PALMDALE – The City of Palmdale is asking residents to submit their photos for the “Parks and Recreation Photo Contest” in celebration of July being “National Parks and Recreation” month.
“In celebration of ‘National Parks and Recreation Month,’ we’d like to see how Palmdale parks make life better for you and your family,” said Parks and Recreation Manager Keri Brady. “We’re asking residents to send in their photos that visually show them, their families and friends enjoying our parks. We’ll select a winning photo and feature it on the cover of an upcoming Palmdale: News, Activities & Entertainment magazine.”
The contest categories are:
- Play—Safe, outdoor space;
- Nature—Beauty and serenity;
- Exercise—Healthy movement;
- Positive Spaces—Free-time fun;
- Gathering Places—Socializing and learning; and
- Forever—Valued today and forever.
Submit your photo, minimum 2240×1680 (4 mega pixels), in one of the categories listed above by email to: parksrec@cityofpalmdale.org no later than August 31 at 6 pm.
For more information, including rules and regulations regarding submitted photos, visit www.cityofpalmdale.org or call 267-5611.