We want to hear from you!
The Viewpoint page is open for opinions on topics and issues that affect the Antelope Valley community. To submit your viewpoint, simply send a letter to viewpoints@theavtimes.com.
Here are some useful tips on how to write an effective Viewpoint and increase your chances of being published.
1. Be timely. If you are responding to a recent news story on theavtimes.com, an event in the Antelope Valley, or any other current issue, make sure that you write as soon as possible. This will make your Viewpoint all the more interesting to readers who are talking about the issue right now.
2. Be relevant. Is your letter a response to an article you have read? Letters to the editor generally have a better chance of being published if they are in response to an article you have seen in a specific publication.
3. Get to the point. Your Viewpoint should be concise and to the point. Aim for no more that 250 words. Your Viewpoint may also be edited for clarity, so make sure that every sentence makes the point you want to make.
4. Send it from one person. Even though you may belong to a group or your Viewpoint may be endorsed by more that one person, the letter should still be from a single person.
5. Include your name and contact information. To encourage constructive community dialogue, Viewpoint authors must use their real names, first and last. Viewpoints that do not comply with this policy will not be published. You must also include phone number, and email address so that we may contact you, should we need to clarify the contents of your letter.
We hope to hear your Viewpoints very soon!
Miffed American says
Does anybody know who runs this site? Is it community leaders,wanna be community leaders or… Just wondering if anybody has any thoughts.
Matt says
The Viewpoint page is open for opinions on topics and issues that affect Antelope Valley’s minority community.
Sort of disingenuous, wouldn’t you say?
There is no single “minority” in the Antelope Valley because there is no majority, it’s a plurality. There is also no single minority in Los Angeles County or the State of California, but pluralities on those levels as well. In fact, the Antelope Valley demographic – taken as a whole – is probably one of the most pluralistic places in all of Southern California with the exception of Palmdale. According to the latest U.S. Census figures, the city of Palmdale is actually majority Hispanic Origin (close to 60%).
Again, the term “minority” is highly disingenuous. What about someone who is Anglo and pagan? What if someone is white, but a Buddhist? They are technically a “minority” and so is anyone of the Jewish or Mormon faith or members of the Green Party. What about someone who is white but is also a member of a Native American tribe? What about Persians and Armenians? They are Caucasians but they have their own distinct cultures…
You need to be more specific with regard to your guidelines. If this newspaper and commentary forum are reserved strictly for black, Asian and Hispanic Origin people, then please cut to the chase and say so!
M. Dilworth says
Hi Matt,
Thank you for visiting http://www.theavtimes.com and caring enough to take the time to leave a comment. This news website and commentary forum is NOT strictly for black, Asian and Hispanic origins. That is specifically why we use the term ‘minority’ without identifying any particular race or ethnic origin. By literal definition, minority refers to a racial, religious, political, national, or other group thought to be different from the larger group of which it is part. By this definition, minority applies to all the combinations you mentioned. We seek to cover issues that impact the minority community whose voices are not typically heard in the Antelope Valley.
Matt says
Good to know! Thanks. Nice site, btw.
James Stouvenel says
Thank you for your news and information for the AV, I enjoy reading your articles and I hope you become a daily online paper, I wish you much success in the future.
Patricia K. Shaw says
On Tuesday, September 13th, the League of Women Voters Antelope Valley will host a “Meet the Candidate” reception at the Chimbole Cultural Center in Palmdale. This event is scheduled from 5 to 7 p.m. and admission is free to the public.
The purpose of this event is to allow voters a chance to meet and talk with candidates running for Palmdale Mayor, Palmdale City Council, Westside Union School District, Palmdale School District, Palmdale Water Board, Antelope Valley Union High School District, and the Antelope Valley College.
LWVAV does not endorse or promote any particular candidate or party – every candidate in these races has been invited.
We are also working on sheduling debates for each of these races, except for the Palmdale City Council since the incumbents are running unopposed, and will publish the details as soon as they become final.
For more information on the League of Women Voters Antelope Valley please visit our website at lwvav.org.