and its three passengers – a 42-year-old woman from Van Nuys, a 58-year-old woman from North Hills, and another female who has not been identified – sustained massive blunt force trauma as a result of impact. All four were pronounced dead at the scene, according to the CHP report.
The big rig’s driver, 64-year-old Blaine Farlow of Rancho Cucamunga, was not injured in the collision.
Distracted driving, alcohol or drugs do not appear to have been a factor with either party, CHP officials said.
The incident remains under investigation.
UPDATED 9/4/12: The deceased have been identified as Juan Jesus Alaca, 56, of North Hills (driver); Anna M. Ceballos, 42, of Van Nuys; Rosa M. Morales, 58, of North Hills; and Maria R. Ramirez, 65, of West Hills, according to the Kern County Coroner’s Office.

veavadfuhzzh says
Pain and forgiveness says
It’s crazy when my brother Anthony passed away 3 years ago I didn’t cry. It’s not my lack of love for him, but understanding I will see him again and also have him waiting for me when it’s my time. The other night when I heard about my wife’s family I cried not because I was sad but because I never ever wanted her to feel the way I feel everyday of my life. She looked at me and said don’t cry my mom has prepared me for this day her whole life. I don’t question God and I understand he has a purpose for us all.. I was left in amazement………
Greg Anton says
Just to answer concerns that some people may have, I’m a close friend of the driver of the Cadillac that lost his life and his family, he was licencesed and was a good man drugs and alcohol free since he was diabetic so there for stop making assumptions whether he was legal or not I just hope that nothing like these happen to anyone because is hard to see the family suffering for this terrible loss if anyone would like to hel they’re holding a car wash in the city of Van Nuys at the cross streets of Saticoy and Burnet today and tomorrow there will be another car wash to raise funds on Woodley Avenue and Sherman Way any help is welcome since there are four human beings that need to be laid to rest, tonight on Chanel 7 abc will be given information of the car wash and also on Chanel’s 2 CBS again thank you for your support. Our prayers are with the family…..
S. Parker says
Words cannot describe how embarrassed I am to be from the Antelope Valley right now.
I am so very sorry to hear about your friend, Mr. Anton. I can’t imagine how bad his family most be hurting right now. I don’t travel that far anymore so it is unlikely that I will be making it to any of the fundraising events down the hill. I will be donating to the link you gave on this site.
For anyone who feels the need to comment harshly or callously, I beg you to first click on the donation link and view the pictures of the people who lost their lives. Then think of how their families will feel when they view your comments. Then think to yourselves, is the unkind comment really worth it?
Knows says
Parker Thank you for your kind heart. Wish the world had more like you…
Greg Anton says
Mr. Parker thank you very much for your kind words and to let the Other people worrying about an ilegal cockfights and unsenseles coments this family was on its way to see a piece of land that they were thinking of acquiring to build their home thru a friend that was going to help them get it, Mr. Alaca the driver was an honest hard working person that would give the shirt of his back if someone needed it, he was the head of the family and work in construction looking forward to get his contractors license but God had other plans for him I beg to stop making derogatory comments just because their origin or color of their skin not all Latinos are the same were good people too and obey and respect the laws of this wonderful country of opportunities and some of us haved accomplished and contribute to this society Mr. Parker again thank you very much for your support and excuse my grammar in the name of the family I give you their thanks God bless you.
TheTruth says
Something I have not seen addressed here, unless I missed it: did the driver of the cadillac have a drivers license?
Letlow says
Why is there a question over whether the driver had a license or not?! How come you didn’t ask the same for the truck driver? Or under any other car accident story? Unless… You are truly pathetic!!
everythingMUSTberacist says
Because the driver of the truck was not who was apparently at fault.
Letlow says
Your screen name said the ‘r’ word, I didn’t. I guess a guilty conscience needs no accusers. Anyway, I am not going to get into this back and forth under an article where FOUR PEOPLE LOST THEIR LIVES!!
The article says the Cadillac driver ran a stop sign, so obviously the fault is already there. The man has died for this mistake, but yet someone finds the nerve to question his license status. I just can’t with some of you people here. Because you will NEVER EVER GET IT!
May those four people rest in peace. My condolences to all the families and the loved ones affected by this tragedy.
everythingMUSTberacist says
So what? Every time someone dies, you don’t think discussing unknown details should be done because they “paid their price?”
Asking questions to get more insight as to possible factors which may have contributed to this incident is one of the many reasons comment sections exist. Believe it or not, it is not merely here for people to express condolences. Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying that people shouldn’t express remorse or wish families well, but bringing up reasonable points should not be chastised just because someone has died.
And my use of the “r word” is because I don’t beat around the bush like most others do. I can also read between the lines when people are called out over why the question one person but not the other. More often than not it is a passive aggressive attempt to call someone a racist.
TheTruth says
@ Letlow, I expected that reaction from you and others here. Stinker, William and Sammy can’t be far behind! To start with, most commenters here claiming to be family of the deceased are writing/speaking with very poor English skills. Therefore, one could surmise that the occpants of the car COULD have been illegals, and the driver unlicensed. Go ahead and scream racism, but there’s a reason why we require licenses: it means you passed a written and driving test, showing you know what signs mean. And, like @everythingMUSTberacist said, the truck driver didn’t make the mistake, the cadillac driver did. Sure, the truck driver could be unlicensed, however, I believe most trucking companies hauling flammable substances won’t usually place their company in jeopardy by hiring an unlicensed driver. Like I said, keep screaming racism. The truck driver could easily have been killed in this, so we should know if this person had any right to be on OUR roads! Again, sorry for the loss this family suffered.
