PALMDALE – Do you recognize the men in these photos? If so, then Palmdale detectives would like to hear from you. The men robbed a convenience store at gunpoint just before noon on Thursday, authorities said.
The following is the press report from the Palmdale Station:
Palmdale Detectives are seeking the public’s help in identifying two robbery suspects that held up a convenience store Thursday afternoon.
The two suspects entered the convenience store near the 400 Block of East Palmdale Boulevard Thursday, just before noon, and began selecting items in the store.
The two placed their items on the counter, and while the clerk began ringing up the items, one suspect removed a black revolver from his pocket and ordered the clerk onto the ground.
While the suspect continued to point the firearm at the clerk, the other suspect rounded the counter and began removing the cash from the register drawer.
After emptying the cash register, the two ran out of the store, through the front door and into the surrounding neighborhood.
Both suspects are described as 18 to 20-yea- old black Males. both suspects are approximately 5’08” to 5’10” and weigh 160 to 180 pounds.
Anyone recognizing the suspects in these photos is asked to contact Detective Bartlett at 661-272-2446.
Individuals can also provide information anonymously through “Crime Stoppers” by dialing 800-222-TIPS (8477), texting the letters TIPLA plus your tip to CRIMES (274637), or using the website http://lacrimestoppers.org.
UPDATED 6/29/12 at 3 p.m.: One of the suspects in this armed robbery has been identified as Larry Kirkwood, 20. View the updated story here.
Linda says
Well I just read Who got Arrested on Sat and Sun.in this paper. I think I counted 3 whites? The rest? Hispanic and black. What does THAT tell ya?
LANDO says
What??? A BLACK male???? I am soooooo surprised!!!!
Linda says
I am shocked too? Probably a homie that moved into section 8 housing to be next to family in the wonderful prison that was built and brought with it all the crips and bloods from down below.
Concered says
“Oh momma! It’s another black man!”
LOL says
This comment was so funny I had to repost here from KTLA website:
Not my son. Lordddddddddddd no. My son is a good son. He be going to collage this summer at ITT Tech. He sangs in the chuir at church on Sundays. He has a child. He asked da welfare peoples for helps but thays said they can’t cause he was ressted smokin that stuff in school. All he trys to do is helps his babys momma cause of that stuff she smokes. Da Polese always stoppin him when thays see him on the streets cause hes black. If bomma gives us a little more money we could do a little betta. I thought he was gonna heps us get betta?
J. Ripper says
But it’s farcical, given that the same user ID has posted properly written, intelligent and intelligible comments on other KTLA stories. Whether you find it funny or racist is your individual opinion, but either way, it’s farce.
Linda says
The Ugly Truth says
I think when it comes to these ghetto transplanted people, you just have to unleash the full force of the police state and be as heavy handed as you can be! unfortunately for the rest of us, It seems like its the only thing that they understand and respect. That means having police checkpoints everywhere, cracking down like gangbusters on Section 8 abuse and having undercover cops in as many places as you can. When Lancaster and Palmdale could take their Section 8 vouchers away, they seemed to want to behave a lot better and we didnt have this blatant In Your Face crime that were dealing with now.
sacryinshame says
Undercover cops everywhere…I love the sound of that. Cops on bikes, cruising parking lots and neighborhoods. Cops, out for a jog early in the morning through crime infested neighborhoods. Partners just a radio call away. I think those are great ideas. I have shared them numerous times but unless the City Mgr or the Public Safety genius comes up with it, no one seems interested.Just like the solar and the windmill suggestions. lol
FUNNY says
i want them to come to my business and try to rob me after i shoot them dead then Jesse Jackson will have hid dumb ass up in the av telling what a great kid he was now a white man shot him dead and how i should have just talked to the nice guy and sent him on his way , BANG BANG
dibo says
i have my own buissnes,and i feel like you to a degree.i would put bullet hole althrough guy that tries to take my hard earnings!!i feel that i can’t get that lucky!! the only big diffrence between me and you is, I DON’T PLACE A COLOR ON AN INDIVIDUAL THAT COMMITS THE CRIME ! 1 thing is for sure,2 is for certain and that is, crime and criminals dose not possess color !!!!!!!!!!
dibo says
on the guns, and the box of bullets that we buy doesn’t say,this is the BLACK man gun,WHITE man gun ect… it just have the make model,and serial number.maybe other little small in and outs,but nothing about what human, or race it should be used on … now when they start making those kind i will buy accordingly,but until then…
FUNNY says
Dear dibo, your a Dildo #1 i go by the color in the pictures on the tape at the top of this page #2 your also a jack ass #3 HAVE A GOOD DAY
dibo says
now thats Funny LOL !!!! keep up the good work!
