PALMDALE – More than a thousand people of all ages converged on Poncitlan Square Friday evening to join the 50th Anniversary Celebration of Palmdale’s incorporation as a city.
Children busied themselves making keepsake party hats, sun glasses, and streamers as parents relaxed under the trees listening to the Tony Capko Orchestra, featuring Bernie Miesinger.
Nearly everyone had a story to share about how the city has evolved over the years.
“I’ve been in Palmdale since 1989,” said Kamal Al-Khatib. “I came here when the population was about 67,000, and over the years I saw a lot of development here… The population keeps growing and getting more diverse.”
“I’ve been here for 23 years and it’s grown a lot,” said Dr. Krishna Doddana. “When I first came, there was nothing between Acton and Lancaster, but the population has exploded over the years and there’s been a lot of positive change.”
“We can learn from Palmdale what we need to do in Lancaster,” said Lancaster resident Dr. Miguel Coronado. “The camaraderie, the togetherness, the friendliness, and the openness of the people from all backgrounds and nationalities.”
Highlights of the evening included a special tribute to the City’s founding fathers, a Palmdale “cheer” led by the Dazzler cheerleaders from Dazzler Cheer, and an appearance by Palmdale resident and Olympic medalist Lashinda Demus.
“This is evidence that we are a community,” said Communications Manager John Mylnar. “We are a community of people who like to have a good time together, who like to celebrate together.”
View sights from the celebration below, and then visit our facebook page for many more pictures of the event.

For many more pictures of Palmdale’s 50th Anniversary Celebration, visit our facebook page.
Chris French says
Had a great time with family at the Birthday Bash. I couldn’t help getting this feeling that I was at a private party somewhere, and it kind of was – me and my neighbors. I don’t want to get to hokey about this but don’t think I ever really had such a sense of community as I did at this event. Glad to call Palmdale home.
T-Bone says
I wonder how many people were Robbed, Beat, and Raped during this event? Keep Celebrating the last 50 years in Palmdale! They have all been so Great!
S. Parker says
Is that Ron Smith in the left bottom of the main photo? How nice of him to join the celebration! It would have been even better if Mayor Parris had put in an appearance. That could have gone a long way in mending Lancaster and Palmdale relations.
Letlow says
This was an extremely well put together event! From the music to the vendors to the presentations and tributes, it was A+++ all the way!! And the atmosphere warmed my cold heart. I found myself grinning and waving at total strangers and trading stories with people I had only just met. This was the perfect ending to my very stressful work week. I’m so happy I decided to attend!! I will definitely be getting out to more Palmdale events in the future.
William says
Thanks for your comment. I felt the same way at the even held when Mayor Ledford was in the hospital. People were just great being together.
I wanted to go to the celebration but I hurt my back and couldn’t attend.
Dr. Miguel A. Coronado says
Happy Birthday Palmdale!
I had a wonderful time at the Palmdale 50th Anniversary celebration. My highlight was meeting the 400-meter Olympic Medallist, Lashinda Demus. I must admit, the party was not the same with out Mayor Jim Ledford.
Congratulations Palmdale!!!
Dr. Miguel A. Coronado, Ed.D.
Educator/Community Activists
Dr. Miguel A. Coronado says
Dr. Miguel A. Coronado, Ed.D.
Educator/Community Activist