BigTrucker says
This is every truckers nightmare. I know this trucker, and I promise you he did everything to avoid this and would have rather it been him and not 4 people who died. He probably the most experienced driver I know and would not be driving a 80000 lb bomb in a wreckless manner. Tankers dont stop on a dime. He was carrying flammables and could have killed many more if he would have rolled over. I cant imagine your loss, and im sorry, but to blame this guy is not fair. God bless you and your family. You are in our prayers.
Knows says
BigTrucker do you personally know the driver?
Big Trucker says
Yes I have known him for quite a few years.
Knows says
Don’t grieve for me for now I’m free.
I’m following the path God laid for me.
I took his hand when I heard him call.
I turned my back and left it all.
I could not stay another day,
To laugh, to love, to work, or play.
Tasks left undone must stay that way,
I’ve found that peace at the close of day.
If my parting has left a void,
Then fill it with remembered joy.
A friendship shared, a laugh, a kiss,
Ah yes, these things I too will miss.
Be not burdened with times of sorrow:
I wish you the sunshine of tomorrow.
My life’s been full I’ve savored much,
Good times, good friends, a loved one’s touch.
Perhaps my time seemed all to brief,
Don’t lenghten it now with undue grief.
Lift up your heart and share with me,
God wanted me now, he set me free.
Pattie says
I need to express my sorrow to this family…..I came upon the scene of this horrific accident only minutes after it had occurred….I am a nurse and knew no one in the car had survived…there was nothing I could do for these beautiful people whose lives had been suddenly snuffed out. There is no one to blame here….we need to pray for the families of these people who will no longer be with those that love and loved them. I could not stop crying as I got back into my own vehicle to continue my drive that day. It was hard to keep my eyes on the road they were so full of tears….these families need to be surrounded with love and compassion as they lay their loved ones to rest….God bless…
Deebxx says
Patricia Morales says
Hi there , Do you guys have a memorial website fund set up for the family? Let me know I can help set one up so people on Facebook can donate. let me know . Patricia Morales
Pattie says
let me know….that is the least i could do for the families of those affected – to give a donation so the family can have the money to bury those that they loved. thank you
Patricia Morales says
here is the Website that we need to set up. The family need to set this up so the money goes directly to them from a Pay Pal Acct. .Also, It is linked up with Facebook. please Contact me if you need help. Patricia 805-796-5590
Donations In Helping The Family Lay Them To Rest says
Here is the link for donations :
Omar Silva says
Mrs. Morales, Thank you very much for your help. We are representing this family and whatever information you need, please call us at (916)448.9800.
Concered says
Ambulance chaser!
CaptainObvious says
Representing the family for what?? The driver of the Cadillac CAUSED the crash! Like Concered said….ambulance chaser!
Patricia Morales says
Here is the site I set up for the family. So far it’s at $570.00
S. Parker says
Your message was so powerful it put a lump in my throat. May these four souls find comfort in a higher place.
Omar Silva says
Dear Pattie, We are representing all the family on this terrific and sad accident.
Could you please call me or call attorney Eric Ratinoff at our office number 916.448.9800.
Thank you!
Patricia Morales says
greg says
Nothing more, nothing less. This says it all.
Bob says
Very well said Greg.
QHResident says
So much bullying going on on these articles. Why do people have to make the news about themselves and their own issues? I would not mind at all if the AV Times decided to pull down this public post board. It get’s too hateful and judgemental here. Why don’t those who want to be negative go post your rants on your facebook page, or did everybody block you there?
Bob says
I find it amusing that when complaining about “bullying,” being “hateful,” and being “judgmental” you yourself become a bully, hateful, and judgmental in your own last sentence.
You are one of the negative and insulting people on here as well.
Thanks for the laugh on such a sad thread.
QHResident says
Really Bob, I guess you took that personally. I called nobody by name or riduculed people who died. There is a huge difference between being a bully and pointing out bad behavior.
Bob says
Bad behavior, like not checking for cross traffic before pulling forward, or not stopping at a stop sign?
QHResident says
Bob, you were not there. Nobody has the right to judge what actually took place from what information is given in a small news article. Ever consider the driver may have had a medical emergency when this happened? What if this was your family? Are you so perfect that you never made a mistake? The comments on here are an embarrassment to our community. This is local news and this effects our community and citizens.
Bob says
Why do you have such anger over the issue?
Why are people trying to blame everything under the sun (and even the sun) instead of recognizing that no matter what secondary issues there were, at the end of the day it was the drivers responsibility for the safety of the occupants and the vehicle he was controlling.
I cannot think of a medical condition that would cause the person to hit and stay on the gas consistently enough to run a stop sign at full speed.
All recent model cars allow them to be put into neutral if there becomes a problem with the accelerator as well. So the passenger could have put it in neutral and steered if the driver lost consciousness.
If it was my family, I hope I would have showed them enough about car safety to avoid such a horrible situation.
However, I cannot prevent horrible people who run stop signs or don’t pay attention to traffic. Even the best driver has to worry about the horrible drivers out there, the ones that get people killed because of recklessness.