Linda says
Well,I have black friends but they live in areas that are not gang infested.One is a doctor,another a retired fire capt.,a blacksmith and another works for USPS. Up here we have the black bangers and illegals that commit 99% of the crime here. I am sick of them getting a slap on the wrist then released to commit mote crimes. I was the victim of a home invasion when I lived in North Glendale. It was 3 illegals. Two were eventually caught,spent less than a year and deported. LOL, I know they crossed back to the US. I now sleep with my 38 Colt and am not afraid to use it.
dibo says
you said that you have black friends,but you laugh at the jun 29 comment, where black folks was begin mocked!!I mean how is that? and what if those black people that you call friends, wasn’t in those high career position, would you have still befriend them? see you have good people that live in those neighbour-hoods that your speaking about,and just because you live there doesn’t mean that you have to be like that!i’m not calling you a racist,nor a person that stereotype,but you go back and read what you wrote on this page,and tell me how you sound!!
call it as i see it says
I hate this town. the biggest mistake i made in my life, was moving here.
too much crime, hatred and racism. Not a happy town, to many thugs. And I am not racist, from LBC. Queen Mary rocks. Diversity out there is more friendly. Angry out here. on my way home, but not soon enough.
dibo says
i’m from the south,so i was born,raise and baptize by racism,but i never became a racist person, some how it didn’t get a hold of me..now from the [removed] that i’ve seen, and been through i very well could be, but it makes no sense. see most people out here was taught racism by there mom,and dad, they have never been through,or seen any thing to make them as evil as they are!! and when you think about it,it is very scary !! i have been out here for two years now, and i never knew that racism was here as bad as it is…i know that it is ever where,because i’m not dumb found,or nieve to it.i just didn’t think that it was to the level that it is,until i found this site OMG !!!!! i think god for my southern roots,because it taught me how to handle these son of a guns !!
Born&Raised says
Are you talking out of your ass now? I was born in Palmdale and grew up in Lancaster. I lived in Lancaster before it was officially a city. I am 55 years old and never had a “racist” (if you want to call it that???) bone in my body until about six years ago. Thats when I watched my neighborhood on the eastside turn from a middle class neighborhood of working people into the slum it has become due mainly to Section 8 housing.
I was raised in a Christian home and we were taught to love everyone and that we were all the children of God. As I said, I never was “racist” and never had a reason to be until about six years ago. My parents were not racists and I come from a mixed Hispanic/Anglo marriage. My neighborhood is actually starting to get nice again as many young, working families are moving in with their kids, but they keep their houses nice. I was considering moving to the West Side about two years ago but I may stick around now if this trend stays positive…..
Most people who grew up in the Antelope Valley like I did were not “racists” either until very recently. You have to admit that we didn’t exactly get the Cream of the Crop when it comes to who has been moving here from LA recently. Luckily, we’re still close enough to LA that we will also get the clean, hardworking people who just want a yard and a piece of the suburban dream too! My sister’s area on the Westside of Lancaster has seen quite a few families from Santa Clarita move up to take advantage of the square footage and more affordable homes.
All I can say is that I am very, very, very glad I dont live in Victorville. I have friends who live over there who are doing everything they can to get out of there and get over here to the AV. Amazing, isn’t it? There is actually a place more crime-ridden and more dangerous than the AV ever thought of being! I have been told by my friends that the crime rate in Victorville is horrible and that it is basically lawless over there right now and whole entire new housing tracts are full of nothing but Section 8 rental properties. Gunshots every night, several times a night! Just an awful place!
dibo says
you say that you wasn’t racist until six years ago..so now that you are racist does it make you richer? so now that you are racist does that stop section 8? now that you are racist does that make you better man than before? i need to know these things so that i can change my way of life!i mean if it’s going to make everything better as far as giving me food, colthing, and shelter,or pay my bills,or maybe even get me closer to God i’ll make that change!!!
Palmdale_Steve says
I think they were just running late for the “Crime Prevention and Intervention Conference” and wanted some cab fare.
Quigley says
Really? It used to be the dark of the night that kept me home, locked in, and safe…noon? I have no desire to go anywhere in this town anymore. Everyday we read which business has been hit by the thugs running amuck in our town. Now I understand why sooo many families are gettin out of dodge!