PALMDALE – The spotlight on the AV Idol stage will be even bigger than usual this year as one of the nine winners will also be selected to sing the National Anthem at the 2012 AMGEN Tour of California Palmdale stage start on May 18 at Marie Kerr Park.
The Amgen Tour of California, an eight-day cycling race that features elite professional teams and professional and Olympic athletes from around the world, is the largest cycling event in North America. It will air on the NBC Sports Channel and be watched by millions around the world.
AV Idol, now in its second year, is a singing contest that showcases local talent of all ages, and will take place at Antelope Valley Mall on four consecutive Wednesday evenings at 6 p.m., beginning April 18 and concluding May 9.
Singers will compete against others in their respective age groups: kids (5-12), teens (13-19) and adults (20 and up). Each performance evening will narrow the field of candidates until the final round, where the remaining three from each age group will be ranked in 1st, 2nd and 3rd place.
Prizes will be awarded to the top three winners in each age category, which will be announced on the final AV Idol night, Wednesday, May 9. This year, in addition to the prizes, one vocalist will be selected for the honor of singing the National Anthem before the start of Stage 6 of the Amgen Tour of California in Palmdale. The chosen singer will be announced on Palmdale’s Twitter, Facebook and official Web site, www.cityofpalmdale.org.
“This is certainly a perfect venue to help us select the person who will represent the entire Antelope Valley as the world has its eyes on Palmdale for the start of the race,” said Palmdale Mayor Jim Ledford. “I know there’s a lot of talent out there and I’m encouraging all our singers to sign up for AV Idol, have some fun, and compete for the opportunity to sing on national television.”
To register for AV Idol, participants must submit audition forms no later than April 25. Forms may be picked up at Antelope Valley Mall Guest Services. Participation is free. Participants under the age of 18 must have a signature from a parent or guardian. For questions about AV Idol, contact Caitlin Ward at c.ward@chapmanpublicrelations.com.
Since the inaugural race in 2006, the Amgen Tour of California has consistently drawn the world’s best cycling talent while growing to become one of the most important races on the international calendar. In 2012, the race will play an even more significant role as it will be where top competitors test themselves in preparation for the Tour de France and the 2012 Summer Olympic Games taking place in London this summer.
As previously announced by race presenters AEG, the 2012 Amgen Tour of California will start in Santa Rosa on May 13 and travel more than 750 miles throughout some of California’s most majestic and iconic highways, roadways and coastlines before the final stage on May 20 when the race will start in Beverly Hills on Rodeo Drive and finish at L.A. LIVE in downtown Los Angeles.
Stage 6 of the race, scheduled for Friday, May 18 at 8:30 a.m., will begin at Marie Kerr Park in Palmdale and continue on a grueling stretch through the mountains all the way to Big Bear Lake.
For more information about the teams competing in the 2012 Amgen Tour of California, visit the official race website, www.AmgenTourofCalifornia.com.
For information about the Palmdale Stage Start of the Amgen Tour of California, visit www.cityofpalmdale.org/ATOC.
(Information via press release from the City of Palmdale.)
Jeany Bandy says
I would love to participate in the event but I have a previous engagement I cannot get out of. I would not be able to be at the April 18th auditions. Would I still be able to come on April 25th for that audition?
Thank you for your consideration,
Jeany Bandy
Mark Vincent Advantage DJ says
It was wonderful having been involved as the 1st AV Idol mix engineer and sound system provider. Thank You to Chapman Communications and the AV Mall for the great opportunity. Thanks to all the contestants that had nice things to say about the sound. I wish all the contestants good luck this year.