The embarrassment to our community is the horrible people who regularly run red lights and stop signs like they don’t exist. It is a common problem in this valley. People need to wake up and realize the seriousness.
No name says
Apparently YOU know nothing about medical emergencies so keep your mouth shut!!! I witnessed a fatal accident three years ago in Bear Valley Spring where a man had a diabetic seizure AND had his foot on the gas pedal and didn’t take it off until the vehicle crashed and killed a lady in her front yard. This vehicle was traveling UPHILL also. So it IS possible for one’s foot to be stuck on the gas pedal during a seizure. You need to do some serious medical research before you write such things on an open forum such as this.
Bob says
If it was a diabetic seizure chances are it could have been avoided if they knew they had diabetic problems.
They should have pulled off the road at the first signs, there is a very very small window of time to be safe in the matter.
If the person has suffered diabetic seizures before, they should have never been on the road to be honest. Same with people prone to seizures or “black outs.”
LC says
To My Family That Lost Something Extremely Special To Us Not Only One But Four Of Our Family Members We Are All Hurt , And We Really Don’t Need Negetive Opinions Right Now So We Can Care Less Of What Your Thoughts Are.
So Let’s Stick Together And Not Fight With People Right Now It’s Really Not Worth It We Need To Support Each Other We Have Four Funerals To Raise Money For And His Negetive Comments Really Don’t Hit Us Because We Know Them And He Apperently Doesn’t Know How Caring and Wonderful People They Were.
So Bob Or What Ever Your Name Is Thanks For Your Horrible Thoughts And Seriously You Need To Get Laid Or Something Apperently Your Good At Judging And Quick To Talk When Clearly You Weren’t There But I Can Care Less Who You Are Sincerly Bob Too.
May God Be With You.
R.I.P To My Loved Ones Rosa , Ana , Juan , And Maria Elena.
Tatiana says
I am the sister of the loved one who died. I was shocked when I found out about the accident. I loved them very much. They did a lot for me, they took me in when I had nothing. I just want to give them a big hug. I know they are in heaven now. They are safe and thank the lord for Griselda and Jasmine, the daughters of the victims who died. I love you all rest in peace. May there families be in peace.
Michelle Egberts says
Tatiana… A poem I share with you and your famiy at this time of loss…
There are angels among us,
one for me and one for you.
God sent them to watch over us,
our whole lives through.
I knew that when I met you,
I saw a certain spark.
you appeared before me,
when the world seemed so dark.
God must have had me in mind
when he gave me a friend like you.
He knew I would need advice,
and a helping hand or two;
Someone to pick me up,
when I stumble and fall,
when the world seems so horrible
and not worth living at all.
I have certainly had my days
when I needed your hand.
I thank God for sending you to me,
and for including me in His plan.
If you ever need comfort,
the way I sometimes do,
please think of me,
I will always reach out my hand
and offer you comfort too.
jasmine love says
May they all Rest In Paradise, I am praying for them nd their family…
To Rob! Ur an ignorant lil peace of [removed]! were u there to know what exactly happened? R u sure it was really the man driving the cadillacs fault!? Unfortunately none of the 4 are here to say what happened and of coarse the truck driver will defend himself by blaming the poor victim!! It’s known that most truck drivers are careless drivers!!! I lost a friend 2 yrs ago when a truck driver pushed her of the highway, and i know several ppl who have gotten in car accidents with careless truck drivers!! So u need to get the [removed] off this story with your stupid negative comments!!!
jasmine love says
I meant BOB!!!
Bob says
I am indeed sorry people passed away. I never wish people to die, I never WANT people to die. It is a horrible thing to suffer through,
I understand the want and need not to blame the driver of the Cadillac, but it was the driver of the Cadillac fault for the collision.
I wanted people to learn from this and understand the seriousness of paying extra attention at stop signs and red lights.
I did not intend to harass you, my intent was for the family to accept the responsibility of their driver, and for everyone to learn from this unfortunate traffic collision.
Eliza says
Bob, how are you? I hope better than all of us who lost our families. Bob we have never put blame on the trucker, we really won’t know what either conditions where that day, was he tired, on meds, did have his phone in his hand so on and so on, i feel horrible that this man has to live with the thought that he hit a car and killed four people instantly my aunts, cousin and uncle where in that vehicle, one day they are here the second, gone. Bob there was a lot of anger coming from you regarding MY family, Juan was licensed and a great driver, he stopped at the stop, yes somehow after his brief stop he proceeded to make his right turn ,from what recent info states is that they both did the right thing BUT my uncle must have thought the trucker had a stop and unfortunately it cost them their lives. We know what happened and we not once have blamed the truck driver. It is such a sad thing to see the human race act the way we all are on here it is uncalled for and shameless. Thank you all for following this story we can now only pray we can move forward from this.
P.s I want to say to Mr. Barlow we do not blame you!
And Bob I can’t help but feel bothered of certain low blows you have made, you are arguing with the families that lost 4 people it is obvious we are in pain and in defense to protect our loved ones, you calling four dead people horrible is just uncalled for. Please understand how we are feeling and please refrain from name calling and belittling four dead souls and their families. May The Lord bless you and your family. And this goes to all of you on here. <3
Bob says
I am sure your family were not horrible people, however it did appear for a while that people were starting to blame the driver of the truck and random other events.
I am sorry for your loss and did not intend to inflict more harm, and I truly wish people would learn from this unfortunate traffic collisions and realize life is worth that extra few seconds lost.
