LOS ANGELES– As The AV Times reported last month, grandmother of six and local pastor, Rev. Dr. Gale Smith, jumped out of her car and ran to help a female deputy who was in the struggle of her life with a carjacking suspect on the side of the road. (Read more here.)
Tuesday, Smith along with the three other men who came to the deputy’s aid – Gilbert Ibarra, Tyson Beers, and Mario Barrera – were recognized for their kindness and bravery during a special presentation by Los Angeles County Supervisor Michael Antonovich.
“Their quick action was able to come to the aid so that Deputy Boissier was able to retain her weapon, the suspect was able to be arrested, and we avoided any type of deadly occurrence on that day,” said Supervisor Michael Antonovich. “We want to recognize these four good Samaritans and also the deputy for her professionalism that helped with the arrest of this individual who was a danger to our community.”
Lancaster Station Captain Bob Jonsen also praised the quick actions of the four residents.
“I’m extremely honored to be here today and to thank each of these residents of Lancaster for coming to one of our own’s aid when she so dearly needed it,” Jonsen said. “Thank you… we really appreciate everything you do, and I look forward to each of you being a volunteer for Lancaster Sheriff’s Station in the near future.”
The four good Samaritans, along with Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Deputy Kimberly Boissier were each awarded commendation certificates from Antonovich on behalf of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors.
Abdul Majeed Askia says
Good samiritans don’t ask the person or people they are reaching out to help or save ‘what is you religion,where do you live or where do you come
from’. Good samiritans respond out of good will. In fact Jesus compared
the samiritans actions with the religious folk whom had actually passed
up a fallen victim. The relgious cleregy made all types of excuses as to
why they shouldn’t help the man. After all he wasn’t one of their clan
class or religious standing. Look at him, he is down on his luck,dusty,dirty and without, what a ashame in the land of plenty:No job
no housing,no friends and no place to go ! The attitude is,-I got mine
and its up to him/her to get their own in this land of plenty. Thats
not what Jesus thought. The good samiritan professed no religion and he
was singled out by Jesus as being among the best of examples to emulate!
Read your bible ! We invite you to the round table discussion April
28th at 348 east k-8 suite 8 from 1:pm to 6:pm. Contact pastor Gerry
Mitchel 661-212-5464 and/or Abdul Majeed Askia at 323-945-9589 email
abdulaskia@yahoo.com.Round table discussion Naacp,student,pastor,activist,
public speaker,business developer,doctor,and others.Everyone is welcome!
This is about people helping people.Community development and addressing
prison recidivism! Providing answers beyond jails and swat!Lwa enforcement
and Jails will be with us in decades to come but prisons and jails are
swelling at an alarming rate! Come here the solutions.The more knowledge
one has the better off you are. Do you want to get out and stay out of
the loop? Do you want to help a family member or friend ? Do you want to
serve your community ?
Abdul Majeed Askia says
Good samiritans don’t ask the person or people they are reaching out to help or save ‘what is you religion,where do you live or where do you come
from’. Good samiritans respond out of good will. In fact Jesus compared
the samiritans actions with the religious folk whom had actually passed
up a fallen victim. The relgious cleregy made all types of excuses as to
why they shouldn’t help the man. After all he wasn’t one of their clan
class or religious standing. Look at him, he is down on his luck,dusty,dirty and without, what a ashame in the land of plenty:No job
no housing,no friends and no place to go ! The attitude is,-I got mine
and its up to him/her to get their own in this land of plenty. Thats
not what Jesus thought. The good samiritan professed no religion and he
was singled out by Jesus as being among the best of examples to emulate!
Read your bible ! We invite you to the round table discussion April
28th at 348 east k-8 suite 8 from 1:pm to 6:pm. Contact pastor Gerry
Mitchel 661-212-5464 and/or Abdul Majeed Askia at 323-945-9589 email
abdulaskia@yahoo.com.Round table discussion Naacp,student,pastor,activist,
public speaker,business developer,doctor,and others.Everyone is welcome!
This is about people helping people.Community development and addressing
prison recidivism! Providing answers beyond jails and swat!Lwa enforcement
and Jails will be with us in decades to come but prisons and jails are
swelling at an alarming rate! Come here the solutions.The more knowledge
one has the better off you are. Do you want to get out and stay out of
the loop? Do you want to help a family member or friend ? Do you want to
serve your community ? Come to the round table:Abdulaskia@yahoo.com
Daniel Farias says
Good job Mario along with the other samaritans nice to know that there are still good people that not only speak but react to dire situations. Yeah I heard about this all the way down in th RGV, Texas. Your cousing Dan.
teshi says
This is a great story!! These people jumped into action and did the right thing, without thinking about themselves!!
*Tyson Beers, was my Lawyer, and a great one too!! Way 2 go Tyson!! It is nice to see that I had a good guy helping me!!
Jo says
Way to go folks. Nice to see people step up when someone is in danger.