PALMDALE – Palmdale Chamber of Commerce Chief Executive Officer Stacia Nemeth will resign from her position when her contract expires on April 4, 2012 due to family obligations.
“I have truly enjoyed the time I have spent leading the chamber and the wonderful business people I have met over the past two years. I know the Palmdale Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors and Ambassadors will continue to encourage and support our members with quality programs,” Nemeth said.
“My mother will be coming to live with us and I have chosen to dedicate my time to her. I am looking forward to this change, although I will certainly miss the constant activity of the Chamber.”
Nemeth was selected by the Executive Board as Interim CEO of the Palmdale Chamber of Commerce in December, 2009. She served in that position until April, 2011 when the Board of Directors appointed her as Chief Executive Officer. During this time, the Chamber celebrated its 70th anniversary with a complete redesign of its logo, website, and publications. The Chamber office procedures were modernized to incorporate new technology.
“Stacia’s hard work and dedication to the Palmdale Chamber will be truly missed. She has built tremendous relationships, not only with local business owners and the City of Palmdale but also with those she has worked side by side daily over the last two years within the Chamber and I am sure many of us will look to her for advice while we complete our search for the new Palmdale Chamber of Commerce CEO,” said Chair-Elect and Personnel Committee Chairman Randy Keller.
The Palmdale Chamber Personnel Committee will begin the search for Nemeth’s replacement in the coming weeks. “I plan to work with the Personnel Committee to provide a smooth transition to the new Chief Executive,” Nemeth said.
(Information via press release from the Palmdale Chamber of Commerce.)