I do not know what your uncle was doing, nor thought was going on. I do know many people drive dangerously on the roads out there, I am sorry if your uncle was lumped in with that group if you truly was normally a safe driver. I truly hope people learn from this and take the extra time to make sure it is safe.
Thank you for your post, sorry for you and your family’s loss.
Obey signs says
I work with the driver. I think “STOP” on a sign means something. Not all drivers are at fault.
Johnny says
I wet hose just down the street from where this happened, im in the area 3 times a week, i see people run stop signs all the time.
Bob says
Traffic collisions are the number one cause of death on the Western part of the Antelope Valley (14 to the 5.)
It is a serious matter. There is so much area to cover that the CHP and Deputies have a hard time being able to handle it all.
Getaclue says
Or how about people pay more attention and drive more carefully? More Law Enforcement on the roads will not eliminate negligent drivers.
For those of you who do not understand these big words…Im trying to say, pull your heads out of your butts while driving a 3 thousand pound hunk of metal.
Julie says
Everyone who loses a loved one in an accident will want answers..everyone..all of us posting here..would want answers and
then hopefully accept the truth..whatever it is..after the investigation.
God Bless to the Family
William says
With all the things to attend to after the death of a loved one, plus the grieving process itself, the last thing I’d be inclined to do is come to the Antelope Valley Times and argue with people over the incident.
What is that all about? I’ve seen it many times.
really says
William its not uncommon, people are grieving and want answers. They go to news sites to try and gleen some type of understanding about a senseless tragedy. What confounds me is peoples need to bloviate about others tragedies. It shows how callous our society has become. People have too little empathy and not enough sympathy.
Bob says
I am sad people died, but it needs to be taken as a warning by others. Be more careful on the roads, it can save lives.
Ingomar says
Bloviate? Good one. With nearly 7 billion people on this blue orb and thousands dying/being killed daily (if not hourly) all over the world, how can some folks NOT be callous and unfeeling?
You’d go nuts feeling sympathy for all the departed.
Theodore says
I understand what you’re saying. But these weren’t faceless victims of a tragedy thousands of miles away. This was a terrible accident that happened to people in our own backyard! Family members who live amongst us. In other words, OUR NEIGHBORS, who appear to have lost not just 1, but 3 paternal and maternal members of their family. AND a loved family friend. A devastating loss in any family.
Hopefully those who represent on this site will take any opportunity given to reach out and help the broken family members left in helping them move on, and yes, give, so a horrible financial tragedy doesn’t add to what is already an absolutely devastating personal hell.
My thoughts are with any family members who have the misfortune to read some of the comments that are here. Some people have to spend their time finding blame in any tragedy. Never understood why. I’m sure the kind of people who can learn from such tragedy’s will learn. Those who can’t won’t. Those who spend time here trying to pretend their bitching is because it helps them feel superior and thus think preaching to others and pointing out the obvious justifies their arrogant and hurtful remarks. Most are probably thinking money, and whose going to get what and/or the most. Why they can’t understand AND ACKNOWLEDGE the much more devastating human cost is not understandable. Both for the dead and the living. The lawyers and insurance companies will fight that out. And some will profit from it.
Whomever may of made the mistake, has probably paid, in spades, so those lusting after some form of public shaming can shove it. Has nothing to do with what you, the loved ones left, are facing now. So pay them no mind.
Please have someone post if we, your community, can help in any way. My thoughts also go out to the driver in the truck. There where no winners here.
rest in peace says
Seriously all you people need to find something better to do than to post negative things on people you didnt even know and yes this was my family regardless whos at fault weare all hurting so if you idiots can do us a favor and keep ur stupid negative comments to ur self that would help people here say oh i did loose someone close to me it dont mean it can be compared to family specially when we have always been so close so better yet find something better to do or stay the fu** out of it you heartless motherf******! No need to reply if you have nothing good to say! May juan my aunt and cousin rest in peace <3
rest in peace says
Marialena was a close friend of the family im happy and honered to say that on saturday afternoon i got to dpend time with my aunt my cousin and marialena! I had the honer of seeing them so happy even if it was the last time i would ever see them! They all looked really happy and im glad thats the last image that stays with me! They are Now in a better place! Feel sorry for whom stays not for who leaves! REST IN PARADISE!
NoRestfortheWicked says
Free speech, if you don’t like it, leave. If you cannot handle the truth, do not read it.
I am tired of idiots risking others people’s lives for five minutes of time, it looks like finally Santa Muerte is picking the right ones instead of letting the innocent be killed by the guilty.
rest in peace says
Stupid peace of [removed] if you are tired then get a life! Go take care of ur family spend time with them you never know when you can lose them! Talking about being tired you are the fu**** ignorant but i really do hope you eat ur words later cause id be a bitch! [removed] gossip addicts if you didnt read i did write if you have nothing good to say dont reply lame ass freedome of speach that tells me how old you are! Show respect! Oh im sure you have no manners! I will not replytoany more post its a really hard moment for all of us but some cant seem to get that thrutheir tiny brains if theres even one up there!
Bob says
Thank you for not replying anymore, leave the discussions for the grown ups.
This is obviously an emotional time for you and your family.
I am sorry that people died, but it was the driver’s fault. I am glad that other people were not killed by the careless driver.
My point on commenting on here is to remind people to be careful and pay attention on the road, that many people die needlessly because they did not follow common sense on the road.
As I said before, careless and reckless driving are not victim less crimes. PEOPLE DIE FROM BAD DRIVING HABITS.
If the family was more open about the circumstances, they could use this horrible tragedy to teach people to pay more attention and be more careful on the road.
Instead, they use it as an opportunity to try and smear the truck driver because their family member didn’t follow the rules of the road.
That is what horrible people do when they can’t accept truth or responsibility for their or their family members actions, it’s the same mindset of families with career criminal children. “It’s not my sons fault, it was the kids he hung out with! It was the cops!”
wow says
Bob get a damn life! Go take care of your kids if god even allowed you to have any. if ur so damn grown then get off ur ass and get a job cause it seems to me like you dont have one! Ur all up on peoples business low life
Bob says
I have a job. I take care of my own.
I base my comments on facts, you base yours on emotions and foolishness.
Carlos says
so you think you are perfect huh Bob you are trying to make your little perfect world by enjoying over someone elses pain and sorrows listen if you have kids grand kids parents or a wife that your words could turn back on please respect our pain and the pain of the close relatives which are suffering the loss of a mother a father, a sister, a son or daughter or simply good friends this is not the right moment for you to dream your perfect world please STOP harrassing this family STOP
Bob says
Carlos, I am indeed sorry people passed away. I never wish people to die, I never WANT people to die. It is a horrible thing to suffer through,
I understand the want and need not to blame the driver of the Cadillac, but it was the driver of the Cadillac fault for the collision.
I wanted people to learn from this and understand the seriousness of paying extra attention at stop signs and red lights.
I did not intend to harass you, my intent was for the family to except the responsibility of their driver, and for everyone to learn from this unfortunate traffic collision.
Juan Mendoza says
Shut you’re damn mouth up . Bob just stop with this hipocrite shit saying you feel for the family , yet you still keep on running you’re mouth and saying what we are doing is smearing it on the driver … Can you just shut you’re damn pie hole uP and take care of you’re own family , when shit like this happens to you wich I really hope not , you will know what THIS FAMILY FEELS ABOUT THIS WHOLE TRAGEDY THAT HAS HAPPEND TO OR AND THEIR IS NO ONE WE CAN BLAME ONLY THAT THEY ARE GONE AND THEY WILL ALWAYS BE IN OUR LOVING MEMORY.
Bob says
Don’t be so offended by the facts of the collision. As has been said many times before, if you wish not to be offended by the truth, stop reading what is posted.
The family did indeed try to smear the truck driver on here trying to blame the driver.
It was not the truck driver’s fault.
I can, as a human with a developed mind past a three year old, both talk about the accident in the truth of the matter AND feel sympathy and empathy.
Sarah says
I would like to know… How much did they paid you to sit on here and respond to everyone’s posts?
Robert Brady says
Free Speech is meant to be a productive process, not by making destructive, insensitive and non-contributing statements. Complaining about idiots, @NoRestfortheWicked! Really? What have you done to contribute to something positive, or sacrificed real personal time to make a difference in society. Posting callous remarks on articles doesn’t qualify as making a contribution or sacrifice.
And to all you other “posters” that offer nothing but empty, callous statements, I wonder why you aren’t using your real names……I am using mine.
Bob says
Robert Brady, I believe the point most of the posts seem to say is that reckless driving and carelessness on the road kills. Everyone needs to pay more attention on the road to avoid accidents like this.
The family is blaming everyone except the driver for this, from the sun to truck driver, to the intersection.
I just wish they could accept that it was the driver of the Cadillac’s fault no matter which why they try to spin it, and use it as a lesson as to why all drivers need to pay more attention on the roads.
If that is callous, so be it. Sometimes people need to hear the truth to learn.
Concered says
Bob why do you keep saying it was “careless” driving that caused this accident?
Can you not put one and one together to get the solution?
This guy was driving westbound at 5:20 PM and didn’t stop for a stop sign. Isn’t clear the sun was in his eyes?
If he would have been able to see clearly, then he would have seen the truck coming from the side.
Take care of your own? Just because you have an EBT card to buy food with, doesn’t mean you are taking care of your own!
Bob says
First off, nice try with the EBT card troll. I do indeed have a well paying job without government assistance.
As for the rest:
I drive the roads in the Antelope Valley everyday, if I can’t see in a direction I take extra time to check.
However, there is no excuse for the fact he couldn’t see NORTH OR SOUTH, out of the direction he would have been looking for cross traffic.
The sun does not set in the North, nor on the South (where the truck came from.) This time of year it can be close to North West but at Sunset, but not enough to be lined up perfectly with that cross traffic.
Also, this time of year the sun sets at around 7:30pm. So at 5:20 it should have been high enough to not be a complete problem.
Just so you don’t have any doubt, here you go: http://www.sunearthtools.com/dp/tools/pos_sun.php
Now please don’t make excuses.
Getaclue says
Bob you’re my new favorite person here. Kudos. My co-workers and I think you’re the bees knees.
Milena says
at bob…. I wont capitalize your name because is not even worth it. You are taking this accident as an example…. for other people, but in your afford you are upsetting family members, friends who knew Juan and his family…. Accidents are accidents and they happen and you have no right to point fingers at anybody. If you really care about setting an example and want people to learn a lesson, why dont you go to the intersection where this happen and make sure people STOP…… Go take a chair with you and sit there all day (looks like you have nothing else better to do)take your laptop if you have one….so you can post updates on the traffic… But be very careful because while you are there, because it may be another accident…
Respect!!!!! if you want to be respected and remember we all have families and this could happen to any of us… Mr. Juan Alaca was my dads friend and i see my dads pain for loosing a friend…
My respects to all of the family members.. I dont know your pain, but Im praying for all of you.
Bob says
First off, again, nice try at trolling. There is a reason why Law Enforcement calls these things Traffic Collisions/TCs and not Accidents.
Someone was at fault here. It was the driver of the Cadillac, and I do indeed have a right to blame him since according to the information publicly available it was his fault for the traffic collision.
I don’t know why people are referring to this as an accident, when it was clearly a deadly traffic collision.
I do not need the respect of people who try to lie and cover up the truth in the name of “honor, loss, and respect.”
Again, I am sad people lost their lives, but this is a regular occurrence in the Antelope Valley and needs to stop.
divine says
My sincere condolences to the family of all involved included the truck driver as I am sure he is devastated as well.
milagros says
claro que si mi hermano era muy cauteloso para todo y no creo q ahora q no esta q no se puede defender le echen la culpa de algo de lo q el no fue culpable si no una victima mas, por favor desde peru como familia ruego a las autoridades ye investiguen el caso y puedan mandar el cuerpo de mi hermano al cual queremos mucho ya que mi madresita esta delicada , ya de por si perderlo fue un dolor tan grande e imaginense no tenerlo cerca su cuerpo es mas doloroso aun
Bob says
The next of kin can retrieve the body once the investigation is closed, and sometimes sooner with permission of the Coroner. If you want to send it back to Peru, it would probably be best to get him cremated and sent back that way, and less expensive as well.
He was at fault, no matter what. He pulled in front of a vehicle that had the right away at the intersection. It is that simple.
Sara says
Yo se como manejan los trailers en este país en general desastrosamente tanto es así que cuando veo uno cerca de mi prefiero bajar la velocidad para que se vallan bien pero bien lejos….. Bueno ya saben que pienso de todo esto. Espero que se haga Justicia….Es tu opinión y no me importa…. mi opinión es esta ……conociendo a mi primo lo cuidadoso que fue en manejar y lo mucho que quería a su familia…..yo solo espero que salga a luz la verdad porque creo en DIOS Y EN LA JUSTICIA AMERICANA.
Tiffany says
Sara, First I’d like to offer you my sincere condolences. I hope everything works out, and if possible you are able to take solace in the fact that your family did not suffer. As far as pointing fingers at who was to blame, I see no point in that. The bottom line is accidents do happen, but the take away is accidents can be avoided often times by just not being in a hurry. Regardless of who was at fault, four lives were lost and that is always a tragedy. You and your family will be in my prayers. God bless you!
jhonny cardenas says
my name is jhonny I knew people who died in that accident and tell the truth is quite rare since John was a very cautious type to handle and do not think John is past the stop haiga hurts me what happened and I met very serca all deaths is more lived with them a while and they were good people is very unfortunate truth to this I would ask the authorities to inbestigen well as this is quite rare and repeat buelbo John was very cautious handle many would say that it was handled badly by Peruvian and I tell the gentlemen learned to drive there in California and did very well, the distance from here to my wife Rosario and I give the whole family and to grisselda Hyper jasmine roxana danielito and our deepest condolences juanito
TheTruth says
To all of you who knew the ones who died, I’m sorry for your loss. Its tragic for sure. However, those of you saying the big rig driver “got away with murder” and asking for his speed to be checked, etc,etc, let’s be clear about something. Your loved one obviously made a mistake that cost everyone in that car their lives. Nothing more nothing less. He failed to yield to the big rig. Even if the rig was going 80mph, he’s guilty of speeding at best. I’m sure there will be the usual “demand” for more stop signs, more law enforcement on this road, etc, but people, none of that will ever stop human error which appears to be the cause here. Again, sorry for your loss, but trying to shift the blame here is not right.
Sara Guerra says
Coincido con este comentario …es verdad yo conoci a Juan muy cerca y el era una persona muy cuidadosa para manejar. Es muy facil que el chofer diga ahora que el que se llevo el stop era el chofer del cadillac …claro no hay testigos y tampoco las otras cuatro personas para defenderse. Teniendo en cuenta el lugar solitario….no camaras…solo espero que se haga justicia.
Bob says
Look Sara, you don’t need cameras or witnesses to know that he drove in front of a diesel, a diesel who had the right away no matter what excuse you come up with. So stop being a pendejo and suck it up that he screwed up.
Only God Knows says
First of all I would like to say thank you to those who offered prayers and support. The Driver of the car name is Juan, the passengers was his wife Anna, her mother Rosa and a friend Maria-elena sat in the back. Juan and Anna left behind 3 young girls. Rosa a grandmother too many and a provider to everyone whom ever came into contact with her. Maria-elena was a family friend for over 15 years, who also had a heart of gold and leaves behind a family.
The driver of the car Juan did stop at the stop sign, he thought the truck had the same stop sign so he began driving once he deemed it was clear, not knowing what awaited him. The speed of the tanker truck is in question. We are awaiting on reports of how fast. From the looks of it and impact looks like the driver was traveling well over the posted 55mph.
Bob says
I am sorry the people with him had to die for his sin. If you ever drive through there you can clearly see their is neither paint on the ground that would indicate the other traffic had a stop, nor stop signs for the other traffic, nor anything else that would indicate the other traffic had to stop.
Here are some examples of crash tests of the momentum a truck going 55mph has, the power the truck has even at 55mph is amazing and scary:
Only God Knows says
Sin? Please explain how he sinned with an honest mistake? Bob I hope you never have to experience this pain we are if so may god provide comfort for you or your family,,
Bob says
I have experienced the pain, the pain was someone I knew was killed by an idiot who did exactly what your the driver of the Cadillac did, pulled out in front of a vehicle, killed everyone involved in the TC.
Running a red light or stop sign, or cutting off traffic is not a victim less crime.
It kills, and it kills a lot in the AV. In fact most of the deaths west of the 14 are because of careless drivers.
Concered says
Westbound at 5:20……do you think the sun could have been in his eyes stupid?
Bob says
I drive the roads in the Antelope Valley everyday, if I can’t see in a direction I take extra time to check.
However, there is no excuse for the fact he couldn’t see NORTH OR SOUTH, out of the direction he would have been looking for cross traffic.
The sun does not set in the North, nor on the South (where the truck came from.) This time of year it can be close to North West but at Sunset, but not enough to be lined up perfectly with that cross traffic.
Also, this time of year the sun sets at around 7:30pm. So at 5:20 it should have been high enough to not be a complete problem.
Just so you don’t have any doubt, here you go: http://www.sunearthtools.com/dp/tools/pos_sun.php
Now please don’t make excuses.
milagros says
como puedes expresarte asi si nisiquiera sabes lo q es açamar a alguien pero mi hermanao era cautekloso nisiquiera lo coocias para hablar de alguien el idiota e ignorante eres tu
Bob says
I’m not the ignorant pendejo that got himself and his family killed.
So next time you want to insult me, do it in English, unless you are too stupid cabron.
Jasmine says
@Bob on. Have some respect that’s my father, mother, Grandma And a dear friend of the family that passed away. My father was a good men and always took care of his family. @Bob on. If your not there don’t assume. This needs to be investigated more this accident is weird i feel like this men is getting away with murder. He killed everything that was dear to me to my heart now im left with nothing. plz i need to raise money for the funeral if your willing to help (818)582-0746 Thank you Love JASMINE
Cecilia says
Yes Jasmine that’s what we would like help. Not opinions we don’t need that just make it worse… Love u Jasmine we are here for you guys you aren’t alone…
sacryinshame says
Hey Bob, I got the same reaction (over) when I mentioned that the motorcycle accident could have been avoided if both vehicles would have cleared the intersection before entering it. I was also attacked. Maybe that’s why these accidents keep happening, Very few people seem to learn from the very lesson that took their friends and loved ones lives. I was even told that I couldn’t possibly feel sorry for the families of the people who lost their lives. I do feel terrible for all of them. I have seem many fatal accidents and my heart breaks for everyone involved. When someone dies, the first responders are tramatized too.
Robert Brady says
Freedom of Speech is a right meant to be used to make our world a better place. Obviously people like ACE, D Fife, and Bob haven’t accomplished that, nor have they learned that their callous judgementalism isn’t doing anyone any good, so why do it?
Get a life that has some socially redeeming value, and give something back to society than just empty lip service.
To that family that lost their loved ones, I just lost a close friend Saturday night in the horrific motorcycle accident reported here. My heartfelt and sincere (hear that ACE, I said sincere) thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.
sacryinshame says
Mr. Brady, Freedom of speech IS freedom of speech. Freedom to say what someone wants to say, not what you want them to say or what you want to hear.
Yo Mama says
It’s truly amazing the assumptions from a couple of dopes who weren’t even there. Unbelievable. My wife & I rolled up on this crash immediately after it happened. The dust was still settling. Now, not being in the vehicle, I believe it safe to speculate that the Caddy driver, who was not from here, may have thought that the tanker also had a stop sign out there in the middle of nothing. We could see that the car was hit about as close to the center of the intersection as could be. They went from westbound to northbound in the blink of an eye, and stopped about 30 yards past Ave. A on the west shoulder. Everyone there knew those folks were deceased. There was nothing that would’ve helped those souls.
So, dumb & dumber should save their ignorant comments for your facebook, and may the families of these folks find some peace in their tragedy. Unlike dumb & dumber down there who, clearly, have never had a family tragedy. Ain’t that right Head Up Ass?
Bob says
So who are you referring to as Dumb and Dumber? It sounds like you too have your head up your ass if you are offended by the comments below. Though they may be uncouth, and somewhat callous, it is reality.
There is no need to be friendly to people who risk their own life and yours because they want to be somewhere a few seconds faster. These accidents need to be front page news to remind people to be more courteous and cautious drivers, and “get their head out of their ass'”.
Robert Brady says
Here we go again. WHY do you guys have to make comments about other people’s tragedy? Do your comments contribute, or do you get a kick out of just being insensitive. Don’t you realize that family and friends of people on both sides are going to read these posts. You and ACE need to get a life and stop spending your time being judgemental with useless posts.
And I am willing to bet that your time NOT spent reading a posting on tragedies that you have no involvement in, isn’t spent doing something to make our society a better place.
Bob says
People need to realize these are not “accidents” they are “traffic collisions,” someone is at fault here.
The reason why I post on these threads is because I have indeed lost friends to stupid people like this who run stop signs and red lights.
People need to learn that these kind of actions have consequences, I am indeed sorry about the other innocent people who died in the vehicle with the bad driver.
You cry about judgement, yet you jump to judgement yourself, that is hypocrisy.
D. Fife says
Oh, pardon me all to hell Yo Mama. I guess I should have been more PC and said ‘inattentive motormanship’,eh? I shoot from the hip and tell it like is….deal with it.
T-Bone says
Maybe you shouldn’t have said anything at all. Did you think of that? Have some class. People who shoot from the hip before they think usually get a foot in their ass next.
Bob says
People who go through stop signs or cut off cars don’t have class and don’t think either.
Yo Mama says
You’re an idiot, Barney. Sorry. I call em like I see em… But, I think it out a little before I speak. That’s not a “shoot from the hip” comment. You really are an idiot.
D. Fife says
That’s Deputy Barney Fife to you, Yo Mama. I’ll just bet that you, do-something-for-society Brady and the other boo hooers are planning one of those gaudy roadside shrines with the plastic flowers at Ave. A & 90th St. West. Just another ‘shot from the hip’.
Oh, and I’m not an idiot; mom had me tested.
Cecilia says
Hello, That family that was killed in that car crash are our family and we would appreciate it you could communicate with us because we need witnesses to clarify what happen!!!! Can u please call us at 1(818)681-0556 or 1(818)267-0855 THANK YOU WE WOULD APPRECIATE IT!!!
Mrs M says
Cecilia, this is surely devastating to your family. My thoughts and prayers are with you at this difficult time. Please accept my sincerest condolences.
Yo Mama says
Words can’t express my sorrow for you and your family at this moment. Cecilia, I wish I could help, but we didn’t see what happened. We rolled up on the scene to assist. I’m so sorry to have to be so brutally honest about the scene. There were about 10 beautiful people working together to do what was possible. I hope you can find some peace in that. My wife and I want to express our most sincere condolences to you and yours…
Bob says
As a member of this community, I’d like to thank all those who tried to save the lives of those involved.
Some recommendations I have to anyone that arrives at a traffic collision:
1) Be safe and stay aware.
2) Do not stand in the road way.
3) If you stop, turn on your hazard lights.
4) Leave at least three car lengths between your vehicle and the accident seen, or the closest stopped vehicle to the TC. This is to ensure first responders can get emergency equipment as close and safely to the tc as possible.
5) Keep your cars tires pointed away from the road and accident. (If you park three car lengths behind or more you should be a little bit safer, but never truly safe.)
6) Call 911 or if you know the local fire department number, that.
7) Do not move a person unless they are in eminent/immediate danger. (i.e. Car fire, in the road with heavy traffic, need immediate CPR, etc)
8) If you cannot contribute to the safety of the people at the collision, please leave so there is less confusion and danger for first responders and those involved. There is no need to be “rubberneckers.”
9) Do not panic or cause hysteria. IF you are crying or panicking you will end up causing problems etc. Talk to the people if they are conscious. People in the collision crying and talking is a good thing, it means they haven’t gone into shock yet normally.
10) Try to reduce all blood loss as necessary, talk to the injured and find out what hurts, if they can move their toes and fingers, etc. Relay this information to first responders if the injured loses consciousness.
Any addition to this advice from EMT/FD/LEOs is welcome.
Bob says
This should be with number 8: Don’t leave is possible if you actually witnessed the collision. Being able to give a statement to the investigating/responding officials is extremely helpful in order to determine causes of TCs.
Pattie says
I, like, others offer my deepest sorrows for your losses…I came up on the scene after it had happened and still relive that memory that I could not do anything to help….if it is any consolation to you; your loved ones did not suffer; everything happened so fast. Even now, as I write this, I am crying for the tragic and horrific manner in which they passed from this earth. Keep their memories alive in your hearts…plant a tree or something beautiful in their honor….I pray God will give your heart peace and comfort.
Cecilia says
Pattie, thank you for your words and truly you are right it does console me to know that they didn’t suffer… I really do appreciate your words Thank You So Much…
Pattie says
please post here if someone has set up an account for their memorial services so we can donate. Someone had posted about a Facebook page…some of us like myself need to do SOMETHING to help and we can do this in a way that will assist the families of those affected – even in a small way. I lost my sisters in a double homicide many years ago…this accident has left me with very deep grief for all of you that lost these beautiful people. Thank you.
Donations In Helping The Family Lay Them To Rest says
Thank you so much pattie. Really appreciate that!! You can donate if you follow the link below. Thank you so much and anything helps!
its me says
When four people have died, you should get your head out of your ass and show some respect.
Bob says
I will wait till the CHP is done with the investigation to decide who was at fault, but I have seen a lot of people driving the north/south streets like 110th, 90th, 70th, 60th, etc just rolling through stop signs without looking.
In fact every time I drive that route I either have to slam on my breaks because they rolled through a stop sign, or cut into traffic and can’t handle accelerating. Big rigs/diesels/18 wheelers are not as forgiving as smaller vehicles and cannot stop if you decide to roll through a stop or cut them off.
Sad that people died here, but the lesson is check both directions before you cross major roads at stop signs. Also don’t try to beat the vehicle to cross.
D. Fife says
No distracted driving, drugs or alcohol involved? What could it have been?
Oh wait, I know….HEAD UP ASS.